@JLeslie…Some time ago (one of my earlier postings) I asked something about gifts…would you rather have a gift that is a surprise or a say in what is being given?
I may have sounded rude with my answer (see above), but I’m with you, @JLeslie, I don’t like surprises. I also feel that something that is given and not used is just wasted time and money. And honestly this whole “engagement thing” really comes from practicality. Why spend money on something that someone does not like/will not want to wear or worse be embarrassed to wear?
I think it is fantastic that some women feel comfortable enough and know that their partners would know exactly their taste…but that’s not what I was referring to.
Here is what happened to me (linked to my previous posting): I stopped to admire a ring in a window, “Oh, that’s a nice ring…” and that’s all it was a nice ring. It wasn’t a ring I would want. But he bought it and that’s why I cried. We were “window shopping” , but we were window shopping for lots of things, looking in lots of windows of different sorts of shops. Something that I said off-hand was taken seriously. I also said, “That’s a nice bracelet…and oh, look at those earrings.” The engagement ring was something that resembled a wedding band that had lots of tiny diamonds in it…move like a “cocktail wedding band” with one tiny ruby in the center. It was a band, a thick band. It was too “over the top” for me (like he was I suppose!) and interesting, but not really my taste at all. I should have said, “That’s a nice ring…but not for me.” I was mortified to have to tell him. He got very angry even though I tried to put it as gently as possible. “This is a lovely ring, but it isn’t something that I feel looks quite right on me, perhaps we might pick out something that fits a bit better?” I realized later that this was a pattern, he had to have his way in everything. He was not about ever allowing me to have a voice in anything. Eventually, I headed for the hills.
If you let a man pick out your ring and he does a great job, I am guessing he is a man who is unbelievably thoughtful, kind, considerate and has an ability to watch and absorb the nuances of who you are and what you genuinely like. I have had the opportunity to be with some people like that, too. (Seriously, you know you have dated “good gifters”, right? They listen when you say you really would like a copy of some novel or that you love a certain French perfume.) And it’s not at all about the price of something either. One of my favorite gifts of all time was when I was in high school and my boyfriend (who didn’t have a lot of money) went to the audio-visual department of the school and pinched a movie screen and a projector for one night to show me a reel-to-reel copy of “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”. It was one of the most romantic gestures possible…especially because he had to sneak everything out when the teacher wasn’t looking and then return it the next day without detection and he knew that it was one of my favorite movies. It was unexpected and just so sublime. He propped it up on his patio and we ate popcorn, drank Pepsi and had chocolate cake and it was lovely.One of the most romantic gestures ever (in my book anyway.)
And let me tell you, if a man gets you a ring, and you know in your heart that he will know what you want…_he’s a keeper! I think that is fantastic!