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mazingerz88's avatar

Would you sell your soul to the Devil and in exchange for what?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29393points) May 20th, 2011

Not everyone believes in the Devil and it’s fantasy the notion that anyone can sell his or her soul and exchange it for anything. But for the sake of delving into one’s psyche simply to discover what deep desire, wish, selfish or unselfish motivation one might have there, would you care to answer?

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46 Answers

everephebe's avatar

Of course there is just working your ass off instead.

blueiiznh's avatar

already sold it for a fluther account.

Sunny2's avatar

No sale. Too much at stake.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I sold my soul years ago for a pink Scripto lighter. Satan is too late.

rebbel's avatar

If i had one i would.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

He probably wouldn’t want it. It’d scare him.

wundayatta's avatar

I’d sell it if it could stop me from ever doing anything immoral.

Blackberry's avatar

I’d sell my soul to become the devil, and scare christians at night. Mwahahah.

Pele's avatar

I like my soul the way it is. I’m also kinda content.

FutureMemory's avatar

$35 and a sixpack.

6rant6's avatar

I think there was an argument about whether “the soul” had weight. If that’s the case then I’d weigh less from selling my soul? You should promote that as a feature.

Nullo's avatar

You could say that I sold my soul to God for eternal life.

@6rant6 The “21 grams” argument. Presumably, a person loses 21 grams of mass when they die.

@wundayatta That’s what your conscience is for.

marinelife's avatar

No, I would not sell my soul for any amount to anyone.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Blackberry How would you want to look like as the Devil? Just the usual boring stereotype horns, tail and red all over look?

Blackberry's avatar

@mazingerz88 I’d look like Pacino in the Devil’s Advocate.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Blackberry Ohh, you just want those ladies in the elevator you Devil!

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Eh, he’s no good, weak and impulsive at times. I’d buy his soul though. Have him do my bidding.

erichw1504's avatar

I sold my soul to buy a Soul.

gm_pansa1's avatar

No, I would not sell my soul to the devil.

dxs's avatar

He has an IOU toward me. I beat him in a fiddle contest down in Georgia.

WasCy's avatar

The question of potential identity theft looms large here.

How do I know he’s The Devil? Not even a birth certificate would placate me.

How does he know it’s my soul that I might sell him?

What’s his website? Is he tax exempt, or would I have to pay sales or use taxes on the value of whatever I traded for? Is he going to give me a 1099 form for the sale of my soul? And where can I google the current value of souls, anyway?

Too many unknowns. I think I’ll just plan to come back to work next week, as usual.

incendiary_dan's avatar

Are their leasing options? Or maybe some sort of mortgage arrangement?

laineybug's avatar

Uhm… no.

blueiiznh's avatar

For GOD sake people, it’s the devil!

I would stuff the apple up his arse, then kick his ass and the snake he rode in on.

Umm, that would be no

KateTheGreat's avatar

For some marshmallows.

Blueroses's avatar

I think I traded mine about 8 years ago because I can’t seem to find it anywhere. Whatever I got in trade obviously wasn’t memorable. I might be in the market for a slightly used soul if someone has an extra?

incendiary_dan's avatar

I bet souls are great hedges against inflation.

fujivelo's avatar

thanks now I hold all of your souls!

everephebe's avatar

@incendiary_dan Actually inflation has driven the value of souls down.

incendiary_dan's avatar

@everephebe Damnit, I knew that those market strategies would just be another bursting bubble!

6rant6's avatar

@KatetheGreat Regular or miniature? (S’mores or cocoa?)

KateTheGreat's avatar

I’ll take the miniature ones. I like to bathe in them.

6rant6's avatar

@KatetheGreat Quiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite the image.

everephebe's avatar

The Devil has a pretty darn good marketing team, so souls are still a decent investment, the value of souls will rise again after WWIII.

mazingerz88's avatar

I will sell the Devil my soul piecemeal, the soul of one of my toes if he stops any human being from predicting the end of the world.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I can’t. I sold my soul to the vacuum salesman 10 years ago.

Vincent_Lloyd's avatar

I wouldn’t sell my soul in the first place specially not to the devil…But…if anything were to happen to my girlfriend I would sell it so that she would be okay, her in perfect health, not in harms way…I just want to see her happy….But without that cause…then I won’t sell it at all! As long as I have her I’ll live.

ddude1116's avatar

I wouldn’t sell it, but I would be willing to rent it out on occasions.

Somewhere in there’s a “sould” pun I’m to lazy to make work. So pretend it’s there and groan, please? Thanks!

Only138's avatar

Maybe for a fulll tank of Gas??? No, seriously, I AM THE DEVIL. ;)

Pandora's avatar

Nope! God was first in line, so its promised to him. The devil was too busy being a first class jerk with wrath, greed, sloth, lust, envy, pride, and gluttony, so I figured he really didn’t want my soul.

Bellatrix's avatar

I will wait until the AU$ drops against the Greenback.

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