On what site have you met the worst people on the internet?
Where on the internet have you met the worst people? I’m talking about places like blogs, chatrooms, etc.
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43 Answers
You wont find trolls and idiots anywhere else like you do on Youtube. It does not matter what the video is about, in the comments it always ends up being about politics, religion or conspiracy theories, doomsday predictions and madness.
An old EverQuest message board I once frequented had the most mean-spirited, cruel people I’ve ever encountered on the internet. Much like 4chan, I suppose.
Right here on Fluther! I’ve met many of the best people on earth (and a few of the worst).
I don’t go to those places.
I’ve never visited the site, but 4chan invaded my podcast’s chat room and, wow, those are a bunch of kids that get awful cranky when they stay up past their bedtime.
YouTube is pretty fucking horrible. The “debates” are mind-numbingly stupid. Every foreign-language music video I look at ends up being a political debate between rival countries and I’m just like “no one cares which one of your poverty-stricken former-Soviet nations of alcoholics is better, just get back to the music…”
I met some pretty horrible people on wis.dm as well. The majority of people there were good, but there were some awful ones too.
I know, I’m so sick of the anti-Justin Bieber comments with 567 likes as the top comment on every fucking music video. That kind of thing makes me want to like Justin Bieber…
I haven’t visited many, and I hate to say it, but Fluther.
luckily the asses are few and far between
Definitely 4chan.
The “random” section 98% filled with fucktards.
But the weapons section is pretty alright.
YouTube is a mixed bag. It depends on the video and the type of music. For example, Gorillaz seems to engender friendly and intelligent conversation.
@HungryGuy I feel the same with 4Chan. I definitely think it’s a mixed bag.
Pretty much any site from a local newspaper. And Youtube is really bad.
Definitely Stormfront, but it’s expected, because its sole purpose is white supremacy lol. I found it on accident awhile ago. There’s also Topix. It’s completely anonymous, so you can imagine the stuff people say on there.
Ohh the local section of Craig’s List is always horrible as well.
Rants and Raves section of Craigslist.
4Chan is a complete cesspool of retardation, as far as I can tell. A close second are the message boards on GameFAQ’s.
I’m totally a Xena fangirl, but you don’t see me flaming anyone about it. Lawl. I’ve heard Craiglist can be pretty bad.
As far as Youtube goes, I love that site for videos and music, I rarely read any of the comments unless I’m looking for specific info. Some of what I’ve seen though, I’m not even sure it was typed by human beings.
YouTube is a cesspool of some of the worst the internet has to offer. I’ve heard 4chan is the absolute worst, though. I’ve never been on it myself, but my one friend refers to it as the butthole of the internet..
I’ve seen some very ugly posts at You Tube.
I saw one video featuring some dude in his 20’s. His delivery was fairly annoying, but this one homicidally belligerent commenter said because of that, he would kill the dude if he ever met him in person.
I’ll go with youtube and 4chan—small doses are enough
Yeah, youtube is a mainstream example of idiots on the internet. What bothers me the most is when the ignorant comments are actual thumbed up. I like to think that the ignorant people are the minority, but on these websites, it’s a bunch of people agreeing with each other.
@chyna . . . i’m so, so sorry.
@Blackberry It’s like a ton of 12 year olds in a circle jerk…
Fluther…just being honest. I have spent years at many sites and as @chyna points out Fluther has it’s share of moments.
If you don’t agree with them, PETA’s forums can be nasty.
4chan. Is this even a question? Haha
But I have to agree that youtube commenters are ridiiiiiiiculous, as are most Y!A users.
Some online games. And Sodahead.
The b-tards on 4chan have already been mentioned, have they? How surprising. I never visit any more. All the good stuff from there ends up on Encyclopedia Dramatica anyway.
As to grown-up sites, the worst is PassiveAggressiveNotes. The site is funny, the regulars are witty and everything is spelled correctly but they are absolutely relentless about being unwelcoming to newcomers.
@johnpowell I totally agree with you about the local newspaper comments sections. Everybody’s so nice in this town and then they get behind an anonymous name with a keyboard and they become toxic assholes.
As I am not a generally sociable person, I haven’t been to too many sites, at least not with any real degree of interactivity. Places like 4chan, Sodahead, and the like are avoided as their reputation precedes them. Y!A is so blatantly moronic that I didn’t stick around for long (we’re talking minutes here) while my YouTube activity is strictly watching videos; I do not read the comments. As the gaming forums I am on do a good enough job of modding that you don’t see any flame wars or the like there for more than a few minutes before the admins start smacking people.
So I would have to say that it is a toss-up between Answerbag and Facebook; the former because it turned into Y!A and the latter since I have a few friends who have a few really obnoxious friends.
Fluther, some people are truly fucking pathetic. Only to be expected though, so I rise above that dross!
Sodahead and the fox news comment section.
Compared to those 2, 4chan is intellectual, and that is sad.
Somethingawful’s forums
For the most part I love the site, and even the forums sometimes have interesting things to read, but most of the people posting are complete tools.
Thanks for the answers!!!! Here are my choices for worst sites.
you tube – A lot of trolls on there and some are so full of themselves they post videos of themselves being idiots as if bothering people in comments wasn’t enough. There are some people on there who only make videos to mock specific people. They should get over themselves.
Answerbag – You’re not safe there. It is a wasteland of evil trolls
Yahoo Answers – Not a good sight for answers. It is a good sight for getting mocked and insulted. You can’t even respond to the idiots because there is no way to discuss answers and that makes it worse.
Fluther – This is a great sight but there are some people on here who are so rude.Some of them are very full of themselves. Not everbody is like that here btw.
@Mikewlf337 lol, I intentionally troll answerbag now that the site has gone to hell and I’m well integrated into Fluther. My trolling is more directed at the established trolls, though, so I guess I’m a counter troll?
Also, it is pretty obvious by your list that you haven’t ever been to /b/
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard When you troll the trolls, I think that makes you a special, secret, double-troll. That deserves a reward. I baked you a double batch of Trollhouse cookies.
I must say that aol/aim chatrooms are the worst for trolls. Some of those people are so dispicable. On the internet people dont worry about getting their asses kicked so they say what they want without worring about consequences. I use to go on aol chatrooms all the time. I have even been banned from chatrooms for no reasons whatsoever. Some of those people are on there 24 hours a day. The internet is their world and some act like they own it. People like that are to be ignored and avoided. If they find out they are no longer relevant they will leave and not bother anyone. They are incapable of having normal interactions on the internet so they will probobly leave the internet completely. They probobly aren’t even capable of being dicks in real life because they fear the consequences.
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