Do you know anyone who has sat under the orange tree?
Things happen, or so I’ve heard, underneath one particular orange tree. I’d like to know what kind of things happen, and who has been there, and why they were there and what they saw and whether the anti-proton universe generator was visible at the time? If so, how many new universes were created under the orange tree at the time you were sitting there if indeed you were sitting instead of standing or running or climbing… yes what is it like climbing the orange tree? Also did you see any run-on sentences there. I hear that run-on sentences tend to bollux up both anti-proton and haptically perverse universe generators so if you find it, could you please feed it this question just to see what happens, please?
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60 Answers
No idea, maybe it’s an American thing I’m not familiar with? Where have you heard this?
I have a orange tree in my back yard. Also an avocado tree. Once, I saw a skunk in the yard during the day. It was very pissed off. The end.
I tried to climb it and someone whipped me in the ass. What’s with that?
What the hell did I miss?
Well, I haven’t made it to the Orange tree yet – it’s a lifelong quest. I can tell you that the Perceptive Reality Generator is located under my apple tree and things get what you might call odd when it isn’t properly maintained. I was sitting there yesterday watching a pheasant become a dictionary.
“Useful”, you say, and I would say too, but it only defined flavours of jellybeans and various hot-tar roofing materials.
I sat under the orange tree and then climbed up to pick an orange. When I came back down again I wasn’t there.
Imagine how much different the world might be if Isaac Newton had sat under the orange tree.
Would Sir Issac use moisturizer?
Orange trees are as American as orange pie.
I do not know anyone who has sat under the orange tree, because I do not know where or what the orange tree is to this day and if someone could just freakin’ tell me what it is all about I would be very appreciative, thanks!
I feel like I am missing a meme or missed the memo or sumfink.
@wundayatta Must have run out of the “regular” and started rolling them with orange peels. LOL
OK – I’ll play your silly game. Don’t sit under the orange tree with anyone else but me!
That does it… I’m setting out on a quest to find this “orange tree”. If I’m not back in two months… just wait longer.
So, what exactly is ‘The’ orange tree? I’m american, and still don’t know. (not to imply that other nations are oblivious)
@janbb There are a lot of orange trees out there. See if you can find me. Maybe you want to go with @erichw1504. He seems very determined.
@Tropical_Willie What’s really scary is that I came up with this while I was straight.
@cpwham2000 You’ve asked the right question. Now take the first step.
Step One
The first step is the easiest one. Find the right state. On second thought. Maybe it’s not so easy.
There is no orange tree. No Bodhi tree, either.
If the Ficus religiosa blocks your path, chop it down.
@erichw1504 I don’t think you’ve paying attention on the other threads. Also, don’t forget there is more than one meaning to “state.”
@wundayatta So, the orange tree is in another dimension?
@erichw1504 Well, yes, but that doesn’t address the current issue. I don’t think it is proper to say that “dimension” is equivalent to “state.”
Every time I get close to the orange tree, it always goes to yet another dimension! I’ve been trying to find it for years now, I just kind of gave up… @erichw1504, I wish you luck on your quest.
As in Buddha under the orange tree after seven weeks of enlightenment, or Madonna under the orange tree? There are only ants under my orange tree. I feel more like entering an altered state when I sit under the full moon, next to the pool in my backyard.
I have no idea what this question is about
@YARNLADY…“orange tree” is where I got lost. I’ve never heard the Buddha thing referred to with an orange tree :)
Thank you.
I don’t like the orange tree. It looks creepy after dark and makes me think of arms, straining from the depths of the frizzer, trying to grab me.
Who knew you could go bananas after sitting under an orange tree? ~
@queenie If you think trees are orange, you’ve already gone bananas.
Think of it this way: in what state is a transdimensional Buddhist orange tree. I’ve already told you it’s not California. And while it may be in the State of Florida, that is not the state in question.
I sat under the orange tree, but it was two years from now in the future.
Nope. No idea about things that happen under orange trees. Wasn’t there. Didn’t do it. It was not me ossifer.
Budda Boy aka Ram Bahadur Bomjon. Maybe Budda Boy and Howard Camping are one and the same.
I have returned from my two year quest! And I have BIG news! The orange tree is [REDACTED] and you may be wondering how I came back from a two year trip if I was only gone for two days in your time. Well the orange tree has many mystical powers and once you find it, all your wishes come true! I could tell you more, but I was sworn to secrecy on specific details about the orange tree.
@erichw1504 How did you deal with the dimensional equivalency parger? Not to mention the ten ton sharecropper with attitude?
@Adirondackwannabe The turtle is the orange tree’s guardian.
@wundayatta Well, funny story: the DEP at first was quite [REDACTED] until I figured out that all your needed to do was [REDACTED]. On the other hand, I found the TTSwA to be quite simple, all you had to do is find the [REDACTED].
@erichw1504 Chicken. The dimensional equivalency parger was retired years ago. No longer in use. It was supplanted by the three-armed golf trainer.
@wundayatta The orange tree took me back to when it was still in use. It didn’t do it for you? Maybe I am the chosen one. The three-armed golf trainer is actually replaced by the five-armed frisbee trainer three years from now.
Oh man! You swallowed that higgle of malarkey? Listen. There’s this bridge….
@erichw1504 Go eat dinner, first. The bridge will still be there…..
under the orange tree.
@erichw1504 Oh dear. Is time flowing backwards today? You must have brought some residual time efflorescences back with you. Did you take a shower today? I mean, tomorrow?
@wundayatta No, but I did wash my face this Thursday at 27:84 BM.
Well that’s good. The Third Girga of the Marble Emporium, long may she waver, is due for a massage and bulldozer driving lesson, within the hour (anachronism thought that may be). You must be sporting your best smile when she drives by, pushing dirt. No. Not your second best smile. That’s in the wash, anyway. You best smile! There’s a good lad.
Does she like grapes? I have some leftovers from tomorrow.
“For ten years Caesar ruled with an iron hand. Then with a wooden foot, and finally with a piece of string.” Spike Milligan
@erichw1504 Are you mad???? The Third Girga? We’re not talking about the Second Girga, nor the First. We are talking about The Third Girga and it is well known, though apparently not well know enough, that the Third Girga is allergic to just about everything but porcupine toes. Everything includes grapes.
If you were to feed the Third Girga grapes, who knows what might happen? Under the Orange Tree. Nuh uh! I see that grape hidden in your pocket. Your left pocket. No, silly. Not that left pocket, the other one. You put that grape anywhere near Her Gergishness, and we’re talking an Eisensteinium Tetraplopy. You don’t do that under my orange tree. No sir you do not!
did @erichw1504 unleash a shitstorm with that question? Stay tuned for the answer, after the break.
@Blueroses It was a shirt storm, not a shit storm, and it buried @erichw1504 ten feet deep in shirts. Lady Gaga was nowhere to be seen, although there was a giant pumpkin. But we think it was Cigarlie Brown’s, not Lady Gaga’s.
@wundayatta yes, and I managed to swim my way out of the giant pile of shirts. I also took one as a souvenir.
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