Meta Question

bob_'s avatar

If famous people used Fluther, what questions would they ask?

Asked by bob_ (21942points) May 26th, 2011

Be it politicians, celebrities or “historical” people.

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111 Answers

JilltheTooth's avatar

Nietzche would ask why everyone loves puppies.

TexasDude's avatar

Sigmund Freud: I dreamed about the girl I like, what does this mean?

Marquis De Sade: NSFW Have you ever used the tears of a nubile young lass as lubricant for your wooden dildos?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt: What do we have to fear? (See Details)

erichw1504's avatar

Charlie Sheen: “Is anyone else on here Winning?!”

Charlie Brown: “Can I please just kick that damn football once?!”

Charlie Bucket: “Is Willy Wonka high or something?”

Charlie Chaplin: ” ?”

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Bullwinkle: Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat.

bob_'s avatar

Dream questions would be rather popular.

MLK: I had a dream… what does it mean?

erichw1504's avatar

Simon Cowell: “Seriously America? Scotty McCreery?”

Cruiser's avatar

Paul Bunyan: “What is the best way to express a big blue ox?”

erichw1504's avatar

The Joker: “Why so serious?”

JilltheTooth's avatar

On that note, @erichw1504 , isn’t it fortunate that we have a 3 question rule? Can you imagine the deluge from The Riddler if there was no limit?

AmWiser's avatar

Dr. Seuss: “Why are questions so complicated yet the answers are simple?”

erichw1504's avatar

Arnold: “How much is too much to pay for alimony?”

bob_'s avatar

Monica Lewinsky: [Possibly NSFW] How can I get this stain out (see details)?

rebbel's avatar

Dr. Ruth: (NSFW) One of my patients keeps asking me about this so called G-Spot? Anyone here has any idea WTI she is talking about?

Dr. Phil: Any good carpenter around? I have this humongous chair that i want to make smaller.

marinelife's avatar

The same types of questions that everyone else asks. They are people too.

Hibernate's avatar

How does one know how or what others would think ?

bob_'s avatar

* rolls eyes *

cockswain's avatar

Oprah: Is it arrogant to put yourself on the cover of your magazine every month?

Your_Majesty's avatar

The questions that I would ask.

ucme's avatar

Stephen Hawking – Nsfw : Wheelchair sex…..brakes on or brakes off?

cockswain's avatar

Mike Tyson: Does no always mean no?

ucme's avatar

Michael Jackson – Looking for a career in childminding, any ideas?

Blueroses's avatar

Gordon Ramsay: After watching Kitchen Nightmares, will you ever eat out again?

erichw1504's avatar

Oprah: What did you think of my last show? (Everyone who answers gets a free CAARRRRR!!!)

ucme's avatar

Adolf Hitler – Attending my sons Bar Mitzvah this afternoon, should I wear my uniform or…...?

bob_'s avatar

Evander Holyfield: Do I need to go to the doctor? Should I get a rabies shot? (Details inside)

erichw1504's avatar

Moe Howard: Frying pan or trash can lid to the face; what hurts more?

Blueroses's avatar

Harold Camping: What’s so wrong with getting rich by exploiting people’s fears?

ucme's avatar

Stevie Wonder – Blind dates, something I should look into or stay clear of?

erichw1504's avatar

George W. Bush: Does anybody have my pants from last night’s nekked pancake party?

cockswain's avatar

Celine Dion: Why don’t people like me?

ucme's avatar

Ron Jeremy – Nsfw : So… wanna fuck!?!

erichw1504's avatar

Dr. J: Is one of my tentacles longer than the others?

Blueroses's avatar

Donald Trump: On a scale of 1 to a Billion, how gullible are the American people?

bob_'s avatar

@Blueroses Does 0 mean “above average”?

Blueroses's avatar

Jesus Christ: Does anyone else have trouble working for their father?

erichw1504's avatar

Obama: Who would you like me to take out now?

cockswain's avatar

@Blueroses or as an alternative: Donald Trump: On a scale of 1 to a Billion, how awesome am I (you don’t have to stop at a billion)?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Arnold Schwarzenegger- Psssst, how many jellies are or think they might be pregnant with my child?

erichw1504's avatar

R2D2: Beep boop, bop, bee boop boot, whuuurrrr?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@erichw1504/R2D2 I totally know what you’re talking about. That happened to me just last week.

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erichw1504's avatar

Donald Trump: What kind of spray tan works best for men over 50?

Michael_Huntington's avatar

@ucme Hitler: I love juice! How about you?
Ozzy: What’s your favorite bat flavor?
Mussolini: Let’s play a word game!

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erichw1504's avatar

Nicolas Cage: What crazy hair style should I have for my next role?

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erichw1504's avatar

Brad Pitt: What should we name our next child?

_zen_'s avatar

The last question by wundayatta understand I do not.


erichw1504's avatar

Gary Busey: Has anyone thought of looking under the swimming pool at the house of in the frizzer we had a boy that was missing for 3 years somewhere around here and they found him .i would not let her out of jail shell will just run?

Blueroses's avatar

Keanu Reeves: How is it possible to be both a terrible actor AND really likable?

Matthew McConaughey or Charlie Sheen: How could I become an even bigger douchebag?

erichw1504's avatar

Taylor Lautner: Men: do I make you jealous?

ucme's avatar

JFK – Have you ever lost your head in public?

bob_'s avatar

Bill Clinton: Any of you ladies into cigars?

ucme's avatar

Sarah Jessica Parker : Which was my best performance…Black Beauty/Seabiscuit or Champion the Wonderhorse? Be honest now!

