What is "The Orange Tree"?
People keep talking about “The Orange Tree” and I want to know, what is it? A book? A movie? A pointless phrase?
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42 Answers
It’s just a stupid joke from a nonsense thread a week (??) ago on here, and it’s become something of a Fluther meme.
A recent Fluther meme.
brb dinner
You can find the answer under the orange tree.
brb dinner
FYI: brb dinner is another recent meme. Where’s Ryan, we need a new meme list!
I’m waiting for the instigator
Where’s @wundayatta when you need’em ? ? ?
It’s the tree made out of yarn and tastes like pancakes.
Add it to the list people :P
I am so happy brb dinner is catching on!
The Orange Tree is either a real place where unreal things happen (rated on a scale of 1–10) or a metaphysical place where the reality perceptor is warped (on a scale of bathtubs to bulldozers)
and there’s nothing pointless about our memes. Please be polite to them. Some will attack if mocked
Tonight, on the 10 O’ Clock News: When Memes Attack!
Fact from fiction, truth from diction.
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The orange tree happens when it needs to happen. That is all. No more and no less. Please refer all future questions to the department of beneficial heliotropes, where they will lose it for a thousand years, guaranteed!
What have I done?
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You started it @wundayatta . I saw it on the internet, It’s got to be true ! !
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Oh, now look, you guys. You’ve completely derailed this poor guy (girl?)‘s thread.
Orange Tree effect strikes again @wundayatta. You know exactly what you’ve done!
@stupidcomedycenter Any questions?
I don’t expect this one to last longer than the Nordic tree penguins did.
Dutch elm disease? Let’s hope it’s not contag…....too late!
What could possibly have been said to cause so much moderation on this Q? Damn, now I’m really curious.
@JilltheTooth It was about the :fact from fiction, truth from diction” quote.
@JilltheTooth It was a bunch of haters telling me to stfu, basically :(
See now, it’s gotten serious here. The Orange Tree must, unfortunately, depart for more salutary climes.
Where has all the absurdity gone? The Orange Tree soldiers on in search of the perfectly absurd question. The one more absurd than all. The one that will allow the Orange Tree to ascend to the convoluted heights of the universal kline bottle. The Orange Tree is sad.
Awww…. @wundayatta don’t be sad for the Orange tree! I will cover it in peanut butter in a field of puppy dogs! See! The tree is happy now!
Damn, @Cruiser I know you mean well, but the Orange Tree is allergic to peanut butter and saccharine makes it gag. Think Dostoevsky. Think Nietzsche. Think Vonnegut.
And, I hope that it disappears, soon. Real soon. :)
It’s located where all the nekked pancake parties are held.
It has already disappeared. Anyone who thinks they see it are no doubt under (the influence of) the orange tree. I can tell you with absolute certainty that I don’t see it. In fact, I think is it something that has lodged in your minds like an earbug.
What’s up with all the moderation up there? Did somebody piss on the orange tree?
Some meme, I don’t know much about it. It’s one of em ’‘you just had to be there’’ things I guess. Glad I escaped the pancake one haha.
@jonsblond What about all the seeds? I find them too annoying to really enjoy pomegranates.
@wundayatta The seeds are worth the effort to get the taste of something exotic and bold, as opposed to the taste of something orange, pedestrian and old.
hey, that rhymed
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