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Why are people so upset about changing Medicare? Doesn't this mean I might actually get a little bit of the program someday?
Me, and most of my friends, have for our whole lives assumed that it was probable that we would never see one penny of the money that we are putting into Medicare (and Social Security). We figured it was a forgone conclusion that the Boomers would bleed it out and we would get nothing but the bill.
As the national debt hit dollars in the trillions, and as our foreign lenders became visibly nervous about holding our paper at existing interest rates, that liklihood increased from probable to metaphysically certain.
Now, I hear a proposal in Washington that people under 55 might still get a shot at something like Medicare, if they accept a change the system.
Hey, I figure something is better than nothing. I was counting on nothing at all. I will be glad for something. Same with Social Security. I am sure it will cost more, but so will everything after our over-printed dollars become increasingly worthless.
What is wrong with that?
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