How many people on the internet post fake pictures of themselves?
I have noticed one thing on the internet. There are people who steal pics and post them as themselves. People who steal pics of models and put them on their profiles and say it is a pic of them. How many do this? It is easy to find out because you can find the same pics on sites like flickr and they are definitely from a different person. Why do they do this? Do they not know that people will eventually find out?
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37 Answers
I didn’t say I was Seelix at any point. :P
I do not. I really look like that.
Fine! You caught me. I don’t have purple hair.
I’m actually much more physically attractive then my fluther avatar would suggest.
<— ≠ moi
Also, my real name is not ever-ephebe.
I’m not talking about fluther profiles lol. I’m talking about social networking in general. Especially places like AOL and bebo.
They’re most probably thick as two short planks. Although I have to say, it’s better than looking at a bulldog licking piss off a thistle!
You can’t really know till you see ‘em.
And I really do shrink women and swallow them alive :-p
Surely nobody would actually do that.
BTW, somebody took a great picture of yours truly that I thought I’d share… :P
Practically everyone does at least one point or another in their lives.
@queenie – Nope. No one will be spared! Bwa-ha-ha!
I bet you’d taste good drenched in chocolate…
@HungryGuy Anything will taste good drenched in chocolate ;)
Aw, hamburgers! I’m busted!
All the pretty girls in bikinis you see in their profile pic are really 45 year old married men. You think I’m joking? :P
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<—————-My first magazine cover <sigh> Those were the glory days, eh? lol
Will someone tell Dick Van Dyke I have a huge crush on him? I realize that at 85 he’s a little younger than me…but what the hey….:)
yes, I am kidding…about my age…not about Dick Van Dyke…he is a doll and still can dance I want to be his Mary Tyler Moore—never mind he’s older than my dad… eat your heart out Justin Bieber
@perspicacious You are WAAAY off with your number there…..try adding 23,456,589 to your total and you’ll be close.
Disregard previous statement (until the 22nd). ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I am not this good looking in real life :)
<——Just a dog. But a cute dog.
Under the orange tree.
And yes, that’s really me. Really.
Enough with the orange trees already!! @wundayatta smacks head
How in the world would anyone know how many?
@Jeruba not asking for an exact number. Just wondering if this as big of an occurance as I am making it out to be.
‘uge amounts!! Just millions. Who knows really?
This pic is not me. It is the beautiful, birthday girl Seelix. I am a bit of a pussy myself.
My guess is that it probably depends upon the site. Of the sites I use, LinkedIn has professional pictures of the user; Facebook friends use a photo of themselves, some include their SO, and a handful are of their child; and only a few fellow Jellies use a personal shot. I suppose it all comes down to one’s comfort level.
Well I don’t care if you believe me or not, but this is really me!
“It is easy to find out because you can find the same pics on sites like flickr and they are definitely from a different person.”
Well, you have to be careful here. Because for all you know, it’s those sites that stole the pictures from someone’s profile. This girl, for instance, had her photo stolen by an “adult personals” website. And if you’re talking about Facebook, it could be one of those “post a picture of someone who isn’t you” memes. They take months to circulate, and many of them die out quickly. So they might be going on without your knowledge. I usually miss them (or completely misinterpret them—with hilarious results).
I can imagine that a lot of people do it on dating sites, but I can’t really understand what they hope to achieve. I mean, what’s the point of being on a dating site if you can never, you know, go on an actual date.
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