General Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Do all tattoos turn to blobs as they age?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37841points) May 24th, 2011

I’ve seen old men with a blue blob that was once some type of meaningful tattoo, but it’s now a mess.

Do all tattoos end this way? If so, why get one?

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10 Answers

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Depends on the ink. The older men w/tats you see now used ink that doesn’t stand the test of time.

marinelife's avatar

No necessarily. It depends on the quality of the original image.

tinyfaery's avatar

It depends. The ink used in today’s tattoos are far superior so they don’t run or fade as easily. It also depends on the tattoo; if it’s a shitty tattoo, small, with too much ink, it will start to change it’s shape. If you lose or gain a lot of weight the tattoo could change shape, too.

Seelix's avatar

I think it depends a lot on the ink used, and on whether the person gains/loses weight, like others have said.

Another thing to consider is whether you get touch-ups done. The shop where I had mine done gives free touch-ups for life, and thanks to that, my 10-year-old tattoo still looks gorgeous. I’m not sure how things work for people who have coloured ink, but mine are all in black and sharpening the edges every couple of years has worked wonders.

JilltheTooth's avatar

My boob-frog is 34 this year, and in spite of pregnancy and various weight gains and losses still obviously a frog, still cute, just not as crisp looking as it used to be. But then, neither am I.

YoBob's avatar

Bottom line: Even if the ink doesn’t change, your body will (as will your perception of what is cool, trendy, and cute).

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

No. My panther is about 14 years old and still looks the same. The heart on my stomach is a completely different story after going through two full pregnancies… LOL.

josie's avatar

I had two great uncles who were WW II Marines. They both had tattoos that they got somewhere in the Pacific, and the tattoos were very faded and blurry. I suspect it is like @Simone_De_Beauvoir said. The ink was shitty.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Not blobs but if you have fine line detail work then that will blur a bit as the skin stretches and retracts. If you like the daylight then detailed color will fade a little too.

tranquilsea's avatar

My mom’s tattoo just went from a regular rose (across the top of her left breast) to a long stemmed red rose as she aged.

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