It is way after 6pm on May 21st in the UK...the world has not ended. Are you disappointed?
I am reporting from the UK. I am still alive and I have not been “raptured” neither have any of the people on my street/life/town.
Not sure what time it is there…but I am hoping all the Jellies are accounted for….although I suppose if we are still all here then according to prophecy, we are toast. (Especially if other people have been taken up into the clouds.)
Wouldn’t all the money spent on billboards and hype been put to better use to help a charity?
Just a thought.
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I’m just pissed I’m not at home to throw a set of my clothes outside next to my garden, then spy on it from my apartment.
Yes, it would have been better. And no, I’m not dissapointed I’m still alive.
I am dissapointed I didn’t get to see any zombies.
@queenie Patience. They’ll show up eventually.
Another thought…didn’t mean to demean people who are Christians and do believe in the rapture and end-time prophecy, by the way. Even in the Bible it says that the time is not known…etc.
I think the planet is going to undergo a great transformation and is already in that process…but it is not going to happen all at once…not today anyway.
@DarlingRhadamanthus Of course. This guy with his prophecy says the end of the world isn’t until October 21st. Today is just the day the true believers get taken up to leave the rest of us heathens with our hell on earth.
This is not WORRIED GUY. His computer is open and there is a pile of clothes in front of the keyboard. I am just saying “HI’” WORRIED GAL
(I think I smell some burnt meat. I wonder why.)
I am disappointed for all the folks who put their lives on hold or gave up all they had to follow this wrong headed fellow. I have read numerous stories of believers who literally shook up their entire lives because of what this man told them was coming. I am sad and disappointed for them. I am also disappointed because my sister’s boys would have been raptured and we had it all set up that they would be wearing summer clothes and flip flops – now I’m gonna have to buy my kids summer clothes.
I think he said 6 p.m. EST. We have 35 more minutes.
@DarlingRhadamanthus and @queenie Thank you for reporting in! It hasn’t reached 6PM here in the US yet….It’s almost 5:30pm on the East Coast. I may give my Christian mother a call in 45 minutes to see if she is still around. She’ll laugh for the reason for the call.
@worried guy gal Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
I just saw my mom, a long time Catholic. She thinks this is silly, and is thoroughly amused. Of course, my parents are kind of survivalists like me, and we find just about everything people get worked up about amusing.
10:30pm here and still going strong. Neither raptured nor ruptured.
Oh, dear….6pm EASTERN…?? Well, Jellies…then we need to grab our parkas, some peanut butter and JELLY sandwiches for the ride (just in case), Ipods loaded… and all check in….at 6 Eastern!!
But wow…wouldn’t it be great if all of us were just taken up in the sky…and we would meet in the air??? How cool would that be? except that you would notice that I don’t look like Hedy Lamarr
Will our cosmetics have to be packed in half-oz containers in a small plastic bag? Just wondering. (Sorry, but I don’t travel anywhere, even to heaven without a good moisturizer.)
I’m back! I was in Hell and immediately started fixing the air conditioners and drilling a well, so they booted me back here. Darn it! I was just getting used to the free heat. No need to burn wood.
I vaguely remember a very low pitched voice yelling: “Freaking Engineers!”
@chyna…We know you are beeyootifullllll!
@worriedguy…...I was in hell too…! Wow..I was watching TV and Simon Cowell and Piers Morgan were hosting every show on television for 24 hours a day and all the Americans were enraptured because they had a “cute/impressive accent” and didn’t care if what they said was interesting or viable or not…now that was a bit hellish.
Only 19 minutes to go for 6pm est…… the countdown begins
I haven’t noticed anyone missing but I don’t hang out with rapture people so I’m not sure I would notice. I would sure would have liked a “weed wacker rapture” of some kind though. People have been running them pretty solidly all day here and it’s the kind of noise that bores into my head like a drill. I would loved to see all of those sucked up into the sky.
Yes I am disappointed that the fundies are still here, lol.
It’s not supposed to happen at 6 pm EST. According to Harold Camping, the Rapture is supposed to happen at 6 pm local time, meaning it is supposed to travel time zone by time zone. It was supposed to start with earthquakes in Asia and be followed by the graves of the faithful departed being thrown open so that their bodies could be resurrected in a perfect spiritual form by God.
Needless to say, none of this has happened. But hey, maybe South Park was right and the elect consists 100% of Mormons. I guess we’ll soon find out.
@SavoirFaire ..Well, then we should hear from a Mormon Jelly? Are you still with us? hope so
@SavoirFaire I heard it was supposed to be a worldwide earthquake following the rapture at 6 pm EST.
