Have you got an amazing voice?
Asked by
MilkyWay (
May 20th, 2011
I’n not just talking about singing here, but simply talking. Some people have been gifted/born with such sexy great voices :)
They sound amazing just talking.
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135 Answers
Yes, everephebe has a very sexy voice.
I don’t know if I would go so far as to say ‘amazing’ but, I DO have a very strong, clear, voice. An articulate and rather literary way of speaking. I have great projection, not ‘loud’ as in ‘obnoxious’ but lots of body and inflection. Wow…I sound like I am describing a bottle of wine. haha
I think I could make a great radio personality, but, not really a desire.
I DO want to try stand up comedy though, on my bucket list to do an open mic night and try to write my own routine. :-D
I really hate my voice. I think it sounds manly.
Yes, amazingly bad. I got As in music when I lip synced. Got a D the one quarter I tried to sing.
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I think that’s in the ear of the beholder…. might also depend on what you are talking about. My husband at times might find my voice very sexy, at others I am sure he would really like to stick a sock in my mouth to shut me up. :-D
I have read the news on the radio though and done voice over work so it can’t be all bad.
@FutureMemory Do the voice recording thing. :)
Yes, I think so. I have been told it’s soothing and sexy (partners).
When i hear my own voice live i am pleased with it, but the recorded version of it sounds pathetic and horrible to me.
Be the judge
Love a Dutch accent! That and Scoo-ish.
@Jude I don’t have a mic.
@rebbel That wasn’t much to go on! Do something longer. Please?
Isn’t it interesting how appealing different accents are to us?
@rebbel You don’t sound horrible at all! Just as cute as your picture :)
Recorded i think sounds horrible, my normal voice is okay, i feel.
Are you content with your voice when you hear it on video-/audio recordings?
Thanks for the compliment though!
@rebbel At first I wasn’t, but I decided to post it anyways after a long time. Now, I think it doesn’t sound as bad as I thought it did.
Mine is American Idol material. ( the ones who get booted out at first audition )
Guys tell me they like my voice sometimes. Which I think is a weird compliment. Until I realize I like their voice too.(:
I think my voice just sounds normal, but my friend told me today that he likes it. (Weirdo)
My sister said today, while I was singing, that my voice was “Pretty, and soothing.”
So, I guess I do have a good voice, for singing, and talking. XD
Voices are powerful. Such a unique identifier for each person. When you hear someone you like, it can give you chills down your spine (the good kind). When you hear the voice of someone you can’t stand, well, there’s a neural reaction to that too.
Yes I do.
how sweet the sound
I hate hearing recordings of me talking played back. I always sound nasally and obnoxious.
Is today Seelix day??
will someone please throw up a link so that i ain’t spammin’?
@Mariah I think most people hate the sound of their own voice. You probably sound lovely to others though.
@Mariah It is Seelix’s birthday and we all agreed on the day of the Yarnpocalypse that we would use her avatar on her birthday.
@Jude . . . by the way, you know you girls were fucking phenomenal when i let you beat me at Drunk Trivia.
I just recorded myself talking, to see why people like my voice.
I don’t see the big deal. I sound normal.
It is in the ear of the beholder as I said @AshLeigh. Obviously there is something others really like in your voice that you don’t pick up on.
Ok now, I’ve literally been off this site for 6 hours and now suddenly everyone looks like @Seelix! What did I miss this time?
I missed the decision, I guess. But it’s @Seelix’s birthday, and we all apparently want to use her icon.
Yes. I did all of the sound work for the theater department at my high school, and along with that came making announcements at the beginning of the show. I didn’t know it at the time, but it quickly caught on that I have the perfect announcing voice – by senior year all sorts of random people who make comments on it, often talking about hearing a “huge, 6’8” black man” making announcements, and then realizing it was only me, the smaller, 6’4” skinny white guy. Fun times. Whenever I’ve gone back since then, I always have multiple people tell me they miss my voice.
No, my voice is pretty average.
I really rather dislike my voice. I think it sounds too nasally and never gets the tone I want it to..
I’ve been told I have a hot speaking voice, which I don’t understand. It seems to be on the lower spectrum for ladies voices. But I have a pretty good singing voice.
@cbloom8 You have the coolest voice ever.
@cbloom8 Whoa, your voice is very strong and manly.
yes, I have been told by many i have a great voice. Calming, soothing, ,,,,,,,,,,,
@blueiiznh and where’s the evidence of this claim?
@queenie thank you! =)
I was always complimented on my voice when I worked as a travel agent. My first job was corporate travel and I had many clients ask for me because I had such a pleasant voice.
not braggin’ or anything. Honestly, I think it sounds kind of funny, but I’ll take the compliments
@blueiiznh Wow many, you must have phone sex with alot then
@cbloom8 kind of sounds like James Earl Jones in a way…
@cbloom8‘s voice reminded me of one of the batmans but I can’t remember which one.
