If you had to get a tattoo tomorrow, what image would you have tattooed where?
Just saw Simone de Beauvoir’s question looking for an image of three peacock feathers for a tattoo tomorrow. It made me wonder what image I would choose if I had to have a tattoo.
Anyway, what image would you choose? Why would you choose it? Where on your body would you put it? Please post a picture of the image if you can find one.
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52 Answers
I would have a huge fire-breathing dragon, or maybe two of them coiled around each other and breathing fire at each other.
And I’d have it placed on YOUR back.
I’ve been wanting to get the kids names inked on my arm for quite some time now. Problem is i’m a fucking coward with needles.
Yeah yeah, what a prick! I know….
I’d get a small (~2 inches) rendering of the Sanskrit for “Bodhisattva” on my left shoulder.
I’d want a giant purple octopus on my back. I’d want it to cover up a lot of my back.
I also want a pin-up zombie girl, kind of like the one on this shirt, on my forearm.
I’d get a modified caduceus with my aunt and grandfather’s initials and the years they were born/died. I actually already drew up what I would want.
I want to get it on my calf. I picked this one because getting my nursing degree was a big deal and I decided to do so because of the nurses that cared for my aunt and grandfather when they had cancer. My aunt and grandfather both died from their cancer and seeing what the nurses did for them when they were in the hospital on the oncology unit had a major impact on my life. I swapped out the snake heads for roses because the first tattoo my aunt got was a rose. The green ‘N’ represents getting my nursing degree (my school’s colors was the emerald green).
<- That on either my back or my shoulder
“Nihil Certum, Nihil Sacrum, Nihil Sine Nefas
Pax Definite Et S. Pax, Pax Sine Scelere ” definitely on my back in between the shoulder blades.
A small, cute dinosaur, somewhere on my lower stomach region.
I have a location, right shoulder since the left has one already. But I can’t think of any design yet that I would not mind having forever.
Compass rose on my left shoulder blade.
This. Not exactly as it is here. But, the same idea (bird free from cage). Lovely.
I know why the caged bird sings by Maya Angelou
A free bird leaps on the back
Of the wind and floats downstream
Till the current ends and dips his wing
In the orange suns rays
And dares to claim the sky.
But a BIRD that stalks down his narrow cage
Can seldom see through his bars of rage
His wings are clipped and his feet are tied
So he opens his throat to sing.
The caged bird sings with a fearful trill
Of things unknown but longed for still
And his tune is heard on the distant hill for
The caged bird sings of freedom.
The free bird thinks of another breeze
And the trade winds soft through
The sighing trees
And the fat worms waiting on a dawn-bright
Lawn and he names the sky his own.
But a caged BIRD stands on the grave of dreams
His shadow shouts on a nightmare scream
His wings are clipped and his feet are tied
So he opens his throat to sing.
The caged bird sings with
A fearful trill of things unknown
But longed for still and his
Tune is heard on the distant hill
For the caged bird sings of freedom.
Giger’s Li II on my back.
I have no idea. I would put it in a place easily covered that’s for sure.
A tree covering my back with roots leading all the way to the base of my spine. Someday.
I am still making my mind up whether i am going to choose this one or this one.
In case it is going to be the second one i think i would spell it a bit better.
A nice 1/16 of an inch square on the inside of my left butt cheek in a tone that exactly matches my natural skin color.
I would be far more likely to get something like this
Someday Mr. Fiance and I are going to get matching (kind of) tattoos – when we get married. In Vonnegut’s Mother Night, a couple refers to their marriage as their “nation of two”. I plan to get that phrase in Italian (nazione di due) and he’s going to get it as well, probably just straight up English, though. I want it on the inside of my left wrist.
My next tattoo will most likely be my favourite quote by Petrarch – “Di tutti i piaceri sortiti dall’uomo sulla terra, lo studio delle lettere è non solo il più nobile, ma anche il più durevole”. It’ll go on my back from shoulder to shoulder, between my “little sister” kanji and my Discworld turtle. As soon as I find the right font.
The other one I’ve been wanting for ages is this cat drawn by Clive Barker. I want it in grayscale, and a little elongated. On the back of my right calf, with its feet just above the topmost wrinkle on my heel, and about six inches tall or so.
I might get a cat’s ass* on my stomach, or a green eagle tat with the same colors as this one, on my left arm.
* I’m not really sure I’d get that one.
I want Theodore Roosevelt in his full Rough Rider regalia with a huge grin on his face holding a dead bear in one hand and a big club in the other with a bandoleer of rifle shells across his chest. Underneath it, I want the word BULLY! in big blue letters.
