How would you interpret this dream?
The alarm went off and I hit the snooze button… I drifted back to sleep and dreamt of a conversation between myself and my husbands’ son, who passed away at a young age, two years before I ever met my husband.
He told me that he had some things that were still in the shed and the garage, his fishing pole and an orange tackle box, a hunting knife that needed to be sharpened, camping stuff, not his sleeping bag, that’s gone, but there’s pots & pans that he had from scouts. He wanted me to give them to our grandson (would be his nephew) when he’s old enough… and then I woke up
it was as vivid and detailed of a dream as I think I’ve ever had.
what do you make of it?
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25 Answers
I would out of curiosity check out the garage.
I think it’s lovely—and I’m assuming that perhaps you’ve thought about any camping/fishing gear that the boy might have had. I’m on record here regarding my own thoughts about dreams—they are nothing more than the manifestation of thoughts, impressions, tactile sensations, etc.—while your brain is resting. My guess (and I have nothing more than a guess) is that this thought has occurred to you during consciousness, but you’ve ignored it—it’s coming to the fore again. The fact that you remember the dream and the many details therein will likely make this a point of action now.
I would also visit the garage.
@erichw1504… um, 99.999% sure that is not the case… for various and scientific reasons
Here are a few interpretations from a site I go to for dreams. I dream vividly and often and I’ve found most of the meanings behind them to be true.
To dream about the death of a loved one, suggests that you are lacking a certain aspect or quality that the loved one embodies. Ask yourself what makes this person special or what you like about them. It is that very quality that you are lacking in your own relationship or circumstances.
*I know you didn’t dream about the son’s actual death but this could still have a factor in the dream. I’ve read that colors are important in dreams. You mention orange, here is the meaning I found for that:
Orange denotes hope, friendliness, courtesy, generosity, liveliness, sociability, and an out-going nature. It also represents a stimulation of the senses. You feel alive! You may want to expand your horizons and look into new interests.
Of my own opinion, maybe giving the son’s possessions to the living suggests an act of healing for your husband and letting go. You always want to consider the main feeling of a dream and ask if that really is how you feel about the situation in real life. I think this is a positive dream so feel happy about it : )
You feel regret at never having met your husband’s son because you love your husband and this is a part of him that you cannot share. You have dreamed that the fishing pole and the stuff from the Scouts, which are symbols of the son, are given to the nephew as you both know him and can share in his growing up. And so you hope that the nephew will take the place of the missing son in your lives.
It means you’re not getting enough sleep. You should be able to wake up at the right time after sleeping without an alarm clock, and certainly without resorting to the snooze alarm.
It’s your life, and we don’t know anything about it, so how can we give you an answer?
How silly of me to ‘ask the collective’ of something such as a dream!
(if the sarcasm has been sufficiently conveyed, then my job is done)
Since I’m not knowledgeable of the symbolism of dreams, I thought MAYBE just MAYBE tapping the collective of flutherites would be a good idea for someone who is A) familiar with the symbolism in dreams or B) has a better understanding of ‘what dreams are’ than I do… and since I think I’ve gotten some really good answers worth pondering, your question is moot
have a wonderful day
sounds like an episode of Twin Peaks. I loved that show.
Right on Christine215. I think the snarky answers given here are pretty lame. Sorry people can’t be nicer sometimes jeez! Lame-O. Don’t listen to them. Dreams are meaningful, period.
@christine215 @fastfox528
Oh, I apologize, allow me to rephrase:
This dream means you’re going to find something in the garage that has been hidden, with the purpose of being found at a later date. This item will be either money, or a secret file on the past three presidents, exposing a conspiracy that is a major threat to national security. It’s up to you to decide what to do with this information, this dream also signifies your struggle to make the “right” decision with the money and/or secret files.
It’s up to you, we’re all are counting on you.
@Blackberry The more I think about your ‘non-answer’ the more I realize what a really douche-bag thing to say that is… HERE on fluther. What are we members of this site for?
How many people here know anything about anyone else’s lives but we ask life questions of one another all the time. Why are you a member of this site? and why bother to give a non-answer?
Easy guys. I think flutherother may be on to something. You wish you could have been part of his life as well as hubbys?
@christine215 Ok, I’m serious now. I’m sorry for derailing your thread. Cya.
sounds like you are reaching out to touch some of the very things that were tangible items in his life. To make some kind of a connection with him that you can help pass through you to his nephew.
Savour the image of the dream. Drift off to sleep thinking of that dream and it will return to help you find out more.
I’m tempted to think that your brain is reminding you those things are out there (if they are out there) and giving you an idea about something useful to do with them that would honor the boy’s memory. Dreams sometimes do present answers to problems we’ve been working on.
It could also be about remembering old things and putting them to work in new areas. In terms of your own psyche it could be about reviving some old talent and using it to augment something new that you are doing. It might be suggesting that you spend more time outdoors. This could perhaps be related to some new plan you are working on.
There are a wide range of possible meanings. The true meaning is the one you make. What does this dream remind you of? What are your feelings about the characters in the dream? How do you feel about scouting or the outdoor life? What are you working on that might be an out with the old and in with the new situation?
You haven’t mentioned whether these things are really in the garage or not. I am dying to know! If they are, did you know that they were there before you had the dream? If not, I would be asking my husband and other family members if they remember these items, and where they might be.
I’ve been at work, mulling over the dream and its meaning. I hadn’t the time this morning to look in the shed and the garage (sorry)
even if they’re there, it is very possible I’ve seen them there in the last ten years and either was told or just instinctively knew that they were his.
Well, I think that’s exciting. I am cynical about a lot of things, but not about messages from beyond the grave. I have experienced them myself.
As far as the meaning, I would say that your step-son wants you to take care of his stuff and pass it on to his nephew. :)
It means that you count your stepson as part of the family, and want him to be remembered by the family, even though he is not physically here.
Coincidence? Everything that he mentioned in the dream was either in the shed or the garage. The hunting knife is actually one of those utility knives and that was in the shed with the boy-scout pots and pans. My husband got a little weepy when I told him about the dream and again when we went searching for the things… they’re all together in one place now in the crawl-space in the attic… when our grandson is big enough, we’ll pass them along. even if it wasn’t a message from the great beyond and only my subconcious talking to me, it’s a nice thing to preserve happy memories of someone and pass them along to the next generation
Check out the first paragraph of my answer.
That is so great, @christine215 . I got goosebumps when I read that you found the items.
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