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Carly's avatar

What kind of soup goes really well with croissants?

Asked by Carly (4555points) May 23rd, 2011

I’m making dinner for 30–40 people, and I thought soup would be easy to make a lot of. I’m already planning on making croissants, and I’m sure most of you are thinking any soup would taste good! But I still need ideas. :P

Any recommendations?

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30 Answers

_zen_'s avatar

I always think of soup as, well, soup. An appetizer. Maybe a very thick, meaty stew would be considered a meal in itself. And croissants are simply desert, imho. So what would go with soup and croissants? The rest of the meal; Meat, potatoes and vegetables.

gailcalled's avatar

I too think of croissants as a breakfast item with serious French espresso.

How about a pan of corn bread with any of the thick bean, corn and rice soups (with or without hot peppers, diced ham or sausage)? A big salad and you’re done.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

Some kind of bisque would be good. I think lobster bisque would be good, but it is a pain to make. But you do need to feed the people something other than soup and croissants for dinner.

rebbel's avatar

Or are you talking about croutons instead of croissants?
That would (to me anyway) make more sense, croutons with onion soup for example.

wundayatta's avatar

Seasonal soups are best, I think. So watercress, spinach, a fruit soup with strawberries and yogurt, a soup with other greens or an asparagus soup—the latter being the most hearty. You make it with a lot of potatoes and puree it and then dump the asparagus in, cut in a few chunks, that that sounds good. Can I join you?

PS. That is what is local and fresh where I live. You might have different things at your farmer’s market.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@wundayatta Ooo. Vichyssoise. God, I love vichyssoise.

yankeetooter's avatar

French onion soup? Lol!

creative1's avatar

I would put them with a nice hearty beef stew or a hearty clam chowder, both I would make homemade.

El_Cadejo's avatar

French onion jumped to mind for me as well

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JLeslie's avatar


French onion jumped to my mind, but with the croutons in there it seems like bread overkill. My MIL makes onion soup with a chicken broth that is much lighter. Assuming you are in the northern hemisphere and it is getting warm out, maybe try that for a lighter onion soup.

Personally I don’t think of croissants with something hearty. I think of them as light, buttery, and delicate. Are you sure you don’t prefer to do a salad?

All my favorite soups are things like split pea, lentil, pasta fagioli, minestrone, matzah ball, not really croissantish.

JLeslie's avatar

A zucchini soup. I like it better than broccoli, and the zucchini is in season. I think that is my final suggestion.

Kardamom's avatar

I love soup! But if you’re making a dinner, you should probably also serve a big salad, along with the croissants. If you will have any vegetarians at your party, you might want to consider making a smaller batch of vegetarian soup too. You have no idea how much that would be appreciated by someone of my ilk. : )

I don’t know if you are going for a French theme, or if you just like croissants, but I’ll start with something French.

This isn’t exactly a soup, but it’s similar and it’s very hardy. Cassoulet

Serve it with this French Salad (double or triple the recipe as needed) and here is a definition and its substitutions of one of the ingredients called Verjus. And for the vegetarians, here is a Kale and White Bean Soup

The other soup that I absolutely love is Cream of Mushroom (this recipe can be made with vegetable broth, so you wouldn’t have to make 2 soups)

Serve with this Kale and Root Vegetable Salad

Or how about this Greek Lemon Chicken Soup

Served with this Greek Salad (I also add jarred mild banana pepper rings to this salad) And for the vegetarians this Vegetarian Egg Lemon Soup or this Greek Lentil Soup

Moving on to Italy, you might like this Minestrone Soup (which can also be made with vegetable broth)

Serve with this Spicy Italian Salad

Or how about this Spicy Black Bean and Tomato Soup

Serve with this Mexican Salad with Honey Lime Dressing or this Baby Greens with Pumpkins Seeds or this Avocado and Orange Salad

Or you might like this Mooswood Restaurant’s Potato Cheese Soup

Serve with this Moroccan Greens and Grains Salad or this Crunchy Romaine Toss

You also might want to set out a few different ramekins of herbed butters like these and these

Before the meal you might want to set out some easy apetizers like these Spicy Roasted Chickpeas and some Sweet and Spicy Roasted Nuts along with some cubes of various cheeses and some fancy mixed olives.

Have fun!

Cruiser's avatar

Pea soup or pumpkin soup would be yummy

_zen_'s avatar

@Kardamom has the most amazing, detailed answers ever. The linking takes so much time and is so well thought out – three cheers for the bestest jelly ever.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

French Onion Soup. Yumtastic.

Blueroses's avatar

I think a croissant might melt away in a brothy soup so I would go for something more thick and rich to maintain the integrity of the roll if you dip it in. A broccoli cheddar or potato leek or squash soup would be nice.

creative1's avatar

I agree with @Blueroses I think of the heavier breads such as french breads for the brothy soups, and something heartier and thicker for the flakey croissant since it is lighter weight and won’t fill you and the soup will where the brothy soups need a heavier bread with them to fill you up.

MilkyWay's avatar

@zen @Kardamom HIP HIP HOORAY!

SamIAm's avatar

Artichokes are in season and super cheap these days. Maybe a cream of artichoke soup! Or tomato, or stew. Any of those would be great and filling. Especially the stew, and you can find inexpensive meat if you shop right :)

Kardamom's avatar

Are any of us invited to this soup-er sounding party?

BarnacleBill's avatar

Awesome carrot soup that can be made vegetarian by substuting vegetable broth:

Carrot Orange Soup
¼ cup salted butter (½ stick)
2 vidalia onions, chopped, about 3 cups
6 ribs celery chopped, about 2 cups
2 lbs carrots chopped, about 7 cups
2 quarts chicken broth
2 cups orange juice
2 teaspoons coarse salt
1 teaspoon ground pepper

Melt butter in stock pot. Add, chopped onions and celery, and saute covered until soft and translucent, about 25 minutes.

Add two quarts of chicken broth, and chopped carrots. Cover, and cook over medium heat until carrots are soft, about 30 minutes.

Strain carrots mixture, reserving broth. Puree carrots in blender, adding about a cup of broth at a time to facilitate blending. Return pureed carrots to stock pot, and add remaining broth to puree. Stir in 2 cups orange juice. Add salt and pepper.

Can be served hot or cold. Garnish with chopped mint, or with a dollop of yogurt and chopped chives.

Anemone's avatar

I think a creamy and/or pureed style soup would be best.

Carly's avatar

@Kardamom, if you live around the St. Louis, MO area, I’ll give you directions!

MonstrousPeace's avatar

Clam Chowder is a good soup to go with any sort of bread.

Mantralantis's avatar

French Onion Soup. It’s french, right?

jazmina88's avatar

French Onion.
Potato Soup.
Or I had bread with my white bean soup last week.

How bout baguettes??

samanthaprice319's avatar

Hello, I have the perfect soup for this. It is called ham chowder. four servings= 1 ham steak cut into cubes 1 can mixed veggies 1 can cream of chicken soup 1 8 oz bag of mozzerella cheese and milk. put cream of chicken in pot or microwave container if making in microwave. Then fill can with milk mix in milk heat until hot add ham cubes heat for about 5–10 min careful not to scorch then add the veggies garnish with as much mozzerella cheese as desired and voila! My family loves this and it makes 4 serving but I’m sure you can always make more! Great with croissants!

Pachy's avatar

Great suggestions above, but me, I can make a whole meal of warm croissants and butter alone. Maybe a litle cheese, too.

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