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Jude's avatar

What's with this "orange tree" business?

Asked by Jude (32210points) May 24th, 2011

And, am I going to regret asking this?

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18 Answers

MilkyWay's avatar

Yes, mwhahahaha!
Joking.Just ask the guy who sits under the orange tree, he’ll know ;)

Blueroses's avatar

It started in a now-pulled thread with Wundayatta responding “Under the orange tree” in a non-sequitur way. It’s become a philosophy and a meme.

Vunessuh's avatar

The first rule about orange tree is you don’t talk about orange tree, unless of course you are disguising the orange tree with another orange tree.

Kardamom's avatar

And never, ever put an orange tree into your frizzer unless you wrap it up warmly in a yarn sweater.

MilkyWay's avatar

And keep an eye out for squirrels. They might want to find the tree too ;)

Buttonstc's avatar

Anyone know why the thread was pulled ?

wundayatta's avatar

under the orange tree

wundayatta's avatar

It was probably pulled because of it’s stupidity.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

~~~ I wonder who the “doo-doo” head was that started it?

Pele's avatar

I have an orange tree. It makes great cocktails in the fall :)

wundayatta's avatar

It’s quite the mystery, isn’t it? [rolls eyes] And they accuse me of thinking too much.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

No one has said that about you.

~~I’ve looked at all the threads that haven’t been removed….

YARNLADY's avatar

It was a reference to the tree that Prince Siddhartha (Buddha) sat under when he received enlightenment – but it’s a mistake because the tree was actually a FIG tree, now known as the Sacred Fig.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, you have orange tree and purple trees and green trees and we should talk about them.

YARNLADY's avatar

@Dutchess_III Purple trees? I’ve seen green oranges, but not purple trees, unless you mean this which is purple flowers, not tree.

YARNLADY's avatar

@Dutchess_III but, but, but – I want to talk about purple trees

Dutchess_III's avatar

WOW! That’s beautiful @YARNLADY! I DO believe in purple trees! Thanks. : )

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