What words sound wrong to you?
Asked by
6rant6 (
May 20th, 2011
I was thinking about aspic this morning. Never mind why.
I realized it sounds like an incredibly vulgar gesture, or perhaps a tool used by a proctologist.
Can you think of other words that just sound wrong?
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97 Answers
Check out the Monty Python skit on “Tinny words”. My husband loves to torment me by saying words I feel that way about often. He thinks it is funny.
I third moist it’s the ickiest word there is
Filibuster – I wasn’t aware that Buster was empty
@aprilsimnel I am afraid that link doesn’t work (or i don’t get it).
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@rebbel – Huh, it popped up for me. Weird. So you didn’t see David Cross on a sketch show playing a rock star in a hot tub using that word? I don’t want to give away the whole joke, so that’s all I’ll say.
@aprilsimnel you have some unique issues with your links. Are you using the same internet? :-)
Bus, buss, busted, bussing, buses and busses.
And micturition (I thought it was micturation, because the verb is “to micturate”.)
Sorry but it’s two words together, Carbon Footprint.
Two words together: Math debate.
@pshizzle my friend was on the mass debate team…
Three other words are baboon, bullshark, and ocean. Want explanations?
Well, I have to admit that I agree with aspic. I feel similarly about gentian.
Also, a dog breed, cocker spaniel.
Aciphex (the heartburn drug) C’mon. Not one person said it out loud during the R&D meetings?
Reptile. I have an ish with ”-ile” words in general.
Dongle & Stopcock
Sounds like it should be a vasectomy clinic ;¬}
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@noelleptc Imagine the owners of Bulldog/Shih Tzu crosses… Bullshihtz
Hello oral pleasure ;¬}
Wow. OK, this works. I swear. Just watch to the end. BTW, VERY, VERY NSFW. Forgot that caveat before. And it uses that word @rebbel doesn’t like.
Nosegay just doesn’t work. I’ve always felt bad for the flowers.
I have to agree with @erichw1504 fluther in a normal sentence would sound pretty wrong.
“I just fluthered myself.”
“She just fluthered in her pants.”
“I’m going to fluther you.”
“The flutherer is out of batteries.”
@everephebe I believe “Assassin” was a word coined by Shakespeare. And we all know what a dirty mind he had.
@everphebe I’m not sure the standard should be “She just fluthered in her pants.” Hell, “smurf” would work just as well. And no dry cleaning required.
Cumquat. That’s the word, right?
Exacerbate, penal, angina, ramrod, masticate, titular, seaman, pianist, Uranus, blowhole, crotchety, cockles, etc. :P
“pudding” seems offensive somehow.
kerfuffle as in: That sure was a big kerfuffle over PMS yesterday.
@6rant6 Assassin comes from the Arabic Hashashin . . .
“Put you pudding on the counter.”
Yeah it’s a little dirty.
“She just puddinged her pants,” is too easy.
“Can’t go out. I’m pudding Gloria tonight!”
@DominicX Yep. I giggle like a pre-teen boy any time someone mentions “the penal code” or “spots on Uranus”
Isn’t that what the space monster is about to do to some poor girl and then the Doctor shows up?
Okay, this isn’t one word, but it was the first thing to come to mind. My friend told me this once. Moby Dick was a sperm whale killed by sea men.
When you chew on words long enough, they all sound weird.
I love “ululate”; it derives from a Latin onomatopoetic imitation of a wolf’s howling. :)
Bitch, It’s all you hear during one of those highfalutin dog shows.
I can’t think of any words, but this always seems so wrong to me…And Jesus said, bring me that ass!
@Symbeline I’ve said that.
Never thought of myself as a Bible quoter before.
or even
Hear it way too many times.
I abjectly hate that word.
@downtide spelunking always sounds wrong to me too.
@downtide – Most spelunkers rarely call it spelunking. They call it caving.
Orientate – you can orient me through an orientation but I don’t care how common the usage has become, you are not orientating me unless you are spinning me around to face the East.
@Blueroses – But what if I want to occidentate you?
@HungryGuy then you’d better have occident insurance ;)
@Blueroses – It depends on which direction I happen to be facing :-p
Orient bothers you? Seems to be pretty consistent to me: “Let me get you started in the right direction.”
I have far too many to make a list. The anything having to do with smoking (itself not a great word!) and fire come to mind, as does anything involving or concerning the mouth. Did I ever mention that I actually am a bit strange?
I hate the word functionality.
My feelings wouldn’t be hurt if they abolished the word nigga, or any variation if the word.
@SABOTEUR – Yeah, it creeps me out when I hear black people calling themselves that on public transit.
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Well, snuck, for one. It especially galls me to hear it on news broadcasts or to read it in a newspaper or book when it’s not used to show ignorance of language. It’s not a word (or I would have mentioned it much sooner).
@HungryGuy It’s even creepier reading it online in certain forums.
And yes…it’s always black people using it.
I mention my displeasure only if I’m in the mood to be cussed out…and that’s not very often.
@SABOTEUR – I can’t imagine anyone using that word in an online forum, regardless what color they are…
”Not to be confused with viscous.
@everephebe – Huh! How about that? I learned a new word (that I don’t like) today!
You obviously don’t visit Tagged.
But you’re correct…it’s not actually the forum; it’s the “What’s New” section where the latest member status updates are chronicled.
(Much like you would see your Friends latest status on Facebook.)
Everything you might read on a public restroom stall wall can be seen in that “What’s New” section.
Random Samples:
(NAME OMITTED) Observations (LMAO ok u can TELL I have nothing better to do!): From my travels through What’s New…this society is ALLL messed up period POINT blank! SMH Okay so you got the babies (under 21..not even gonna discuss that group), the chirren (under 30), tweens (31 to umm 35?), grown folks (35 to 43), oldies(44 to 54), ancients (54 and up). Okay so now I see what happened with all the grownfolks and oldies women waiting for a good man. The tweens, grown folks and oldies men all trying to talk to babies and chirren females but not trying to spend any money. Get real why would they talk to your old azz without getting paid?? Okay and those females are all on some bi/gay stuff, claiming NO men with hella kids & men still trying get at them…it’s all pay for play at that point. OMG Okay then the chirren and tween men are on some gay, bi or androgynous you can’t tell..dl or whatever kind of stuff and have trannys and stuff all on their profile (WTF?) but then they still trying to get older women saying the sex is better (and I’m quite sure thinking they are gonna spend money on em) HUH??? I can go on and on but bottom line THE WORLD DIDN’T END BUT WE ARE IN THE LAST DAYS! lol It’s not really funny but I can’t help but laugh. Marvin Gaye come on and SING IT…“What’s going ON”??? SMHHHH SMDGH!
(NAME OMITTED) You make a nikka want to take Advantage of you,im just sayin becareful what you ask for
@Kardamom Yeah goiter, that is wrong…plus it’s nasty looking.
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