Or, I’d just get chain links on my wrists.
Or the words “Letting all attachments go is the only prayer I know” somewhere.
I’d get an astrolabe,, a device used for navigation and astronomy in classical times. Probably in the middle of my upper back.
@Jude – That reminds me of a tattoo a friend of mine just got – here is a link to her photo. I think it’s beautiful.
At one time. I thought about getting this photo of my Mom done. I couldn’t decide where.
@Seelix That tattoo is beautiful. Simple, yet, beautiful. :)
I already have a phoenix, which is a symbol of significance for me. Not sure what will be next but I definitely want something to mark the beginning of my transition.
I have a picture of a deer in a celtic knot design that I can’t wait to get.
Well, not tomorrow, but I AM getting my 5 yr old’s name tattooed on my left side in about two weeks. I just got my 10 yr old’s name last week on my right side. =0)
@Blackberry That’s how you like it, huh? <exaggerated wink>
I have a large, spinal fusion surgical scar running down the back of my neck. I’ve always wanted a tattoo of claws in the act of tearing out of it.
So I’m officially out of places to get tats that can be hidden (I’m dying for a half sleeve but don’t have the balls & that’s probably way smart) but lately I’m obsessed with beautiful flowers. If I get another one, I’m going to work on some crazy design and go to a well known tattoo artist. My current ink isn’t anything beautiful – the next one would be big and gorgeous and most likely on my upper ribs. I would never get this tomorrow because it needs to be planned out and well researched. It will be a piece of art, not a spontaneous decision like my others have been!
I wouldn’t want anything very large. I flirted with the idea of getting one like the heart on the nape of the neck-see here: http://www.necktattoos.us/girly-neck-tattoos.html
I wanted it after I had had a heart operation about 2 years ago. But my husband hates tatttoos, I mean really hates them!
aww @Earthgirl: that’s adorable! I love that one. I, somehow… totally not planned, have 5 heart tattoos. 3 of my tats have hearts incorporated. my latest ones are my favorite – they’re really cute.
I’m not sure I would go to @Earthgirl‘s link. My computer got attacked by something that my virus protector blocked when I went there. Plus I never got to see the pictures.
@wundayatta I got the same thing on my computer. It almost shut me down.
About 5yrs ago I wanted full color peacock feathers with the “eyes” over each of my breasts. Sometimes I still think about it.
I would get the Dark Mark from Harry Potter tattooed on my forearm in UV ink so it only showed when the Dark Lord was around :P
Most likely it would be this (the circle only). I would have it put on the back of my left hand, in sepia ink, about 5/8” wide. Placed there, it would be a constant reminder to me of all the things it stands for.
For some time, I used to draw one on the back of my left hand every morning with a brown calligraphy pen.
sorry about the link everybody! I have to start using Flickr or something for pics!
6” long, 1” high, serif font, black ink: “Ad Astra Pers A Pera”
On my inner forearm starting at my wrist.
A rabbit with wings on fire holding a sign with a hotdog on it! j/k
Maybe you’d better make sure your tatt artist knows Latin. Did you mean Ad Astra Per Aspera for “To the stars through difficulties”? I can’t find a meaning for your specific wording.
I want a tattoo on my upper arm. I haven’t found the exact design I want yet but it would be something fairly gothic or mythical. A dragon or a wolf probably.
I also kind of want a small alien.
Maybe an Egyptian hieroglyph, but I do not know which one.
I once saw a kid that had a sleeve and it was all egyptian hieroglyphs. The thing that was pretty cool about it was his whole arm was tattooed black and the hieroglyphs were all just skin tone in the negative space.
Ive been toying with the idea of getting my initials tattooed in hieroglyphs in white ink on my wrist.
Funny you ask this – I am up for my 4th one and trying to decide where to put it. I was supposed to go with my cousin (sister) and she got in Latin on her wrist, “She flies with her own wings”... but someone rained on my parade and said, “now think about all your future jobs”... I could really give a shit. LOL
So, I am considering getting the same tattoo she got as a symbol of our connection – or a Buddhist prayer in Sanskrit on my wrist or ankle.
since this will happen soon :) I will probably make it my avatar
I think a fairy would be cool on the back of my neck.
I would like a butterfly on my lower back, or on my ankle.
I’ve thought about both a comedy/tragedy combination that I designed myself- the ones at the tat parlors are always too grotesque for me. Either that or a phoenix I also drew myself. The thing is, I can’t get around to actually doing it!
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