Is it annoying when someone posts a group picture or a picture with someone else and you have no idea which one is them?
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AshlynM (
May 25th, 2011
I’m not talking about anyone you’d know.
Like a complete stranger’s profile and they have a group picture or a shot with someone else as their profile pic. And most of their albums are group pictures as well. So you can’t identify which one is supposed to be the owner of the profile you’re viewing?
Or…if you’re browsing through your friend’s pictures and you want to check out one of THEIR friends. So you click on their profile but they have a group picture as their profile pic.
Do you find this irritating or does it not bother you?
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9 Answers
Naw, just requires a little more stalking to look for the common face in other pictures. I hate it when people tag photos of inanimate objects with people’s names to get that photo in their album.
Nope, in places like facebook my friend list happens to be people I know. If not, I don’t accept, thus this doesn’t bother me. Plus, I don’t spy on people I don’t know cause I don’t care.
I don’t get excited about it. Either I know them well enough to recognize them, or I don’t know them so I don’t care.
I don’t like being tagged in other people’s photos. If I want the world to know I was on top of the Empire State building on April 15th, that is my business. If my FB friend wants to tell the world he was there, that is fine too. But he should not be broadcasting something about me without asking me first.
Google already has face recognition software sniffing in Picasa and it will not be long before tagging will be obsolete. Remember that when you take a picture when you are at the bar or having dinner with your girlfriends.
Thank you ‘Google’, and everyone else who tags pictures, for making it easier for stalkers.
It’s enough to make me never want post a picture..
How long do you think it will be before Google and the person who tagged a photo are sued because a criminal used Google Goggles to find his victim?
“Dude check out the hot chick at the bar! Wait let me get my phone.. Click…., Search… Awesome! She just broke up and her status is “Looking” She’s on Vacation, too! Totally! ”
It’s just a matter of time.
@worriedguy, yikes, you’re making me worried!
PS: group pictures don’t bother me.
@curiouscat The group pictures can be the big offenders. Amber takes a picture of Brittney, Chelle, Darla, and Esta. She labels it “Esta’s birthday at Jack’s in Cancun” and posts it on Picasa or FB so they all can share. Now Goggle (yes, goggle) has yet another bunch of faces it can identify. Brittney’s ex does a search using a picture he took last year and sees that she went to Cancun last week. She dropped him as FB friend because he was stalking her. Now he can track her friends, too.
Freaking Google. “Don’t be evil” has clearly fallen by the wayside.
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