Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

Who here has never seen a single episode of the Oprah Winfrey show?

Asked by Jeruba (56208points) May 26th, 2011

(Besides me.)

Please raise your hand.

Do you feel as if you’d missed anything?

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31 Answers

Seelix's avatar

I’ve never seen an entire episode; just clips here and there (Tom Cruise on the couch, that kind of thing).

Do I feel as if I’ve missed anything? Absolutely not.

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

I have never seen an episode from her show.
And no I donĀ“t feel as if I have missed on anything.

marinelife's avatar

Me. (Raises hand.)

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I’ve never watched Oprah, and I’ve never felt like I was missing anything.

Judi's avatar

Only when forced to by my mother in law. I have also never seen an episode of Friends, Sex in the City, or Seinfeld.

WasCy's avatar

This isn’t the first time I’ve wished I could be in your class, @Jeruba.

Having been married to an Oprah addict for more years than I can recall, I have seen parts of far too many Oprah shows. You haven’t missed a thing.

flutherother's avatar

I like Oprah but I have never seen one of her shows from start to finish. I don’t feel I missed out.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Never seen her show and nope, I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything. Too humanist for me.

poisonedantidote's avatar

I have never seen an episode of her show, however I have seen enough of her to get an idea what her show is like.

I know from DBZ related memes that she got duped with that over 9000 thing, and I know from south park that she reviews books and such. Also I know she has some kind of fame for trying to slim down.

I have not missed anything, it’s not my kind of show.

Blueroses's avatar

I’ve also never seen anything but excerpts – usually on a show like The Soup. I can’t stand any of the so-called “women’s” talk shows. They don’t represent my interests, the hosts are self-promotional and they contribute to ridiculous gender separatism.

faye's avatar

I have seen clips but generally found her to be annoying. I thought for awhile I might be the only person who didn’t like her show.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I’m raising my hand, and no, I don’t feel like I’ve missed anything.

chyna's avatar

Raises hand. Not one single episode, nor even parts of an episode.

Ladymia69's avatar

ME! I have hated her my whole life, so there was never an intentional viewing. And my mom never watched her when i was young, so nary a viewing slipped in. Good for me! She is entirely too bossy about what you should put in your mind and body and what you should spend your money on!

tinyfaery's avatar

I’ve seen quite a few when she used to come on after Donahue.

crisw's avatar

Me. I don’t own a TV; haven’t for years now.

Blackberry's avatar

I’ve never sat down and watched a whole show, I’ve only seen clips throughout the years. I don’t think I missed anything.

YARNLADY's avatar

I never have. I have seen a few clips of it now and then, and never found anything to make me want to tune in.

efritz's avatar

I’ve been known to read Oprah’s Book Club books. I’m always so ashamed, but many of them are actually good . . . it’s not the book’s fault. Too bad Oprah has some taste in literature.

Probably never seen a whole entire show, just bits and pieces.

wundayatta's avatar

Never, I think I’ve seen clips from her shows on the news. I feel like if there was anything important on that show, it was reported in other news venues.

DrBill's avatar

I do not watch anyone who openly promotes discrimination

breedmitch's avatar

Boy, you folks should really get out less.

woodcutter's avatar

never, not one. Isn’t she on when most of us are at a job?

mooks6780's avatar

Ive never seen an entire episode, my mom and aunts have watched since I was a little girl, you know, price is right, soaps then oprah!! but me naw, id rather watch food network haha

ucme's avatar

Who the fuck is she exactly? Oh, the big sassy bird from The Colour Purple…err, no I haven’t.

rts486's avatar

Missed an episode from who?

john65pennington's avatar

Add me to the list of non-watchers of Oprah Winfrey.

I see this woman as a person that has so much money, she does not know what to do with it.

She like publicity and to be liked by everyone.

I had rather watch Speeders on cable.

john65pennington's avatar

Judi, good for you. Being a couch potatoe will kill you.

Pele's avatar

Myself being 27,and the show being 25 years old, I’m sure in sometme I watched a single episode. I just can’t recall. Not much of a tv person. I wouldn’t doubt it. Maybe one day after school when I was 7, I watch a complete show. I can’t say for sure. It maybe highly possible. My friends daughter, when she was 3 she was acting up. For some reason I told her if she didn’t behave I’d make her watch Oprah… she cryed and cryed ”NO”. I hate Oprah, I hate Oprah. Then my friend told me that when her mom watches her they watch Oprah and her daughter hated it. I always thought that was funny.

Uberwench's avatar

Closest I’ve come is a parody on The Simpsons. And I think I saw the clip @Seelix mentioned on a news show.

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