Where were you at age 33?
Where do you think a guy is emotionally at the age of 33? I realize everyone is different but if you have a general opinion let me know. Guys, how much had/have you changed at 33? Gals, have you had experience dating guys at this age and what is your idea about how they’ve changed when it comes to relationships and what a guy wants out of life? I’m interested in a guy this age, I am 28. I have either dated guys my age or a bit older and I find the older a guy is the more relaxed and open to a relationship he becomes.
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24 Answers
Don’t know. That won’t happen for another year.
Shit, I’m 27 and my boyfriend is 24. We’re happy. It’s about the person and the relationship. Not age. geez
At 33 I might not have had most of the answers to my life, but at least I knew what direction I wanted to go. I was much different in my 30s than my 20s.
As you mentioned, everyone is different, but I would think a guy who is 33 should know if he’s in a relationship if it’s serious or not.
When I was 33, I was directing traffic on a snow covered hill slowing down vehicles for the accidents pile up at the bottom. Tractor trailer hit my police car and totaled it out. I was sitting inside warming up and he came from nowhere.
I will always remember my age 33. My emotions were present in my pants. You guessed it.
Thanks for asking.
Stellar cluster 122 Gamma Omikron in the Andromeda Galaxy, on a military mission of extermination against the spider race of Arachnia.
Why do you think age has so much to do with it? You have to know that everyone is an individual and there are no useful trends for 33 year olds.
What do you really want to know? A relationships with your age gap can certainly work. It is not all that big, and many people have had successful relationships with such an age gap.
Do you have cold feet of some kind? Fears? Are you seeing something that you can’t articulate about him that gives you concerns? Are his concerns too different from yours? Do you think he is too emotionally immature?
Those are calls you have to make on your own. We don’t know enough to tell you anything useful.
At 33, I was a year away from getting married. I was really looking forward to it. I was living with my fiance and I had a good enough job. I was having fun dancing and seeing plays and movies and what not. I had a few friends. Nothing very exciting.
I have a good idea why you are asking this question. First of all it’s a good sign. When I was 28 that was the time I started realizing what’s really important in life. And that is asking the RIGHT questions, not just meaningless wonderings. It’s the beginning of wisdom. This is one of those pivotal awakenings when you discover from within yourself the truth that you are On Your Own and no one would look after you except yourself.
The trick would be to take care of yourself but do it with class and manly composure. Other guys fret if not totally panic, heading out in so many directions that lead to nowhere.
At 33, you should be more focused, more intelligent emotionally. You will know your limitations and capitalize on your strengths. You will know which people really love you and whether you deserve their love or not. On the other hand you would be clearer on whom you should love and whom doesn’t deserve it. And chances are, you will make necessary adjustments.
But never ever make the mistake that you think you know EVERYTHING. There is no set age for that. Even 40 year olds stumble. This is what smart and aggresive guys between 20–30 tend to think. That they know and could handle anything. Until of course reality hits and you end up learning a lesson or two in life the hard way. But at 33, you are in your prime, midway between being a young gun and a cool, careful and pro shootist. Enjoy it.
I agree w/ you mazingerz88. I am starting to question what is important in life. I’ve spent most of my 20’s as a bit of a commitment phobe. I’ve broken up w/ almost everyone I’ve dated when it gets too serious. But now I feel more open to the idea of something more serious and the idea of getting married. However, this guy was married before, for seven years. The wife had affairs twice so of course he’s beaten down. We dated last year and he’d say little things that made me think he’d want to give love another chance. He has a daughter and mentioned to me once that he’d like to have a little boy someday. He made me feel pretty and special and we spent a lot of time together. His daughter was to the point of calling me mom and so affectionate. He seemed to be really comfortable with that. Yet at times I could tell he was cautious and somewhat bitter. Sot it was a contradiction to me. I ending up breaking it off. This time not cause I was scared of commitment but I felt that he was. So yes, I know every guy is different but I feel if a guy’s been through that much it would affect his maturity level.
When I was 33 I was married to the same woman I am now and making a living as a software engineer (as I still am today. Albeit at a different company). Towards the end of my 33 year my wife became pregnant with our first child.
When I was 33 in the year 2019, I was quite the happy man. I liked to played games on my iPhone 9S during the day and then I would feel alive after taking a virtual sky dive in my Virtua 20X machine. Nothing got me feeling down.
I was marveling at my new Pentium processor and playing Doom all day long. Since then my level of maturity has regressed as knowing how short life really is I am acting like a spoiled child and misbehaving every chance I get.
@erichw1504 Heh, right on. I’ll be 33 in 2021. I foresee a future filled with shiny new apple products that are obsolete as soon as you buy them, and still no hovercars, damn it.
As you stated, the number doesn’t really flesh out the answer.
I think you stated the right perspective is “where are they in their life”
It will depend on where this person is in their life when it comes to career goals, etc.
Are they still climbing the ladder or happy where they are? Have they sewn their wild oats?
Are they still pursuing a degree or advanced degree? What are their goals?
There is also the school of thought that as men age, their level of testosterone diminishes and thus more relaxed.
Then again, there are studies that show increase in testosterone levels from simply handling a gun. Who knows
For me at 33, single, working on my career and educational advancement, running like the wind. Very productive and tons of travel for work and pleasure.
Yet to get there. But i wish i would have fulfilled atleast this one thing i am working on really hard. keeping my fingers crossed.
When I was 33, I was a mess; still a timid, immature little mouse, and terrified somehow that my parental unit was still lurking behind every corner as in childhood, just waiting to pull her fundy version of a Chris Hansen from To Catch A Predator on me: “Hi. Is that an alcoholic drink?/Are you talking to a man?/Going to a rock concert and not church? I’d like to have a chat with you…”
Wasn’t satisfied with my work, but afraid that if I wasn’t in some sort of subservient job, then I was “showing off”, and who did I think I was to want more than what I had in life and to do things I enjoyed doing? My entire waking existence was a morass of guilt and fear of “punishment” and lack of self-worth.
33 was a long time ago, thanks to therapy. And, you know, time.
But the chronological number itself doesn’t mean much. I know guys who, in college, got married early and are still happily married, and 50-year-olds who live like it’s still “Singles Bar 70s”. The important thing is to find the man who’s on the same page as you in terms of values (and that his behaviour matches, because people talk a good game sometimes), and then it doesn’t matter how old he is.
I’m female and at 33 I was living with a guy 10 years younger. I’ve dated men under 30 and one over 40 but no one in between until recently. In my opinion, guys in their 30’s act like guys in their 20’s.
”In the future!”
I should also mention that I will be in space at that point.
I was celebrating my first anniversary with my 25 year old husband, and that was 35 years ago. He turned 60 this year, it’s hard to believe.
At 33, I was married for 7 years, had two children under the age of 3, owned a house, a dog, two cats, worked at an advertising agency and loved my job.
Was finished with grad school doing post graduate training and nearly done with that. Owned a house and was married.
I’m going to make assumptions here: Most likely still living with my parents since I had to file for bankruptcy, and hopefully with both of my children instead of one. Maybe I’ll actually also be doing what I want job wise. Probably single and most likely I won’t care.
Working 60–70 hours a week.
I look at old hour stubs, and I am shocked I kept that up for so long (about 15 years)
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