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What, pray tell, is an energy vampire?
Energy is expended as the result of some kind of action. It may be physical, mental, emotional, and if you allow, even spiritual.
But doesn’t it require me to expend the energy? So far as I’ve experienced, I’ve never become exhausted sitting on a chair watching other people work. I have to do the work to become tired.
I have become drained of energy by many different types of labor, but I was the one working.
I’ve never once in my life met a person who could sap my energy by simply standing in my presence. I’ve met aggravating people on whom I used up a lot of energy in controlling my temper or in heated discussion or other such activities, but I was a participant.
The idea of an energy vampire takes the focus away from my participation and assigns blame where it is unwarranted. I believe in these situations the focus should remain on my actions. How can I control my actions and emotions so that I’m not drained? Isn’t that the question we should be asking ourselves?
Sapping my energy by simply standing next to me? I cry, “Bunk!”
Have you experienced a person who could take energy from you without your participation?
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