MilkyWay's avatar

Paris Hilton: ”Know any good plastic surgery surgeons?

cockswain's avatar

Paris Hilton: Is it a good idea to videotape my sexual encounters?

ucme's avatar

Mickey Mouse – Nsfw : I like to stroke Pluto, but i’d rather enter Uranus…is this wrong of me?

WasCy's avatar

Where’s the beef?

WasCy's avatar

Anita Bryant: WTF is this BS about an orange tree?

WasCy's avatar

Sigmund Freud: What do you really mean by that question?


What do you really mean by that answer?

WasCy's avatar

Bernard Shaw:

Okay, here’s a hypothetical for you: If Kitty Dukakis were raped and murdered and the video was put on YouTube would that violation of YouTube’s TOS agreement be a criminal or civil offense?

WasCy's avatar

Ronald Reagan:

Are you better off now than you were four years ago?

WasCy's avatar

George Washington:

Doesn’t anyone care about cherry trees any more?

Blueroses's avatar

@WasCy _Sigmund Freud’s answer to everything: Your mom!

WasCy's avatar

John Chapman:

Anyone know who Johnny Orangeseed is? Ever heard of him? No? Why am I not surprised?

PS: The question would be modded, and we’d never hear from that bastard again.

Brian1946's avatar

Ah vimmen attracted to men who flatter their osses?
Vot’s wrong with grawbbing a voman’s oss vitout her consent?

Steven Spielberg:
What are your favorite movies about dinosaurs, sharks, or extraterrestrials?

Drew Barrymore:
WTF did I marry Tom Green?!

Mel Gibson:
Fill in the blanks: How can a white, Christian man make a movie when the f**kin ____ ___ everything in Hollywood????!!!

TexasDude's avatar

I lol’d hard at the Mel Gibson one… Good job Brian.

WasCy's avatar

Senator Joseph McCarthy:

Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?

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_zen_'s avatar

Will Hollywood and all those other f@$king Jews forget about the racial comments and anti-semitic rants if I put a beaver puppet on my hand and it apologizes?

cockswain's avatar

Dick Cheney: Is it OK to ski in jeans?

ucme's avatar

Vincent Van Gogh – Jellies, would you lend me your ears for a moment?
Just one will do…....anyone?

WasCy's avatar

Oprah Winfrey:

How many in my huge worldwide audience, and going back around 20-odd years or so – maybe more, but it’s been a while, darlins – has ever seen an episode even a single page hit will do of WTH is this? how do I say this? “FLOOTHER”? oh, “Fluther”?

You? Lady in the back row? You saw it? Oh, I see – you were looking to arrange a threesome with another woman for your husband and asked a question once?

Well, if you’ll all look under your chairs you’ll see that you each have A NEW LAPTOP COMPUTER! And they’re all set up with shortcuts to Fluther! Go there now and ask THEM your silly-ass questions. I’m so outta here.

erichw1504's avatar

Katy Perry: Ladies: have you ever kissed a girl and liked it?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I have! Me! Me! Me!

Robin Williams- What’s the best way to get rid of unwanted body hair?

WasCy's avatar

Abraham Lincoln

[Spoiler Alert] So, how did the play turn out, anyway? I missed the ending.

erichw1504's avatar

Christina Aguilera: What happened to my face?

_zen_'s avatar

Mickey Rourke: What happened to my face?

erichw1504's avatar

La Toya Jackson: What happened to my face?

cockswain's avatar

Bruce Jenner: What happened to my face?
Why do I look like an old lesbian?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Kirstie Alley: What happened to my ass? Oh nevermind. What happened to my ass? Oh nevermind. What happened to my ass? Oh nevermind.

WasCy's avatar

Carrot Top

Face? What face?

_zen_'s avatar

Joan Rivers: Hahahahahahaha – fuck you I don’t care.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Mike Tyson: Do you like to be bitten?

erichw1504's avatar

Uwe Boll: What video game should I ruin next?

WasCy's avatar

Idi Amin

Who would like to join me in dinner tonight?

Blueroses's avatar

Princess Beatrice: Have you ever worn an IUD on your head?

erichw1504's avatar

Zach Galifianakis: Is my beard on my face or is my face on my beard?

Blueroses's avatar

John Wayne Bobbitt: Did you ever wake up feeling like something’s missing?

cockswain's avatar

Gwyneth Paltrow: Can I shine any brighter for the world?

erichw1504's avatar

Hitler: Why’s it so hot down here?

cockswain's avatar

Luke Skywalker: How can I stop being so whiny?

erichw1504's avatar

Superman: Do these tights make me look fat?

rebbel's avatar

Donald Trump: Got recommendations for some good wig adhesives?

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

Lionel Richie: Hello, is it me you’re looking for?

cockswain's avatar

Have you seen this poster?

WasCy's avatar

Warren Beatty

Got milf?

TheIntern55's avatar

Do you like or hate me?

WasCy's avatar


To be, or not to be?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

John Wayne:

Pilgrim, where’s ya get that “sissy” looking outfit.

_zen_'s avatar

John Wayne: The name’s Marion, wanna make something of it?

rebbel's avatar

Johnny Cash: I’m a beginning song writer and for my newest song i want some suggestions for a boys name.

Blueroses's avatar

That’s excellent, @rebbel

JilltheTooth's avatar

Bob Dylan: How many roads must a man walk down before you can call him a man?

WasCy's avatar

Who wrote the book of love?

JilltheTooth's avatar

Barry Mann: Who put the bomp in the bomp bah bomp bah bomp? Who put the ram in the ram-a-lama-ding-dong?

mattbrowne's avatar

Sarah Palin: I kid you not. Where does a lot of that fruit fly money end up anyway?

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