(NSFWish) Why do phone dictionaries not know cuss words?
Why do phones constantly insist that you’re “ducking” your girlfriend’s “puppy”, or exclaiming “Shut!!!!”? Why don’t they just know these words and allow you to type them? I’m not just venting, I’m truly curious as to why they leave these words out – especially ass, shit, and damn, which aren’t considered that bad.
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16 Answers
@SavoirFaire Not by default. Those (most are iPhone on that site) people must use those words a lot to think they’re trying to cock, not cook soup.
I often wonder the same thing…at a guess, I’d wager it’s because they don’t want any younger users to discover a new curse word by accident. After all, us kids are impressionable and untrustworthy. Sarcasm
@MyNewtBoobs My understanding is that this is not the case. A lot of the people on that site are older and might not text very often. It seems that iPhones—and perhaps the other phones featured on that site as well—make corrections based not on one’s own history, but based on the words most used by all users. Crazy? I’d say so. But look how much fun it has brought to the world!
It must be an iPhone thing; my Droid X swears just fine. Needless to say, the words that my phone has learned requires me to check what the phone really typed.
I think its for the reason @Joker94 said, kind of. Because some people, regardless of age, don’t curse. So autofilling “fucking” when they DO mean “ducking” isn’t good. We can edit our phone dictionaries to include the curse words we use. If they come already included, having to remove them seems backwards.
Personally, gimme my curses!!! I should have added them to my dictionary loooong ago. My phone just learned “fucking.”
@SavoirFaire The original iPhone with the original firmware had swear words, but they changed it during 2.0 – and made those words harder to add (normal words, like Obi-Wan, just get added after 3 times, but not “fuck” and others). It was a real problem for many. As of 4.0, Apple’s finally given users a custom dictionary, so you can add them yourself.
@jerv My Droid Incredible had to have them added, as did my Blackberry and all my dumbphones.
I have no problem with swearing. I don’t like swearing. I don’t think it’s necessary, as one can tell off a person, or make them feel just as bad, or worse, by pushing the right buttons without using actual expletives.
I do swear sometimes, though. But does one really require their dictionary’s auto-correct feature to, well, auto-correct them to the nearest swear word? Maybe it’s better not to – and make you think twice about using that word. Did you really have to type fuck and shit? Did that contribute much to your email?
@zen I don’t need it autocorrecting to swear words, but I’d also like to not have to retype the damn word 20 times before it just lets me “misspell” something. And yes, I do need to type fuck and ass and pussy – I’m sorry, but it’s really an integral part of having text sex when your partner’s away on a business trip. As for shit and damn, I’m really not keen on other’s telling me I’m not being “proper” or “unemotional” enough – I actually see that as a huge problem with society (there was actually a question that mentioned that recently).
I hear you. Question: can’t auto-correct be turned off?
@zen You can, but then it’s off for everything (including spellcheck), and the touch feature makes it so that even those with slender fingers like me are more prone to misspellings.
@SavoirFaire Thanks for that site. Like I needed something else to waste hours of my life.
Well you can always add them to the phone dictionary.
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