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tinyfaery's avatar

Line etiquette and saving places, where do you stand? tee hee.

Asked by tinyfaery (44316points) May 25th, 2011

I’ve been holding on to this question for over a year. I hope it was worth the wait.

As many of you know, I frequent amusement parks, especially Disneyland. I have gone to Disneyland with anywhere from 1 other person to more than a dozen other people.

For me and mine we don’t think it’s right to save places for a lot of people. If someone has to go to the bathroom or someone goes to get snacks, sure, save them a place. But, we think it’s wrong for one person in line to save a place for so many people. It’s rude. Others have waited, sometimes a long time, and it’s discourteous to just jump in a line at any time just because someone you know is in that line. Really, it’s considered cutting, and most parks have rules against it.

I know what’s it like to go to Disneyland (or any other park) with lots of people; you want to get the most for your time and money, but I would never save a place for many people, nor would I be the one to cut in front of others.

So, what do you think? What’s the etiquette?

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