How much time do you believe you have left on Earth and how much would you want to have?
Having celebrated a birthday of a 90yr old friend of a friend I got to thinking how long I have lived and how many years I might possibly have left. The “birthday boy” said he never imagined he would live so long. He was married to the same gal for 61yr; longer than I have been alive. He is a great grand father many times over. If I can be lucid and mobile I thought I would like to see 100 or 103 or so but I believe I may have only 15 more good years and anything beyond that would be sheer luck or a blessing.
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32 Answers
How old are you HC? I know it was recently decided that it is not polite to ask that of a woman, but nothing was said about a man. Why do you think you only have 15 more years left?
I am 66 and for some reason I have in my head that I will live to be 93 and die in my sleep. If that comes to pass and I am healthy, lucid and mobile until then, it will have been a good run for me. If I am not healthy, lucid and mobile then I don’t, at this point, think I would want to live that long. Conversely I would go longer as long as those 3 requirements are met.
I could be dead by the end of the day for all I know. In the meantime, I take good care of my health just in case
I know that I wouldn’t want to be around if I didn’t have my wits about me.
I think I have about 25 years. Another 5 – 6 years, and I’m good to go.
I’m 68 and I hope to see my 100th birthday. I have a good chance at it.
According to the Realage actuarial tables, there is a 50% chance I will live 38 more years.
I am doing everything I can to make them good years. Eat right, exercise, stay in shape, no bad habits.
Good thing my 401k is up to snuff.
I remember the time when I was convinced that I would never get older than 50. I figured that my life was too extreme, motorcycles, working with high voltage and high current electricity, speed boats, and other activities that tend to shorten your life. My mother died when she was 35 and I was surprised when I made it past that birthday.
I took a great deal of ribbing from friends and family on my 50th birthday, even got black trimmed birthday cards. Well here I am at 63 to be 64 on June 3rd. I have had a number of near misses and the scars to prove, it but I’m still here. I figure that I will retire at around 70 to 75 and live to be at least 93. I gave up the motorcycle because I got too comfortable at high speeds and the foot pegs wore down too fast but still like to bike mountain trails, snorkel in unusual places, climb to high places, ride fast roller coasters and even occasionaly defy my wife (a very dangerous activity).
I would be happy with 25 more years….can’t imagine my body will be in any shape to do much of anything after that.
Maybe ten or fifteen years :-/
And not enough to fulfil everything I’d like to achieve…….
An ex co-worker has just past away at forty I found out yesterday…. Sure makes you think! :-/
I would like to die, when my work is over.
I would like to die, when I feel there is nothing new to happen.
I would like to die, after I experience a highest point of joy, happiness and ecstasy.
I wish, I would live until the things are going well.
I wish, I would die without pain.
I don’t really know.
I’m not sure how much I need ;)
I’ll die when I die. No use in thinking about it, but it sure helps to live every day like I’m dying.
35 years.
I’m 28. I will be very surprised if I make it to 65. I smoke, I smoke weed, I live in a place where it’s almost always hot and sunny (bad for skin). Also I will eat anything I like the look of.
Adjust for advances in medicine and ill maybe make it to 73yo.
(males tend to die young in my family)
It’s in the lap of the gods so to speak. I want all of it damn your eyes!!
Depends on my health. As long as I could see, hear and talk and have an erection ( ok maybe not able to talk is ok ) and no major chronic pain in my body, I would love to live to a ripe 100. It is my intention to spend the remaining few years of life at such an age to sit on my Lazyboy and play video games whole days since I don’t have the luxury to do that now.
At least 110 to 140 more years.
This is actually tough to answer because of rapid gains in bio and nanotechnology. In the next few decades, it’s looking no unreasonable to see our understanding of genetics and cellular activity become so thorough that we can design nanobots to repair defects or even “improve” and alter the genetic code. If we can regrow and implant any failing organ, halt the growth of cancer cells, or target viruses more effectively than our natural immune systems, what’s to kill us besides trauma?
