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ucme's avatar

Obama's visit to the UK : [details to follow] Is Barack a cool guy?

Asked by ucme (50052points) May 25th, 2011

Okay, here’s some footage of him playing table tennis with David Cameron…...who looks like a dick I have to say. I just think he’s a cool guy, for a president anyway. He’s often seen playing basketball & seems to be “one of the lads” at least from the outside looking in. What do you think? Cool or not?

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24 Answers

marinelife's avatar

Definitely cool. Very cool doing almost anything.

meiosis's avatar

Obama is a politician. He may be cool in comparison with other politicians, but this does not make him cool, just less stiff than his peers.

jrpowell's avatar

I like him. I wish he was less willing to compromise but overall I am happy. I took time off work to volunteer for him in 2008 and will do the same in this round.

I think he is cool. When he speaks extemporaneously it is usually hilarious. The dude is funny, but measured.

Blackberry's avatar

Well, it’s Obama, he’s got that charisma.

Pele's avatar

He know’s and has good P.R. just saying

flutherother's avatar

He’s cool all right. Very relaxed in any company, a decent guy. We’ll swap you David Cameron for Barack O’Bama any day and throw in the Queen as well.

mazingerz88's avatar

Cool beyybee!

- Austin Powers

jaytkay's avatar

The people in the pub in Moneygall seemed charmed.

Slainte! Barack Obama toasts Irish ancestors with a Guinness

Blueroses's avatar

He did call Kanye West a jackass That was pretty cool.

Blackberry's avatar

@jaytkay For some reason, I just don’t picture Newt Gingrich producing that same effect lol.

ucme's avatar

Cheers folks!
As I said, i’d certainly shoot some pool & down a few pints with the fella, given the chance.

Blackberry's avatar

@johnpowell I’ve watched that like 3 times already lol. Seth did the most damage, though, because he didn’t have to hold back. That was an epic moment. I almost felt bad for Trump, a little.

Pele's avatar

@Blueroses I think Kanye West is the a jackass popular music needs, the fact Obama commented was stupid.

Facade's avatar

Very cool and sexy ow!

augustlan's avatar

I think he’s pretty damn cool.

missingbite's avatar

He is so cool he thinks it’s still 2008!

King_Pariah's avatar

Obama may be cool, but Putin is a badass

missingbite's avatar

I guess he really does have a short memory after saying BP was going to have to pay! Now that is cool! Tell BP you will pay and then his men use BP! Morons

downtide's avatar

Cameron is a dick and Obama is cool.

jellyfish3232's avatar

By “cool”, do you mean destroying our country? Because, if so, yes. Very cool.

cockswain's avatar

Definitely cool. Funny too. And he’s a baller.

Blackberry's avatar

@jellyfish3232 Well, if you’re not into kenyan socialist revolutions, I guess it’s not that cool.

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