What do you like and dislike about this site?
Asked by
Jude (
May 26th, 2011
Vets, newbies, and jellies around, say for a year, let us know.
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97 Answers
I like some of the people.
I dislike some other people.
I like all the live updates.
I dislike the fact that you cant “bump” a question that gets few answers.
It is what it is…Fluther Zen. Nothing I do or could do would change a thing about it. I just see it for what it is for me…a mental playground.
I love the active discussions.
I love the warmth and compassion of the jellies.
I don’t like religious or atheist or political zealots who flog their viewpoints through questions.
Once again, I follow like an acolyte in @marinelife‘s wake. and here I always thought I was such an independent thinker!
I agree with bob and wundayatta. I also dread the teens off during the summer and poll type questions that are bound to come.
I can’t say there is anything I dislike. There may be things that irk me from time to time but nothing worth mentioning.
I love days were there are lots of questions I feel able (or the desire) to answer and I love engaging with other jellies in discussions.
I like some of the questions and answers and dislike some of the questions and answers.
But on the whole, I like more than dislike….
@Jude If I really had to dislike something it would be the “does he fancy me” type questions that seem to come and go in waves.
Like: pretty much everything
Dislike: the fact that you can’t sort responses within questions by amount of GA’s. Also, there should be notifications when someone @‘s you in their response (in case you’re not following that question anymore).
@erichw1504 I think it would be a great idea if we were notified when we were @‘d!
What is there to like or dislike. I come here because I like it. On days that I dislike it, I stay away. And like what @Cruiser said.
Love to be able to share my experiences with others.
Love to receive feedback and experiences of others.
Dislike: can’t share more and don’t have the time to share more. And the fact the Fluther HQ moved from San Francisco.
Gonna go kick Twitter something now… brb
I don’t like how certain members seem to feel it’s their site because of how long they’ve frequented it.
The game questions need to stop. Facebook this is not.
I like the mods here (that’s probably the only thing I like).
I don’t like some jellies,low paced questions,and the level of hypocrisy.
People are also very cheap on lurve here.
I like the people (most of them).
I dislike the fluff questions. Sometimes I think people ask questions just for the sake of asking a question.
I like the community, the level of intelligence, the various and often interesting discussions that crop up.. pretty much everything. The fact that I’ve stuck around is really a testament to how much I enjoy Fluther. Quite honestly, 3+ years on a site like this is so beyond a record for me. :)
What I dislike is that I have not yet met the love of my life here. I have a slight fantasy. I just feel like Fluther would be such a great place to meet that person, especially given how real and open I tend to be here.
I like the Social section, because it is more laid back and allows for those “game” type questions where us jellies can have fun and get to know each other on a more personal level.
No, it’s game question overkill over there.
Let’s ask a game question to see what the consensus is.
I agree with Allie up there.
I got to know a lot of jellies without a gazillion game questions. just sayin’
I lurve this site, but I find myself lurking more than answering anymore.
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I can’t think of anything that I dislike.
@erichw1504 many are about done with the game type questions
@Jude doesn’t seem like it to me.
I like the game questions just as much as I like the deep, thought provoking questions. I like the cut-to-the-chase questions, too. I like that Fluther allows for socializing, getting to know one another on multiple levels. I like that it is a way to actually connect with intelligent, thoughtful people… and have questions answered all at the same time.
Is it really so damn hard to ignore a question you don’t like?
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@bob_ that’s why I lurk more than answer now ;)
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Response moderated (Personal Attack)
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I like the sense of community here, but I dislike the occasional drama.
[mod says:] That’ll do. No name-calling please. Thank you.
I dislike the “mansion” posts only becuase I’m always logging on way after the fact and sometimes don’t get enough unsupervised time to congratulate anyone.
Oh, lordy, a bunch of modding on this Q, too? Seems like the tamer questions are inspiring some mighty big angrys today! Very silly.
@bob, apparently, for some, it is.
Break out the Xanax
Everybody take it easy.
I like that posts can get moderated.
I love the genuine people who admit to their flaws and try to accept everyone.
I dislike the narcissistic “perfect” people who make fun of anyone who thinks differently than they do.
What I like most about this site in comparison to Q&A sites I’ve been on in the past is the fact that flaming and trolling is not permitted and people are forced to not resort to childishness (for the most part) in a debate. I also like the general quality of the questions and the intelligence of most of the members. I also like that this site allows for more social fun questions and more serious questions. I wouldn’t want to be on a site that was exclusively one or the other because I personally don’t exclusively ask questions of one or the other category.
What I dislike is little, but it’s there. One thing I strongly dislike is when people ignore the actual question asked and use the question as a means of imposing their opinion on others and ignoring the specific questions that the OP presented. Another thing is what @bob_ mentioned that some Flutherites seem incapable of ignoring questions they don’t like. I don’t think I’ve clicked on a “dream question” in the past year. It’s easy for me to ignore what I don’t like, but others seem to have more difficulty and infest questions with responses about that fact. I dislike noob-bashing when it happens (though not too often) and I dislike people who think that a disagreement with them is an attack on them, something I do come across from time to time.