This isn’t to say this will happen for sure, but like I said it seems reasonable. Given these developments, I’ve read people could theoretically live for hundreds of years. Sounds crazy, but I work in biotech and have seen rapid advances in 10 years.
I’d guess in the next few decades, certainly within this century, the wealthy will find the means to significantly extend their lives. Eventually, this technology should be more affordable, but it opens a whole host of ethical issues about life: if someone is poor do they get a new heart? Do they get the benefit of the technology that keeps their muscles in the same shape as in their 20s? Or does extended life become the domain of the “haves”, not the “have nots”? Also, would it be responsible to have more children? Imagine playing with your great-great-great-great-grandchildren.
Anyways, sans said advances, I think I’ll live into my early 80s. I eat well, exercise all the time, but I’m 6’4”. You don’t see a lot of tall elderly people, and I’ve heard their hearts eventually have trouble keeping up. I could be mistaken about that, but I’m guessing I’ll be 82 or so.
How long would I like to have? Hundreds, maybe thousands of years, provided I’m in good health and can think.
According to actuarial tables (that take into fact all kinds of things like, health, income, education, etc), my life expectancy is 90, another 35 years. I plan to make it to 100, and more if the telomere restoration treatments become available.
@wundayatta I bet the orange tree will help you out as well.
@erichw1504 One can only hope. But that raises a good question. If you can travel through time, do you age less? Does it matter which way in time you go?
My goal has always been 110. However, given the advances in bio-medical engineering that might be a bit pessimistic.
I honestly can’t say. 14 year old kids are getting heart attacks, even dying from them now. I’ve known a few, I just hope everything I’m doing to prevent that happening works.
I’m 19; I figure I’ll make it till at least 50 but I can’t guess past that. I’d like to live much longer than that, but I don’t think I would stay physically comfortable long into old age, and I don’t really want to be around for that.
The reason for my pessimistic guess is because I’ve spent my teens (the “healthiest part of life” – what a joke) feeling physically like an old woman, and I don’t picture that getting much better as time goes on. I’ve been on medication that is probably still considered “semi-experimental,” had more CAT scans than I care to think about, and now I’m down an organ, so meh. Not feeling too optimistic.
I trust that today’s going to be fine. After that, it’s a crap shoot.
My mother had a strong feeling, which she mentioned often (very often) that she would die during the year after her 93d birthday. Today she is 96.5 and really irritated at being here but still eating heartily, getting her hair cut and nails done, putting on lipstick and earrings and walking 1.5 miles daily with a walker.
I would love to live to 120, but realistically I probably have another 20 years, if that. I’ve already outlived my Dad by a couple years.
I never expected to see my 60th birthday, and on that day my husband and I went out to breakfast. Now I am 67 and I have actually signed a 3-year contract of employment. One takes each day as a gift.
Unless one or more of my organs fail, I think that I will easily make it to 90 which gives me another 30 years. My dream is to be able to walk-jog a 26.2 mile marathon at ages 85, 90, 95, 100 and 101.
@gondwanalon – that sounds great but I want to know what your time will be at each age!
@rooeytoo How old are you HC? I am ”Half a Buck Chuck” [50] right now.
Why do you think you only have 15 more years left? As much as I take care of myself (at least I think) my family do not have many who lived long into the 80s or more. Physically I don’t recover from things that never bothered me as little as 5 years ago. I am not looking further than 15 years realistically no matter what I do, I could be wrong but I would not bet on it.
@Hypocrisy_Central – heck you’re still a spring chicken! don’t think that way, it could become a self fulfilling prophecy!
@rooeytoo Extrapolating out from my current rate of decomposition, I’d say that I might be able to hobble through a marathon at age 85 on or about 5 hours. At ages 90 and 95 maybe within 7 hours. At and 100 and 101 a good finish time would be sometime before the sun goes down.
I had a great- great aunt who passed away in April. She was 102. I have another great-great aunt who is 103 and living. I think that I’m going to live till maybe 70.
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