If you could hit a reset button back to year 2000 would you and why?
I know it’s just wishful thinking but I just want to discover more on how people really feel about the past decade and whether there are too many regrets or if someone feels such is Life and the show goes on no matter what. Thanks!
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26 Answers
Who wouldn’t want to prevent 9/11?
No, everything happens for a reason.
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Knowing what I know now? Yeah that would be pretty great.
The only plus I could see is that I would know the best stock picks for the coming decade as well as the perfect times to sell short. Other than that I don’t see any compelling reason to repeat a decade.
To be able to time the tech bubble—perfect! How many great IPOs could I get in on?
As far as the zeitgeist is concerned…. what zeitgeist? I wouldn’t go back for that.
I’d go back to make money or be younger and to do whatever good works I could do. Maybe give Al Gore some good advice.
I would like to go back and talk to my younger self and maybe come back and see things turned out.
I’d be a junior in high school, about to embark on a decade of serious adventuring. I suppose I’d do it, but make sure that I did more drugs.
I’d go back and would’ve ended some relationships sooner, and allowed myself to do other things sooner, and fuck anyone who gave me guff. In other words, I’d’ve been an adult and not let certain people have so much power over my life and thinking.
@YoBob I’m with you there. Google, Priceline along with those that rose 2000% in 8 months after falling below a dollar in 2009. Wow!
And oh, Human Genome HGSI which did the Lupus drug, below 2 bucks then got to 32 in a little more or less than a year.
I’d want to have the experiences of the last 11 years, but I would go for being 11 years younger.
If I could go back for a short while knowing that my brother would leave this world the following year, yes I would, in a heartbeat. I wish I could have some time with him.
Only if I could still have my present knowledge of what’s already gone by. I’d go back to 2000, keep the job I got in the city I love most in the world (so far) and then trek out to see if I could talk some sense into my now fiancĂ©e to leave his then cheating wife and come away with me.
Better yet would to be able to go back in time to before he made all his babies.
Nope. I was coming off nasty cancer treatments, felt like crap all the time, and saw a long road ahead of recovery. Wouldn’t want to do that again.
My god, my brother is about to die two months post 9–11 – I don’t want to relive that.
I would go back in time, say Hi to Arnold Schwarzenegger and tell him to produce and star on the script I wrote and want to direct or else I’m gonna say “something” cuz I know what hee diiiiiid, hee, heee….!
I would be the one to catch Osama bin Laden and prevent 9/11 and a bunch of other terrorist attacks by al-Qaeda.
Absolutely – IF I could keep the hindsight wisdom that I have now. 2000 was the start of my biggest life mistakes. I would have chosen a more practical college major, not gotten married to an asshole and spent more time building real friendships.
If I had the power to somehow change the course of the last 11 years, I would. What has happened in the world has been tragic beyond belief. Personally, I do not see the need to go back 11 years; if I could go back two years there are one or two things I might do differently.
That is a hard question. I’d like to be 11 years younger and be back in Arkansas but I was going through so much then with my parents I’d not want to repeat that nightmare.
I’ve spend most of that time with a wonderful partner, and I wouldn’t undo that for anything.
I’d like it, I think. Back then I was really ripped. I didn’t have any of the health issues I have now, except the blown out ankle but I could live with that….easily.
I would.
Oh the “why” ..well, because I missed a lot of opportunities that I feel I should have taken.
But I also wouldn’t.
Why? Because things seem to happen for a reason.
The hell with 9/11, I might be able to stop George Bush from ever becoming president!
I consider 2000 to 2010 the lost decade for me as I had a bad health problem (now resolved but resulted in much suffering). Also I suffered a devastating injury to my leg from which I’m still recovering from. I certainly would not like to repeat all of that. But if I could go back to the year 2000 knowing what I know now, I would avoid my accident and sell my house to buy as much gold as I could. HA!
Maybe. 2000 is the year i made some of the biggest mistakes of my life. Not that I am regretting but it’d be nice to see how things would have turned out otherwise.
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