@blueiiznh‘s voice is making me question my heterosexuality…
Very nice @blueiiznh, very nice. :)
Of course, @everephebe‘s is so sexy he doesn’t even feel the need to say any more.
Hardly the case. But I have been lurking around this question for a long time. :D ^
@everephebe Has the sexiest voice on Fluther. I’ll place a bet on it.
To all you folks named Luke.~
Votes everyone makes a voice recording on the website @cbloom8 made his, so she can listen to them. :D
@AshLeigh There are at least 2 other current threads with Jelly’s voice recordings right now.
Yes, I know.
We should all make one. ;)
My vote is for Fiddle. :)
@Jude I second that vote for Fiddle. However, you also have a smokin’ hot voice.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard I know where you’re coming from – sometimes I try and move my voice towards his – it’s rather hit-or-miss, but sometimes it can get pretty good.
I don’t like my voice but I know a few people who likes my voice. So i’ll just ignore my take and accept their take on my voice. So yes, I’ve an amazing voice. lol. :D
60 way conference all….let’s do it! lol
<said in his best Sean Connery voice> Yesh!
I’d record something else, but, I don’t have a mic on this comp.
Okay…seriously, I am BOLD…Jennnny I ‘ve got your number
Call (530 ) 622–4638 and wait for the voicemail
You have 10 minutes, and I’ll disappear!
Called and left a message. :]
Woo Hoo..well, unless I flag myself I’ll be ‘available’ for all sorts of amusing voicemails..go for it! I defy GPS.anyway..no one could ever find me! haha
This could be a great experiment! Hah!
@Coloma sounds like another throwdown
@blueiiznh ’‘Huh? I’m just waiting…havn’t listened yet. haha
smiling at all the vocal frivolity
Someone called and like a dork whilst playing with my phone, it opened, haa..
Gracious almighty! I just talked to THE Coloma. It was awesome!
Fiddle, you need to leave me a message. <exaggerated wink>
You little darlin’ great to hear YOUR voice
@.... grunt, hello, hello….oookay
You are a sweetheart, call anytime
OMG! You sexy thing you..ditto, call anytime! lol
@ hangup…your mystery is my mystery
I’m a nut…but a good nut! So fun!
Wow..this could go on for days..am I violating any fluther laws, or just spitten in the wind? Hah!
@Coloma Check your voicemaiill agaainnnnn
I’ve been fiddle-dee-deed.
Awww…what a cutie! A little bit shy, very sweet, all girl!
Thanks for the complements!
Give him back! lol
OMG..am I a middle aged pervert or what! hahaha just kidding, well, sorta
I’ll call him back. Fiddle, don’t answer!
Oh oh…I forgot about caller ID…haha
Colomas got YOUR number now! hehe
My goodness! Hearts are all a-fluther tonight.
Is there something in the water or is everyone sharing love and riding libido highs just in case the world ends tomorrow?
@Blueroses i vote for riding high. but feel free to switch it up if you want.
I’ve got both numbers posted here saved on my phone now. You’ll hear from me when you least expect it. ;)
Sharing love and good cheer, as long as the guy that is turned on by his mothers pantyhose feet doesn’t call! lol
Were you the grunt guy? lol
@Coloma nope. as i have said many times before, i speak my peace. not a grunter either…
Fiddle, all done. And, with that, I need to get my butt to bed.
@Jude you called me? My phone didn’t ring and I don’t have any new voicemails… are you sure it was my number?
And, I had the wrong number. Ha. Now, it really time for bed.
Jude’s message totally made my heart melt and I let out a boyish sigh of crushitude.
Alright, Colomas off to bed, but Fiddle better call me again! lol
I’d love to chat with you about your writing!
10:28 on the west coast…sooo, no calls for 8 hours after you read this. haha
I use to have an amazing singing voice when I use to practice everyday in singing class but its been decades. I think I’m just ok now, but nothing to write home about.
As for talking, I have listened to my voice in recordings. The moment I have to speak loudly, I find my voice irratating. In normal tone, I’m ok. Most people think I sound younger than what I am. They usually mistake me for my daughter. I use to have fun confusing her friends because they could never tell us apart on the phone.
@Coloma, I might have to do that. I’m house-sitting this big empty house until next Thursday, and it gets awful lonesome here at night.
I have a good (trained) singing voice. I’m not a fan of hearing my speaking voice, it’s a bit to high (not squeaky thankfully) for my liking. I always wanted a deep husky voice.
Eww no I sound like a girl but yet my voice is still somehow raspy.
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@blueiiznh HOLY GUACAMOLE! you sound hot!
I have developed some major crushes on some jellies… ((((((sighs)))))))
I like it when my voice sounds raspy and doesn’t sound cheerleaderish. haha.
<<< He has a great voice. Mine is pretty good, too.
Record vocaroo zen voice. Make it so.^
@zen… baby, I would lurve to hear your voice. What’dya ya say goofball?
My girl describes my voice as low, smooth, and calming; I would say it is animated and articulate. I’ve always wanted to narrate books for a living :)
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