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FutureMemory's avatar

Fluther user names - is anyone else occasionally 'dyslexic' with them?

Asked by FutureMemory (24763points) May 23rd, 2011

For some reason, filmfann has always been flimflam in my mind, and buttonstc is…drum rollbuttsonic.

When I see their names, those are the names I “see”.

How about you?

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45 Answers

yankeetooter's avatar

I’ve done that, occasionally, which is why I try to take advantage of the feature where you type a few letters and the name comes up…

rebbel's avatar

downtide – downtilde
buttonstc – buttonstic
JilltheTooth – JillytheTooth
bob_ – jim_

Aster's avatar

filmmfan/flim flam; yep.
downtide: downsize

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Brian1946's avatar

I used to occasionally think of augustlan as augustian.

I used to occasionally confuse the name of galileogirl with that of gailcalled, but perhaps thanks to the above ;-), that confusion is no more.

I used to think that aprilsimnel was aprilisme. ;-p

I used to think that noelleptc was noepilepsy or something like that.

However, the biggest challenge for me in correctly memorizing user names, is the random case usage.

bob_'s avatar

Blueroses – Purpleroses.

<—color blind

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I get bob_ confused with _bob all the time.

ucme's avatar

I’ve said it before & by god i’ll say it again, iamthemob I always saw as jamthenob. Brought tears to my eyes so it did.

Blueroses's avatar

I have a j/i issue too. I still believe jca is ica.

and @bob_, you can call me anything just as long as you call me!

Blueroses's avatar

horrible tease! using my own words against me

bob_'s avatar

@Blueroses Don’t pretend you don’t like it.

zenvelo's avatar

@noelleptc is no epileptic in my mind.

Blueroses's avatar

mine too @zenvelo except it’s more “no eleptic” which to me sounds like a refusal to use a piece of equipment at the gym.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

I know a LOT of people think my name is New, not Newt. Drives me freaking crazy, but I try to remember it’s an honest mistake.

FutureMemory's avatar

@MyNewtBoobs It may be because My-Newt-Boobs doesn’t make “sense”.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@FutureMemory It does if you say it out loud.

FutureMemory's avatar

Oh! I never thought of it that way.

BarnacleBill's avatar

@MyNewtBoobs, which is really funny, considering MyNewtBoobs is the antithesis of My New Boobs!!

erichw1504's avatar

I always thought hawaii_jake was hawaii_lake.

Coloma's avatar

Absolutely! Part of my hyper-fast, creative brain. I make the most insane typos sometimes, transposing letters, and at times misread names at a glance. I usually have to edit almost everything I write for one reason or another. I deal with it! lol

Coloma's avatar

Oh..I thought @MyNewtBoobs was My NEW boobs..for a long time.
I thought, ” okay, if you want to advertise you have new boobs, whatever..” haha

erichw1504's avatar

I never have a problem with lysdexia.

Blueroses's avatar

Dyslexics UNTIE!
The rallying cry at the union meeting hall

Jude's avatar

Yep, the gasman. I tend to read as the “taxman”. “yeeeeaahhh, the taxmaaaaannnn”...

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@BarnacleBill Which is why I have to work kinda hard to not yell at people for it.
@Coloma lol you and many others!

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zenvelo's avatar

@noelleptc Oh please don’t! It’s how we all lurve you…

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@noelleptc It’s Noelle with the pretty tight… Right?

Jude's avatar


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WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

In my head I can’t make myself use initials when I’m glancing at someone’s name. @noelleptc My darling, I hate to tell you this, but to me, your user name will always be “Noelleptic”. Buttonstc sounds like “Buttonstick” in my head.

Jude's avatar

@noelleptc I will never read your usernname any other way now, thanks to @MyNewtBoobs. Ha!

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bob_'s avatar

@MyNewtBoobs @noelleptc Pics or it never happened.

Jude's avatar

We’re changing bobs named to boobs.

AmWiser's avatar

I don’t know why I use to get @Coloma mixed up in my head with Colombo.
You know the old private eye series starring Peter Falk

FutureMemory's avatar


Coloma's avatar


Hahaha…I have also been called ‘Colona.’ I don’t know if they meant I look like I might smell nice or I need an enema. Maybe both, maybe a perfumed enema. lolol

FutureMemory's avatar

I’m glad people enjoyed this thread :)

Coloma's avatar

Hmmm…I might be able to go with Coloma Columbo, I have been thinking of buying a heroin cartel when I retire.
Colomas columbian cartel hahaha

Hey, one has to be creative in these times.

I also joke about becoming a madam. Colomas girls do it best! :-)

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filmfann's avatar

Back a thousand years ago, I got a disk in the mail to get 100 hours free on America Online. I signed up using the name filmfann. AOL took 3 days before it canceled my membership, and wanted me to verify my credit card information, because someone there felt my name was too close to flimflam, and I must be taking advantage of AOL’s free period.

I always see Augustlan as Augustian, so it happens to me too.

AstroChuck's avatar

I used to see Fluther as Flutter.

~ Ass troChuck
(of if you prefer- AfroChuck)

Strauss's avatar

I first thought it was Noelle’s S. T.D!”

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