(Possibly NSFW) When you "played doctor" as a child, what exactly did that entail?
What did it look like when you played “doctor” as a kid? The more details, the better.
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35 Answers
Looking at another kid’s private parts. Usually that kid was of the opposite sex. It was a long time ago. It only happened once, so I suspect my memory is highly unreliable. I have this image of a girl leaning over a bed showing me her butt. Not, I think, a successful beginning to a medical career.
I don’t remember ever playing “doctor”. We would chase the boys and kiss them when we caught them and there may have been a couple of “show me yours & I’ll show you mine”. But we weren’t into medical exams.
Yes, it was examining each other’s private parts. It was my best friend (boy) from across the road. I was a curious child. I remember this old lady caught us. We were hiding behind a garden wall, showing each other what we had and she looked out of her window and screamed at us like a banshee… we were totally freaked out. I ran away from home and hid for hours. The whole neighbourhood was looking for me. When someone found me, and took me home, my dad didn’t say a word about it. He just hugged me and we let the subject drop. I have NEVER shared that story.
Why do you ask?
I didn’t play doctor, but I did play house with a female friend of mine when she stayed the night at my house. I think we were 11 at the time. I remember kissing her (I played the dad, she was mom).
We’re Facebook friends now.
The end.
Seriously? Playing doctor was checking out other kids junk for all you people? What did my parents do to me?
It wasn’t for you? What was playing doctor for you?
@Bellatrix It was playing mother fucking doctor – you know, your sister comes in with a tummy ache, and you check her temperature with your fake thermometer (mouth, not butt), and put on the fake wrist cuff and take her blood pressure, and tap her knee with the triangle reflexy thing and then give her two sugar cubes as pills. Like a fucking doctor would! And now I come to find out I could have seen a penis before I was 19? God, what a scam.
Laughing very loudly out loud… drat. Sorry you missed out on all the fun.
…..Um, gently probing the pudendal cleft at the direction of the “patient,” with curious fingers. Is that enough details for you?
<nervous shy cough>
It entailed wasting rolls of toliet paper and tape for designing fake bandges, and ketchup for the wounds. I would roll my friend around the house in my dad’s office chair. Yeah, nothing naughty.
So then follow-up question for the naughty people: Did you, at the time, call it playing doctor, or was that simply a cute name your parents tacked on as a way to say to other parents “Yeah, my kid and yours were showing each other their genitals”, and no actual exams (play or otherwise) were involved? What’s the difference between “playing doctor” and playing “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours”?
We called it playing house or playing doctor.
@everephebe Omg, are you effing kidding me? Now playing house isn’t pretending your married and cooking fake eggs and doing fake washing? Is there nothing my parents did right?!?!?!?!?!
@wundayatta oh i don’t know my medical career seems to involve pretty much nothing but people showing me their bottoms.
I think we called it…lol as I type this… playing “rudies”. So we obviously realised it was something we shouldn’t be doing.
@Bellatrix I know one time I had a girl over and she was like “let’s play this new game where we take off our clothes and lie on top of each other and kiss” but it didn’t have a name. And when my mom found out, she told the girls parents that the girl was now banned from being my friend and I lost the only girl who would talk to me on the playground….
Awww. That is so sad. I think it’s pretty natural for kids to be curious. This was when I was about five and I don’t remember it ever coming up after that time.
Meh, my playing doctor experience in my early years is so lame if i compare it to yours alls, with all the nudity and private parts shows…..
We were simply doing brain surgery, aids research and drug prescriptions.
@jonsblond I had a very similar experience with a female friend of mine when we were about 8 years old. I’m going to be her bridesmaid next year!
I never played doctor.My Barbies didn’t play doctor either.:)
I’m afraid this is where doctor patient confidentiality comes in ;-)
I had a Fischer Price kiddie doctor’s kit. One time, I took it to a doctor’s appt. with me. I made the doctor submit to an “exam” before he could give me my check-up. It entailed basically the same things that Newt mentioned in her post above. Perfectly “safe for work.”
We looked at each other but we actually touched each other to find out what it felt like. We didn’t at the time know it was called playing doctor until we were older.
No doctor. The same thing as, @jonsblond, though (playing house), and I was always the daddy. I remember holding hands with the girl and we had a pretend wedding (with a wee kiss).
I didn’t hear about the NSFW version of ‘playing doctor’ until adulthood. Like @answerjill, someone gave me a doctor’s kit toy. The only questionable activities done with its contents were passing the plastic thermometer from one mouth to the other without washing it first and consuming a bunch of ‘pills’ (Rainbow Jimmies) all at once.
we started with exams of every inch of each others body and turned into sex at a very early age, even though we had no idea what we were doing we were each others first
When I was a kid, I heard of the X-rated “playing doctor” from my mom, who told me that other kids in the neighborhood did it and I was never, ever to play doctor with them. So, I never did.
I never played ‘doctor’ but…I did have an ‘exploration’ with a girl friend when we were 12.
Otherwise, I was all about boys.
Another little friend and I did a naked ‘dance’ in our oh, so cool, ‘Go Go’ boots for the neighbor boys once. haha
Yep, they forgot all about their baseball that they were retieiving from my backyard. lolol
Us 60’s kids were pretty sexually tame compared to todays kids.
Then again…when the 70’s hit and I came of ‘age’...well…that was a whole different story, sex, drugs and rock-n-roll! lol
LOL..‘rainbow Jimmies’ the gateway drug to rainbow windowpane. hahaha
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There was a brief time in 5th grade of playing “office” or “going to the principal’s”, which involved fumbling around in the school supply closet. That ended abruptly when our parents were called.
Sheesh. I’ll bet these days, it would have gotten us suspended for sexual harassment.
@Coloma Don’t laugh. I think the Rainbow Jimmies where what led to a short-lived obsession with cold capsules that contained red and white tiny pellets. They weren’t consumed though…I just liked to open one up on a tissue and attempt to count all of the pellets.
@answerjill Virginia gal here. I picked up the name when searching through internet photos of the sprinkles in the toy doctor’s kit vials. I do own a pair of Wellies though. :)
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