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MilkyWay's avatar

(NSFW) Should I wear this jacket?

Asked by MilkyWay (13914points) May 24th, 2011

I just got a jacket as a present from one of my relatives. She’s a very innocent and sensitive creature and went shopping to get me a present. The jacket says “Dickies” on it.
Mum and dad roared with laughter when I showed them and said it’s upto me what I want to do with it.
So, should I wear this jacket or not? She says “I can’t wait to see you going to school in that sweetpea”. Dare I wear this jacket outside?

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21 Answers

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Seelix's avatar

Oh my gosh, it’s just a brand name. I think it started as a workwear brand. Construction workers wear Dickies all the time, and they make all kinds of clothes. Mr. Fiance has quite a few Dickies shirts.

However, if it’s not a known brand where you are, and you’re not comfortable wearing it, don’t. But really, in North America it’s well-known and I’ve never heard anyone over the age of six make a joke about it.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Agreed, Dickies is a brand of workwear. I love their clothes!

MilkyWay's avatar

Gosh, I’d never even heard of it till she gave it to me. Hmm, it’s not a well known brandname here…

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Well, I would wonder if your peers would have the same reaction that you and your parents did. So it is really up to you if you choose to wear it, but the meaning behind it is genuinely harmless. :)

MilkyWay's avatar

Okay, thanks guys :) I’ll try it once tomorrow, see what happens.

wundayatta's avatar

I would not want to be turned into a free advertising venue. I don’t like wearing clothes with the brand name plastered all over them.

Lightlyseared's avatar

I’ve seen Dickies around but I have to admit it’s not a common brand here in the UK (what with every bloody person you see wearing SuperDry theres little space left in the market).

tedd's avatar

@Lightlyseared The irony being I’ve never heard of SuperDry in my life, but I’m rather familiar with Dickies.

6rant6's avatar

@wundayatta Agreed. Even just clothes with plaster and no brand names I find uncomfortable. Same thing with straw and mud., Whose idea was that anyway?

Blueroses's avatar

Around here, Dickies clothes are like Carhartt; practical work attire. Nobody gives a second thought to the name.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

The Dickies brand was huge here in the US when I was a teen and the Preppy look went mainstream. The brand is known for their business casual appearance and being good quality.

Is the brand name on a little red label? If so, you might be able to remove it without harming the jacket. If it emblazoned on the front or back, you might consider not wearing it to school. Is there a school code on what is allowed to be worn? If so, that might provide an excuse for not wearing it there.

On the other hand, you might start a new trend.

Kardamom's avatar

If you ever watch any of those cooking shows where they’re in a real restaurant kitchen, most of those pants that the chefs wear are Dickie’s brand. I think the jackets are too.

The pants are extremely popular out here in California, mostly for teenagers (both girls and boys), but lots of blue collar professionals wear them too.

It’s funny, because I’ve never heard of SuperDry either. You could start a Dickies trend in England and we could start a SuperDry trend in the U.S.

Here’s another funny thought. There’s a song by Paul McCartney called She’s Given Up Talking where he talks about a dickie bird. This thread just made me think of that song.

jrpowell's avatar

I only wear Dickies, Ben Davis, and Carhartt pants. They are cheap and last forever. It is just workwear here. 90% of anyone that works on a construction site is wearing some of their clothes.

FutureMemory's avatar

This gets my vote for cutest question ever.

Pele's avatar

Wear it if you want to!

MilkyWay's avatar

I wore it to school today. My friends all laughed and had fun, me included! It was a really fun experience, and as a teacher told me privately, very bold. Thank goodness nobody made any nasty remarks about it. It really is quite a smart jacket :D
Thank you guys.

Kardamom's avatar

@queenie That’s so great that everyone got a kick out of the jacket. The cool thing is, now you’ve started a Dickies trend and everybody’s going to want a jacket or a pair of pants.

MilkyWay's avatar

@Kardamom Yep. My first time as a trendsetter went well :)

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