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mason_long's avatar

(NSFW) Dry, peeling red skin on my genitals?

Asked by mason_long (46points) May 20th, 2011

I have dry, red peeling patches of skin on the bottom of my penis and on my scrotum. It’s not flaky nor raised. There aren’t any bumps. It just happens to be red skin that appears to be peeling. The rest of my penis is tanish (that’s not too important though). I don’t shave my pubic hair and I’m 15. I used to have patches of dry skin on my face after shaving, but after I started using moisturizing shaving cream, it went away. The skin is not itchy I just noticed it today, but I don’t usually look down there since it’s not visible looking down, it’s under my penis.
I’m also a virgin so it’s not an STD. And it doesn’t look severe like psoriasis or eczema (but don’t rule that out).
When I masturbate, I usually have the strap (or whatever it’s called) of my boxers around that area. But I don’t wanna just say that that’s the cause because I don’t want it to be anything like testicular cancer and I end up dying from it cause I didn’t catch it early enough.
Ask me anything that’ll help you answer this.

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19 Answers

SpatzieLover's avatar

While at your age this may be embarrassing for you, it is time you go to the doctor. If you’ve had dry patches of skin before, elsewhere, a visit to a dermatologist is in order.

mason_long's avatar

@SpatzieLover Do you have any idea what it could be? And how serious it may be

zenvelo's avatar

It may very well be jock itch, which is like athletes foot in the groin area. It is caused by ringworm, and is easily treatable with over the counter medications. But you are old enough to go ask your doctor, and should get in the habit of asking your doctor about issues with your genitals. Your doctor will ot be shocked or surprised.

mason_long's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Looks like it could be, except it doesn’t hurt or itch at all. It feels normal.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Honestly, it could be so many things.

Since you say you wear boxers, I’m guessing that most of the day you have enough air circulating there. You could be allergic to your detergent or softener though. If it were me, I’d wash all of my boxers in dye-free/fragrance free detergent and see if it makes a difference. You may just have sensitive skin.

My son and my husband have extremely sensitive skin. One of which can’t even wear undies, the other needs me to use “free” detergent and use an extra rinse on the wash.

mason_long's avatar

Could it be jock itch if it doesn’t itch?

Seelix's avatar

I don’t know what it could be, but it could be something as simple as irritation from the elastic on your boxers, or jock itch, like @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard suggested.
I seriously doubt it’s anything cancerous, since testicular cancer is characterized by a lump in the scrotum.

Here’s what I would do if I were you: moisturize! Put some lotion on there and don’t mess with it. You said the skin is peeling. Well, don’t peel it! Let it heal up. Change your routine so that your boxers aren’t chafing the area anymore. See what happens.
In the meantime, if it gets itchy or worsens at all, get thee to a doctor. If, in a couple of weeks, it’s no better, get thee to aforementioned doctor.

That’s just my advice – I’m no doctor, but I really think it’s just a minor irritation.

mason_long's avatar

@Seelix Thanks, I’ll try lotion. And I’m not peeling it, seems to be doing it on it’s own.

Seelix's avatar

@mason_long – Oh, I didn’t mean to suggest that you were peeling it. I just know that sometimes when skin is peeling, like after a sunburn, it’s tough to resist peeling it off (at least for me).

mason_long's avatar

@Seelix Okay. Do you think I should see a doctor immediately or just wait and see if it worsens?

mason_long's avatar

Oh and if this helps: That area is a lot smoother too.

Seelix's avatar

Personally, I’d give it at least a few days. If it starts to hurt at all or gets worse, doctor it is.

That’s just what I would do – if you really are bothered by it and worried, go whenever you can. Or hey – you could ask your dad/brother/another man you trust about jock itch, and whether they’d know it to see it. I know it’s embarrassing – no one likes to have anyone poking around down there, but sometimes it’s necessary.

The smoothness is most likely due to the fact that the skin has been peeling, I think – new skin is always much smoother.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Did you rub it raw from to much masturbation?

YoBob's avatar

Medical diagnosis are best left to doctors who can actually examine the patient.

That being said, it sounds like basic “jock itch” (the adult form if diaper rash).

robmandu's avatar

…waiting for Chris Hansen to pop in…

Lightlyseared's avatar

I would guess it’s a fungal infection. Nothing to worry about and easily treated.

Testicular cancer would present as a lump on the testicles you wouldn’t see any changes to the scrotum.

King_Pariah's avatar

Are you on any meds? I am aware of a few that have that as a potential side effect.

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