What I have lurved from day one about Fluther? the ability to Flag ‘em & Forget ‘em
It’s terribly easy on this site to “pick out a rotten apple”, alert a real-live mod team to the issue and go on about my socializing business.
The only things I don’t like: Fellow flutherites leaving & religion bashing (which I try my best to ignore)
I like some of the people on this site. Even though there are some bad apples (not naming names), the good people on this site outweigh those assholes.
For once, I’d like a civilized discussion about music (ie not complaining about new music or “hurr durr rap is not music!”), but that’s an impossible feat on any site.
I like everything! Even the things that make me roll my eyes or froth like a rabid dog provide me with invaluable distraction from my well-ordered world. and are responsible for making “Oh, For Fuck’s Sake!” so prominent in my vocabulary.
@bob_ I like that when I type a response directed at one user, nobody else on the public forum can see it. It’s like magic!
@Blueroses Well, I hope that they either also can’t hear you, or don’t mind the screaming.
Dislike: Drama
Like: Everything else
A heads up to those who dislike certain kinds of questions… In the future, we hope to offer better ways to filter content, allowing you to see only what you want to see when you visit the site, and hiding what you don’t want to see.
I like that Augustlan participates, rather than only appearing in threads to show off her mod powers.
I’m with @Blueroses. And I have a problem with ignoring questions. I always want to just see! Usually adds to my repertoire of eye rolling and ‘Oh, fuck’ too!
As I’ve said before, I like all the hot male ass.
I dislike all the lukewarm and cold male ass.
I like most everything about fluther.
I don’t like how a serious religious question always turns into “there is no God.” If that’s how you feel, don’t answer the question.
Not to get off topic too much, but I’m curious what exactly a serious religious question looks like.
I like that there’s a lot of great people here and I’ve made lots of friends.
I don’t like the censorship here, or at least the double standards used to employ it sometimes.
As someone else said a while back, “It’s raw philosophy. Iron sharpens iron.” I’ve liked the experience of hearing all of the ideas and opinions about things and refining my own through hundreds of iterations. I don’t know where else one could have that kind of experience so efficiently. I’m also glad I got in on the ground floor, because I think participating in the evolution of the site since inception has probably been more enjoyable than joining late, but I’m sure that’s just my own experience talking.
That being said, my dislikes have been mainly in hindsight or as a result of exhausting the process. There is very little that appears here that is fresh for me, even to the point where individual points of view and collective arguments can all but be predicted. I now dislike the time and effort it takes to maintain a presence here. I dislike how addictive the site is.
I too have grown disappointed by the lack of opportunities to meet the Flutherers whom I’ve come to like, but oddly enough that is changing this summer, and I’ll be meeting three altogether, which is really nice.
In general, I’ve found the moderating more in the way than helpful. Noise and chatter don’t bother me, and I’ve always felt personal/ideological grudges are better aired in public than via PM. It has pissed me off on more than one occasion to have a intensive response dumped because a question was modded and being modded myself is a button pushing. I also have experienced uneven modding on a number of occasions, which is pretty disappointing and disenfranchising, but whattya gonna do?
@obvek you’ll be meeting three jellies, yet, you have been here for a little over 4 weeks? Wow. I am thinking that you are a regular in disguise? Right?
@Jude psst, read the username backwards. I just caught it myself. :D
@obvek Glad you’re back, friend.
I would love to apologize to anyone that hurt/offended. Erichw and others, I am sorry. I was being a grumpy bitch. We are all here to enjoy this site. I want us to have a good time here..
This thread has all the people and elements of fluther I lurve so much.
The good, the bad and the jelliy uglies
@Tropical_Willie There are no “ugly” jellies. Only those whose appeal is very selective. :)
I dislike the smell. It’s like grandpa’s aftershave mixed with red wine vinegar.
@erichw1504 Okay that’s what you dislikes.
What’s your LIKES?
I like that we are all human… really.
Aren’t we?
I like how smart some of you are, especially about things I’m not smart about.
Most of us know something about somethings. I like that we can share what we know with others who want to know it.
are you confused yet?
Oh, Auggie, you’re so goopy. :-) We love you, too!
“Kissing up to the mod” made me think of a mod kissing booth.
@Allie I would totally support that idea. ;)
I’m first in line – pucker up babes – muah!
OK, Auggie, now I’m spectin’ some kissin’ tomorrow!
I dislike the long line at the mod kissing booth.
Maybe then, @erichw1504 , you could set up the booth where the mods line up to kiss you…
Damn. Wish I hadn’t set that up. XP
kiss your what?? I don’t see a long line at that booth.
The back of my head, duh.
I’m in the “kiss the mods” line now, and anyone who gets in line behind me will most likely be VERY put out. I’ve got 75 tickets. Bwuahahahaha!
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