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mazingerz88's avatar

Do you have a real life breathtaking romantic event fit for a Hollywood movie?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29377points) May 22nd, 2011

Ah yes, those breathtaking and sigh enducing romantic movie scenes that would forever linger in our memories. Do you have one or more than a few happenings in your life that would perfectly fit into an unforgettable romantic Hollywood film? It doesn’t have to be a big grand event like Leonardo with Kate together on the Titanic’s bow. It could be something smaller yet still very romantic, whether it’s funny or bittersweet.

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13 Answers

Cruiser's avatar

Yes I do! Quite a few! :)

creative1's avatar

Oh yes……. romance is wonderful when it happens, makes you feel like your on cloud nine.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Midnight with my boyfriend on one of the bridges overlooking the Thames in London. A busker was playing the theme from Love Story. It’s a very strong memory for me.

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Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Possibly. Upon the encouragement of my starry-eyed girlfriends, the two of us started a blog that tells our tale. We took turns posting descriptions from our personal perspectives. We figured it would be a source for recalling the details of how it came about when our memories start to fail. I suppose it could be made into a movie, although neither of us would want that.

gailcalled's avatar

A friend went to London on business and bought a ticket for the theater. When he was shown to his seat, a beautiful blond was sitting in it. Oddly, and very unusual, the box office sold the same seat twice.

My friend took another seat and invited the blond interloper for a drink at intermission. They have been married for almost 30 years.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Yes. It’s how I met one of my bf’s. In a nightclub we exchanged many glances and smiles so I walked to an upstairs balcony overlooking the dance floor to see if he’d follow. Follow he did and he came, stood beside but didn’t say a word at first. I asked him his name, he answered, I took his hand and led him downstairs to meet the friends I’d come with.

We moved in together shortly after and were a wonderfully happy couple for about 4 years. Each day we’d tell each other we were the best thing that ever happened to either of us. We never called each other a derogatory name or swore at the other. It was a bit of a faerie tale and one I’ll never regret.

wundayatta's avatar

My Hollywood moments all belong in one of Woody Allen’s depressing movies.

perspicacious's avatar

Yes. You’ll have to wait for the book.

mazingerz88's avatar

@wundayatta I love Woody Allen films. He does depression in a bittersweet way. Plus there’s that music he uniquely scores his movies with.

wundayatta's avatar

I can identify with that, too. I wish my life didn’t fit in one of his movies, though.

ucme's avatar

Oh yeah! Ssshhh….it’s a secret ;¬}

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