Yes but I am eastern standard time…. so my countdown is still going on!!
PS 10 minutes left now
@incendiary_dan…Well, then Dan, we have 11 minutes by my watch here in the UK.
How do you address a zombie (in a politically correct way)? Anyone? just in case
“Hello Friend. Let me introduce you to Mr. Shotgun.”
Okay, folks, it is now after 6 Eastern and 11 pm GMT…I have my bug-out bag ready, my Ipod, sandwiches…and no earthquakes…I just looked outside..nothing, nada, zip, zippo, one in the sky, either.
i wanted to see all the Jellies and hang out on a cloud with you guys—<pout>
Let’s meet for the end date of the Mayan Calendar according to Carl Calleman (who says we all have it wrong…it’s not in 2012, it’s October 28th 2011).
Hooray! Another apocalyptic prophetic date to look forward to…! Don’t despair and mark your calendars! Meet here on Fluther!
Sigh… It’s 6:13PM Eastern and nothin’. I didn’t expect to go but I had some post-rapture plans, darn it! Looting, partying, smiting… now they’re just a bitter taste in my mouth. :(
On a serious note…
I am sure the news of this non-event is going to be covered a lot in the USA….if there are any interesting bits/links….I’d like to read them, so please share them on here… as this whole thing was not covered here (not much anyway.)
I think about all the people who are out there following this man….and hope there are no repercussions. I think it is a shame that so many people put their unbridled trust in this person.
Will he just do a runner and disappear? Fake his own disappearance? (He may want to as he will have a lot of irate people around him.)
I am glad to still be here, since the new Harry Potter movie is still 2 months away.
When the time comes, I will welcome it.
Oh, I was just asking on another Q when the end of the world is, and whether we are supposed to end on GMT time. LOL. I guess we are all safe.
@worriedguy That was me. You engineers are a different breed.
Hey, cool! Looks like the Morman family next door has moved out.
Hey, so have the Mormans down the street.
well I am still here, and its going on 6:30pm. Damn I was looking forward to a world ending party in whichever place I wind up
@filmfann Any sightings of Donnie and Marie Osmond?
6:34 PM EST. Still here. Pizza is on the way. All is good.
Seriously, though, I feel so bad for all the people who threw away their lives to follow this guy. Imagine all of the relationships (you know, with sane people) they lost due to their decisions. What must they be feeling right now? How will they proceed from here?
I’m still hoping for zombies. I haven’t been to the target range in forever.
I read that this guy did not close any of his very extensive bank accounts.
Here is the news report from Memphis yesterday. Link Nothing new is cropping up on the radar, but the flooding is still the hot topic here.
Almost 10 PM Eastern Standard Time. I think that Mr. Camping’s calculations were very, very off. No offense to the man. Although I’m far from a Biblical expert, I don’t think that the Rapture will come for a while yet.
At 9:25 p.m. No one In my vicinity seems to have disappeared. We did have some nasty hail though. I am pleased that the rapture won’t be preempting Justin Timberlake and Lady Gaga on SNL.
I like breathing, so no, not disappointed. There’s fireworks going off about a mile away from me right now, so I think other people are also happy we’re still here.
At 6pm Hawaiian time a crown popped off one of my wisdom teeth while eating dinner. For a minute I though that this might be the beginning of the end. If I’m still here, I’ll be calling my dentist come Monday.
You know what is sad?
I am listening to a woman on the radio who is really sad that the End-Time didn’t come. She apparently listened to this Harold Camping…for three years 24 hours a day….and she said that she had postponed her whole life (not dealing with bills, problems) because “Hey! We are going to be raptured!” And now, she doesn’t know what to do….and is in shock.
This is why this whole thing is really sad and innocent people were dragged into this whole scenario.
@DarlingRhadamanthus I really wish I could feel sad for people who put their lives on hold, but at a certain point I have to admit that a certain level of stupidity inhibits my ability to sympathize.
@incendiary_dan…... It’s just the vulnerable, Dan….sometimes the vulnerable are not stupid…they are just easy prey and naive. And the children…lots of kids were dragged across the country prosletyzing. One teen told a reporter how he had no dreams left…as his parents had basically had all their focus “on the end of the world” and that no plans had been made for him to go on to study some more or to do anything with his life.
That’s the tragedy I meant.
(Lurve coming to you, thanks!....Lurve coming to all of you for stopping in at the “We Are Not Raputured Check-In FlutherFest!”)
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