On a scale ranging from 0 to 10 how well do you know how to dance ?
The scale :
0 – no dance moves in you
10 – a natural dancer
I’m just curious.
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26 Answers
I’ll start.
I’m a 1 I really need lessons here ^^
Before wedding: 1, after wedding: 2. I’m moving on up!
Being honest, it’s probably in minus numbers.
Geologists refer to my attempts at dancing as, “minor seismic events”. Definitely a 0.
Alcohol definitely makes me a better dancer, probably from a 2 to a 5, but I feel like an 8. Without alcohol, I look like a 2×4 moving around.
Without alcohol: 2
With alcohol: 5
0; I can’t dance and I hate dancing.
I think I’m a 3 or 4. I’ve had dance classes and I really enjoyed them, but I’m always just a little off the beat. In general, I’m sort of a spastic dancer, it’s really sad.
I guess it might depend on the type of dancing. I hate dancing and try not to do it at all. At one time I was a ballerina and did tap as well. I want to learn how to swing dance though.
I say I’m a 5.
Most of the time: 1
After two beers: 2
After two beers, a few shots, and my favorite songs come on: 11
I went drinking/dancing with one of my good friends once and I swear to god, she had me tangoing like a motherfucker by the end of the night.
Umm… I rave, so I’ve had enough practice. Really I just do what everyone else does. That’s the best way to make sure you don’t look like an idiot.
At the rave a had at the beggining of this month (For my birthday) we had strobes. EVERYONE looks like a good dancer with strobe lights.
With strobes: 8
Without strobes: Like 5. XD
I second strobes as being helpful.
Probably an 8. I believe I was born to dance, but a number of specific skills elude me. One day I will do a triple pirouette, dammit!
I used to square dance, and my husband and I participated in competition dancing. We took home several “best in competition” ribbons. I don’t do any other kind of dancing.
I’m about a -1. Unless there’s alcohol, then I think that I’m a 7. Though I’m probably more like a… -1
Is that even a question? – I am an ebony. I am far above 10+.
actually I think I am at 4
I don’t dance, this question is invalid
Depends on the dancing. Waltz, slow dance…5, rock-n-roll 20, square dance -30 lol
On a scale from bananas to lamps I would give myself an umbrella.
When Improvising to music I’d say about a 6
When trying to follow choreography it’s more like a 1
I’m a bit clumsy, and on top of that, I have delayed-release self-consciousness about my clumsiness. When I’m in a particularly good mood (and in close – or no – company), I rate maybe a 3. Otherwise, I am a rock. Work, where I have to be facing three separate directions in as many places several times a minute, is the closest that I have been to dancing in years.
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