Are you ready if the world ends tomorrow?
Asked by
Meego (
May 20th, 2011
from iPhone
Article here
My brother informed me about this. I’m wondering if you are ready, what are your feelings?
I myself haven’t had the adventurous kind of life I have wanted personally I don’t see me having it. Might I say I want to meet my husband at the gates I miss him bad, for me it would be a blessing.
What about you?
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73 Answers
I’m ready. The nekked pancake party has been all planned out and will commence at 12:00 am sharp tomorrow morning.
Well, seeing as the world is going to end, not much needs to be prepare, aside from whatever your religeon dictates if it dictates anything at all. Seeing as I am not going to confession, and this is catholic judgement day, I’m screwed. But that is if the world ends.
While I think it is inevitable that this will turn out to be yet another false alarm—and not even the first false alarm from Mr. Camping—I do live my life so that I am ready whenever it might end.
Amor fati.
Meh. I’m just wishing that I had thought this up first.
I have no regrets.
Well…maybe if I’d known that it was so soon, I would have been less polite in my dissent with people that I disagreed with.
I just also wanted to add..if it does happen it’s been nice here on the Fluther :) XO
Am I shite! I need to see a man about a dog for a start.
@Seelix That makes me sad (even though they’re stupid enough to believe it).
Let’s see…
Mossberg loaded by the door. Check.
Extra ammo. Check.
Water and food. Check.
Gasoline and generator. Check.
Matches and lighter fluid. Check.
Yep! I’m ready.
Seriously, is anyone on the planet honestly worried about this?
Wow! I just saw the link from @Seelix . Very clever. I wonder how many takers they got.
How can you be ready for the end of the world? If it ends you’re dead. There’s nothing to prepare.
@Jude – I hear ya. It makes me kinda sad too. My mom told me that she heard of a similar service for houseplants. Now that’s funny.
@rock4ever The “end of the world” doesn’t necessarily mean everybody is going die, it could just mean the end of society or an endangerment of our species. there’s hope we could rebuild after it.
My orange tree in the backyard will ensure my survival.
I don’t believe in all of the junk that surfaces on the Internet.
I’m as ready as I’ll ever be for a hypothetical situation. If the end comes tomorrow, I’ll be surprised. and a little disappointed that I didn’t clear level 10 on Angry Birds
If the world ended… like actually ended. Wouldn’t that mean it would be impossible to survive? If earth truly ended it wouldn’t be here anymore and unless you can hone a skill to survive in the darks of space somehow I think your pretty boned no matter how much soup you stock up on.
But if you mean something like civilization as we know it ending with the collapse of all order and laws and governments I’d have to say no. I’d probably die pretty quickly =(
Sure. Nothing else planned anyway. Ha!
Im having a Judgement Day bon fire tomorrow. That way when the zombies rise up to torture all the atheists at my house we’ll have fire to fight them off with :P
Yes, I’m ready. Just like I was ready for Y2K and when the planets lined up in 1988 and barely avoided destroying us. :-P
The end isn’t tomorrow. Judgement day is, so all the true believers will be taken up. Apparently us heathens get to chill out for another five months.
I just wish I’d made a map of the homes of all the true believers beforehand, particularly those will cool stuff.
Oh. My. God!!!
Why didn’t anyone tell me about this???? OMG What am I going to do? I’m not prepared. Not prepared at all. Someone tell me what to do. Oh my god.
Do you think if I say Oh My God enough times I might wake up
Under the orange tree?
I have appointments for next week, and I’m still paying my bills.
This question is oxymoronic, ready or NOT, here it comes. lol
If the entire WORLD ends, then, there is nothing to be ready for.
If only MY life ends, then, nope…especially if I die during the night and my poor little critters are locked in their barn for god knows how long. THAT, would just ‘kill’ me. haha
Actually, the world isn’t going to end tomorrow. The Rapture is tomorrow. The saved will ascend into Heaven and the rest of us schmos will be left to battle it out. The world actually is going to end on October 21.
I am not ready. Still waiting for the first kiss ;)
I’m getting progressively sicker and there is no Tylenol around so yep, I’m ready, just get me out of this headache. But I’d appreciate it to happen on Sunday morning so that I can have one last night of tango.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir What’re you sick with? It’d be a shame to miss out on the rapture because of a cold or something. Fill up on garlic!
@incendiary_dan I think it’s a cold. I know how pathetic. Couldn’t I have been hit with speaking in tongues or something? That would really freak everyone I know out.
Yes, I’m prepared to die, I went to the grocery store…...................
@incendiary_dan lol your first post made me feel like I was reading a marvel comic with all the “true believers” :P
@uberbatman Isn’t it funny how the stuff some of these people say sounds like that?
If it ends, it ends. I don’t give a crap! Hahaha.
Oh no. I just replenished my freezer!
I thought only 144,000 people were going to be transported in the rapture. It won’t even make a ripple, considering the fact that 20,000 people starve to death every single day of the year, and you and I don’t even notice.
Oh I’m very ready. My previously mentioned plan to take over the neighborhood and subjugate all the non-raptured busty soccer moms is almost complete.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard I didn’t think you were the subjugating kind. I’m sure if you just talked to those busty soccer moms they would willingly follow you anywhere.
You might have a point. They will probably need comforting since their hand-wringing husbands were probably all vacuumed up to be with Jesus anyway.
@tranquilsea, you see, my theory is that in the middle of suburbia, there are a lot of hyper-nerdy, weak, affected twit husbands that are more interested in satisfying Jesus than their wives. Their wives are left to lust and long all day long and this lust has built up in their hearts and it’s gonna keep them from being raptured. I’m sure there are plenty of goody two shoe women too, but I like chicks, so I’m focusing on the sinful soccer moms.
My girlfriend just went for a beach walk and is finding bits and pieces of birds floating in and around the water. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Will post pictures.
@Jude Thats sadly not as uncommon as one would think. It happens every couple months or so around me.
I’m going to be ticked off if I’m still here in 24hrs and others are dropping like flies :/
My oldest grandson says it will be easier to find a job, with fewer competitors.
Obviously I’m going to hook up with @incendiary_dan and @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard since we are well-versed in the art of zombie killing.
Interesting note: The majority of “true believers” don’t actually believe this garbage. In fact, there are groups of non-crazy Christians who are prepare to help people out when the Rapture doesn’t come tomorrow.
How many days should I pack for? Do I need my raincoat? Will they be giving out wings or should I bring my own?
I think it is too bad that people think that first link @Seelix posted is funny. I think it is mean-spirited and nasty.
@KatawaGrey are you referring to the Pet Salvation? It’s a serious site. I heard the woman who started it in an NPR interview. She understood why people thought it was a joke but she is serious about offering that service. Her friend is one who’s sure she’s going with the Rapture but she was worried about her dog so she asked her non-believer friend to take care of him and they had the notion to start a network matching chosen ones with non-believers.
It may be strange, but mean spirited was not the intention.
Can’t blame them for finding a market niche to fill.
@Blueroses: Then I take back my earlier comment. Sorry about my zealous-ness. Had kind of draining and confusing day. Must be anxiety over the end of the world.
May 21, 2011 1:20 PM PST I’m waiting by the door.
@Sunny2: I’m three hours ahead of you. I’ll let you know if anything exciting happens.
It’s all happening….
… under the orange tree.
It’s 6:07pm, we are 7 minutes into the rapture…obviously I’m still here…us left behind get to suffer apparently for 5 months of unspeakable misery with the end of the world to happen on oct 21…
Don’t worry all you fellow left behind folks. I brought snacks!
Crap I have to repack my bags… I packed for heaven!
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