Is it wierd to love doing laundry?
I love laundry. I love the smell of the detergent and folding them. My friends think its wierd, but its mainly the only household chore I do. Should I get a new hobby?
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39 Answers
Yes…very weird…go outside do something normal….play Frisbee or change your oil.
That’s really REALLY wierd. I like the smell of freshly cleaned laundry too, but it’s NEVER caused me to like doing the chore…
No because I like to do laundry as long as it’s my own. I don’t know why.
I read somewhere that the smell of clothes when you’re ironing is a stress reliever for a lot of women. I wonder if detergents include lavender as a scent because it relaxes people?
Possibly consider switching to reading the dictionary. (Weird, I know)
Not at all. I find doing laundry makes me feel “on top of things”. If I can see a neat closet of cleaned, pressed clothes then I don’t feel like a slacker. I see my drawers and closet every day so them being nice and smelling good puts some order in my day, easily. If my bed is perfectly made up and also fresh and I have some hours to myself where I’m not rushed then folding feels really good, works my brain out (weird). The only irritating thing about laundry is not having clean space to lay out/hang air dry stuff or time to iron them afterwards.
It’s a bit weird in my opinion, but it’s what you like so don’t let others judge you on that.
No its not weird. I have been doing laundry for 3 days in a row. I just love my things to be clean and I enjoy doing it…
I would like to find local obsessives in my area who are willing to trade chores!
I’d trade having someone bring their laundry in exchange for them to sweep, vacuum, mop my floors and clean dust from my ceiling fan blades once a month. I’d also organize kitchens and closets in exchange for the other person to plant pretties around my yard.
I like doing it too. I also love mopping. It is one of those simple tasks that has a ending.
For example, yardwork never seems to end, there is always more that could be done. But laundry and mopping has a clearly defined end if you don’t have kids. When you are done you can drink a beer and know that you at least got something done today.
If it’s really what you love then there’s no need for another hobby.
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I wish some of your “laundry addiction” would rub off on my wife. She hates doing laundry. I know she will only wash clothes once a week, so I have to buy 7 of everything. This is really no big deal. I have learned to adapt after 45 years of marriage.
Now, the ironing board is a whole different story. I bought my wife a new ironing board in 1975 and it still has the price tag on it.
You are normal. Some guy will be thrilled to marry you, if you are not already married. jp
I don’t think many men enjoy it, though some certainly enjoy cleaning.
@john65pennington: There are dry cleans who do regular laundry and ironing for less than $1.50 an item.
If it is weird to like or love doing laundry, then there are a bunch of us in that group. The only downside for me is not having a clothes dryer. Waiting for them to dry on a line or clothes maiden doesn’t thrill me.
@The_Idler You may be right, and that would make an interesting question to poll the Fluther males. My sister’s husband and son both started doing their own laundry, and it wasn’t due to any complaints from her. Maybe they were just trying to do their part around the house, or she wasn’t doing the laundry as frequently as they would have liked. (I’ve seen their closets, and they have less clothes than she does.)
@john65pennington I adore you dahlin’, but that response just seems wrong on several levels. Now that you are retired, this might be a good way to help with the household chores, considering your wife hates it.
It’s should be one of the most normal thing to love ever in my view. It’s about clothes. Food, shelter and clothing, the basics remember? You could be a genetic descendant of the first person who realized someone has to clean the animal clotheskin everybody was wearing after they went out hunting Mammoths.
That’s a perfectly normal quirk. I like shoveling snow, within reason. :)
I love the smell of freshly washed clothes, but when it comes to doing it, I’m not too pushed. I don’t think it’s weird though. If you enjoy it, keep enjoying it.
Laundry is the only household chore I enjoy doing.
I love going to laundrymats even though I have my own machines because I love to watch the clothes. It’s more relaxing as well.
No, I love doing laundry. Well, not the folding part, but everything else. It’s nice to do something that produces an immediate, tangible result.
There’s a youtube video on “japanese shirt folding” that some co workers and I are trying to master. Go look it up, it makes t-shirts look as nice as dress shirts too.
Weird but so good for you to love something you have to do anyway.
Tell me, do you feel the same about ironing? Then I’ll KNOW you’re weird.
@Neizvestnaya I’ve done the Japanese shirt folding thing. It amazes people every time. It’s a great time saver.
I don’t think it’s weird. I don’t really mind doing the laundry either, well now that there are just the two of us. Kids make tons of really gross laundry which I DID mind.
Lonelydragon is after my laundry-lovin’ heart.
Doing dishes and laundry relaxes me. I have asked my wife not to do these on Thursdays or Fridays so I can do them during the weekend.
@filmfann you ask your wife to let the dishes sit until the weekend when you want to do them?
And she consents? Amazing.
You must be PML [pulling my leg]
I love doing laundry. You’re not alone ;)
@anartist No, I’m not. And often as not, she does them on Friday.
What really annoys her is when she lets them go, then I get called into work during the weekend.
I’m not the biggest fan of laundry, but I totally dig cleaning out the dryer lint trap. Isthat even stranger, or what? :)
nah, it’s kinda satisfying getting all that fuzzy fluffy felty matt of fur out.
It’s not weird unless you wash them be beating them on a rock down at the stream. Actually it’s quite satisfying to do laundry. It has a defined beginning, middle and end. At the end, you’ve done something very worthwhile that will last a few days (unlike washing dishes).
You’re not weird. You have healthy dopamine levels and can enjoy the simple things in life. I enjoy doing laundry too. I like the sounds the machine makes and the nice fragrances that emit from the chemical additives.
Also, some people don’t realize, but there are a lot of guys, and otherwise that have suddenly gotten excited about doing laundry because of clothes washers such as the LG Waveforce and Samsung AquaJet. These washers are drastically different new generation HE top loading washers that get rave reviews, and are very fun to watch operate. No, I don’t work for either one of those companies.
Many people find poisoning themselves with alcohol and getting hangovers, and putting themselves into alcohol induced coma fun. How is that fun or sane?
I guess that means I’m one.
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