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What are you thoughts on my father's interesting behavior? (Details inside)

Asked by SuperMouse (30853points) May 23rd, 2011

I have been dealing with some pretty trying issues lately and it has occurred to me over and over that my father taught me some things that really come in handy at times like this. After about the tenth time I thought this I decided to send him an email letting him know. I said basically that because of his example and/or teaching I am pretty strong, resilient, and pragmatic then I thanked him. In response he sent me an email with a link about a guy who was taking contracts to walk dogs after the rapture and suggested I look into it. A day or so later I got a call from my sister. Turns out my father had called her and asked if I am dying because that is the only way he could imagine my saying something nice to me. My father and I are not close, but I harbor no animosity toward him and I have never been actively nasty to him. I was really taken aback by his behavior but mostly left wondering. Why wouldn’t he call me to check in rather than my sister? Any thoughts or theories?

If it matters to anyone, I know my father did not buy into the whole May 21st rapture thing.

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