Social Question

Can you give some dating advice regarding someone going through a divorce?
I recently started seeing someone new. He told me up front that he was going through a divorce and the process had begun roughly six months ago.
He seemed very interested in me and pursued me very actively, and within a few dates had asked how I felt about a more serious relationship with him. Having been through many varied but ultimately unpleasant dating situations lately, I was feeling somewhat guarded, and told him I wanted to wait to (1) have sex and (2) have a more serious commitment. I explained my reasoning to him, primarily that I wanted to know what kind of relationship I wanted with him, and that it included sex, before we took that step.
He continued to seem interested, and after more dating and discussion, when I felt comfortable about where things were and where they were going, we had sex.
TWO DAYS LATER, he says he wants to slow things down emotionally and keep them casual because he has not been single for very long and he doesn’t want to rush into anything.
I did not react well, and he backpedaled and suggested we just agree to a committed relationship. I didn’t want him to do this out of guilt/fear, so I suggested we table the issue at least until we see each other next.
So, I ask you: is this yet another asshole who lost interest in me after I slept with him? Or am I overreacting, and it was just unfortunate timing? Should I take him up on his offer of commitment, or insist that he wait until he is very sure that he has been single long enough, and I am not just a rebound situation?
Thanks for your help.