Social Question

What are you excited for recently?
What’s the next most exciting thing that you look forward to in your life?
Whether it be some event that happens only yearly, or a special occasion of some sort?
For me, my life goes somewhat like this—>
Wake up, eat, school, nap, homework, study, exercise, sleep.
Well, it goes somewhat like that, plus other little habits and hobbies. So, things that are out of the ordinary from my usual routinely day is exciting!. Is there an event of some sort coming up that is out of the ordinary of what you usually do in your daily life?
I’m excited for the exhibition to come into town. Even though the rides just make me sick, and it seems to get suckier, have less rides, and make me feel more queasy than before… I am excited because it only happens yearly! And I get to walk around with friends, or family and buy cotton candy, walk all day and night around the ex and see pretty lights, and go on rides that are fun at first, but then barf later.
Another thing I’m excited for, is that a bunch of relatives who live in America or just another city are flying in to come visit! I love those huge gatherings with family and relatives! We’ll go out to eat more often, go to places that we don’t usually think to go on a normal day without guests, have BBQ’s and go to the beach! (even though the beach in my city is a sad excuse for a beach… with pointy rocks, litter and disgusting dirt-like sand).