Wanna share a somewhat lame dream with us ?
I do not want to insult others by saying some dreams are lame.
I do not want you people to insult each other by laughing of each others dreams.
And by lame dreams I’m referring to dreams that are close to knock – knock jokes.
For example I dreamed about a horse with just 2 legs and someone was trying to mount it and he couldn’t.
[ no dreams from after being high ^^ ]
[ no fiction please ]
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12 Answers
@Hibernate “I dreamed about a horse with just 2 legs and someone was trying to mount it and he couldn’t.”
Are you sure it wasn’t Sarah Jessica Parker?
I recently had a dream that I was shot dead, but then the dream continued and I found Atlantis while eating a corn dog.
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When I was pregnant I dreamt that I was perched atop my stereo cabinet racing down a mountain trail in an Olympic event. I don’t recall if I medaled or not. I learned that casters are not appropriate for woodland settings.
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My roommates and I (I live alone, but in some dreams you have fake friends, houses etc.) found huge cases of cocaine in our house, so we were freaking out, wondering if we should try to sell it, call the police, or just use it ourselves. It ended while we were arguing about it.
I had a nightmare a couple of nights ago where an exterminator told me my house was infested with tiny blue dancing tarantulas. They weren’t dancing in a cute way either, they were doing a sort of war dance thing. They were crawling all over my bed and stuff, too. I woke up terrified, only to realize how ridiculous a nightmare it was.
Ohh which should I pick?!?!?!
I once had a dream that my my (Male) cat, Chaos, gave birth to a wheel of cheese. There was a sticker on it with the girl from the rasin box. She was giving my a thumbs up, winking, and saying “Careful. It’s hot.” Then my mother came in, bowing to Chaos murmerming something about “The rare cheese cat.”
I had a dream that I was dating my 10th grade history teacher and having raunchy sex with him at Disney World.
That was last night’s dream
One time I had a dream that I had some appointment to go to that only my aunt could take me to, but then when crossed a bridge and she fell and died. Then someone who was supposed to be my friend but didn’t even look like the person they were supposed to be was there and we were at some restaurant. Then I woke up.
I dreamed dogs kept biting my arms and I was trying to get away from them. I woke up face down with my fists under my chin and my elbows at boob level. My arms were asleep and prickly. Doh!
While I was pregnant with my youngest daughter, I kept having weird dreams about Dave Navarro and Johnny Depp fighting over me. Instead of guns or swords, they were fighting with frying pans, lmfao.
Aha. Last night I had a dream that I wanted spaghetti. (I don’t even like Spaghetti)
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