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Jude's avatar

Are you ever too lazy to put sheets on your bed?

Asked by Jude (32210points) May 20th, 2011

Or, is it just me?

I have no interest in putting sheets on my bed, tonight, and that’s okay.

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42 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I did that once, but I did put sheets on the next day.

KateTheGreat's avatar

Oh yes. Sometimes it’s just too bothersome to worry about.

Vunessuh's avatar

I never put sheets on my bed because I only like to use the comforter.

TexasDude's avatar

I sleep on a towel under a desk.

Berserker's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Lol. XD That’s pretty cool.

I love sheets, they’re all snuggly and soft. I love comforters too. That’s why Summer sucks, because I can’t sleep under all that. I sleep over the sheets and under the comforter though, so it’s still all nice and soft.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Like Jake, I’ve only done it once. It wasn’t as comfy as sleeping between a set of fresh, cool sheets. Call it weird, but when it’s cold out, there is something to be said for building up a pocket of warmth between freshly laundered sheets, especially when the window is open and the SO is there.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Nope! Cain’t abide no bald-headed bed!

mazingerz88's avatar

I never do it. Is that lazy or impressively consistent?

snowberry's avatar

My husband will if the sheets aren’t back on the bed after washing and he’s ready to go to bed. I hate it enough I’ll sleep in the living room rather than crawl into a bed made like that.

jrpowell's avatar

I wouldn’t even notice since I usually pass out in my clothes. I slept with my shoes on last night.

blueiiznh's avatar

omg yes. this has happened more than a few times. You will think better of it in the morning.

chyna's avatar

No, I can’t stand sleeping without sheets. And I have to have clean ones each week.

Bellatrix's avatar

I like to sleep between sheets. Over the years, I have noticed my kids often don’t bother to make up their beds though.

Jude's avatar

I’m alright with it. :)

Vunessuh's avatar

Oh, well wait a minute! I don’t sleep on my mattress! Lawl. I put the sheet on that hugs the mattress, but I don’t use any of the other one’s. Just the comforter. XD

JLeslie's avatar

Once in a blue moon I forget to make the bed when doing laundry, and exhausted I just lay the sheet half ass on the bed and sleep that way. I don’t think I have ever slept directly on the mattress though.

Jude's avatar

@Vunessuh Fuck that. ;-) This is how I’m doin’ it. I’m a lazyass bitch. :)

lillycoyote's avatar

No, but sometimes I will just toss a flat sheet, maybe even a blanket if I have nothing else,(though that would be only in an emergency) over the mattress, sans mattress pad and then another flat sheet and blanket. I might not change my sheets as often as I probably should but if you’re talking about sleeping on a bare mattress, I just can’t/couldn’t bring myself to do that; though it’s possible that it might have happened in my college days, but I don’t think so.

jonsblond's avatar

I will wait until the very last minute, but I need my sheets! They’re so comfy.

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lillycoyote's avatar

@Jude That picture of your bare mattress makes me so nervous. I just spent $800+ dollars on a new mattress and box springs a couple of years ago and the idea of sleeping on it “bareback” without a mattress pad or a sheet or anything, that alone would be enough to keep me up at night but if you’re ok with it, it’s your mattress, your life, your money and it’s up to you.

Cruiser's avatar

I will sleep standing in the corner of the room before I sleep in an unmade, non-securely tucked in bed!

Jude's avatar

@lillycoyote It’s for only one night. :)

Pele's avatar

Um, no. I have 3 sets that I rotate. When I take off one set, I immediately put on another and make my bed all nice. I wash my sheets every two days.

JLeslie's avatar

@Pele Every two days?

Bellatrix's avatar

I think @Pele is exceptionally clean. I am not so diligent about sheet changing.

lillycoyote's avatar

It’s just a slippery slope @Jude… one night you decide not to put sheets on your bed and the next thing you know you’re living in a rundown SRO hotel in some seedy, god forsaken section of inner city Trenton, surrounded by crack pipes and empty bottles of cheap port. Just saying… it’s a slippery slope :-)

JLeslie's avatar

@Bellatrix Or, OCD. Or, maybe has a maid. Or, maybe sweats a lot at night. Or, does not care at all about using lots of water and energy. Or, maybe has allergies. Hopefully he will come back and tell us why every two days.

blueiiznh's avatar

@Pele every 2 days…wow…..weekly here, unless given a reason

Bellatrix's avatar

I hear you @JL…perhaps he is a very, very dirty man.

Same here @blueiiznh.

JLeslie's avatar

@Bellatrix Now that did not occur to me at all. Very very dirty probably does not wash hos sheets every two days. I think of it as very very clean.

Bellatrix's avatar

lol I meant HE personally gets very very dirty and so HAS to wash his sheets every two days or perhaps he is very, very dirty in a completely different sense ;-)

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I’ve done it a few times out of pure exhaustion, coming home too late to want to do laundry and then having to wake up and go back to work at the ass crack of dawn. I won’t sleep directly on the mattress but I’ve thrown a blanket down and also a flat sheet.

Raven_Rising's avatar

During my teens and early twenties, there were occasions when I just couldn’t be bothered with it. Nowadays, I always have sheets on my bed which I must admit is much more preferable to sleeping on a bare mattress

Pele's avatar

I just like clean sheets.

Berserker's avatar

Oh, the mattress sheets. Yeah I don’t sleep under those either…sometimes.

OpryLeigh's avatar

There were times in the past when I have been to lazy to put sheets on the bed but these days I make myself do it even if I am feeling lazy because the final result is better than sleeping on a sheetless bed!

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blueiiznh's avatar

I was wondering. Nice job, where is the mini bar?

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