How many virgins do you know?
I’m not talking about listing off children or anything. But people above the age of 18 that you know who are virgins. Are there any?
Why are they still a virgin? By choice, or they haven’t the chance? Is it their religion, or culture? Please elaborate.
Or, for people who are married with families, how about before marriage? When you were in high school, or in university, (or between the ages of 18 to before marriage) did you know many virgins?
I know very few virgins or so it seems, and some times the people who I would assume are virgins… in actuality are not, or vice versa. Just curious to hear the ratio for the people you know.
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28 Answers
Do you go around asking everyone you know about their sex life? I have no clue how many virgins I know and I don’t care to find out. What people do (or DON’T do in this case) in their bedrooms is their own business.
I know 4 off the top of my head.
One of the guys is 21 and is saving himself for marriage for religious reasons. The other 21 year old guy just doesn’t want to have sex or a relationship right now. The other two are females. The 26 year old female is a virgin and has never even been kissed and the reason is that she is just not really interested in dating at all. She’s not asexual or opposed to sex or anything, she just hasn’t been in a situation for it to happen. The other girl is 22 and has never had a relationship, but she is not opposed to having one.
I know a lot [ and not only religious people ]
@keobooks, of course I don’t go around asking people that. Just from people that I do know, who would be people I’m closer with. It’s okay if you don’t care to find out.
@Hibernate, ah, I see. interesting
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard, nice elaboration.
I myself am a virgin for, I suppose, cultural reasons. Female, 19. Old fashioned parents, so old fashioned myself to some extent. Once a guy friend told me I was cruel, if not having sex during a relationship. :o…
I guess it’s an age thing. I’m almost 40 and if I asked the people my age “Why are you still a virgin? Is it by choice or by chance?” would be really insulting to many people who are ..oh somewhere past the mid 20s I guess. And if I went around asking older teens and young adults that, I’d get labelled a creepy cougar or something.
Late teens or early 20s it’s probably still ok. After that, it’s really best not to ask.
None, I hope. Sex is good for you, waiting too long can make it difficult to start up or to have a healthy sex life, and waiting until marriage is downright immoral.
I don’t know any at all…. I live in Hollywood, California and most of the people and friends I know are all musicians/actors/models/etc. Not to say there aren’t virgins, but no one I know is o_O I don’t mind who and who is though. Sex is healthy, but if someone wants to “save” themselves and their body then that’s ok too.
Everyone I know has a healthy sex life actually, and sex drive.
@EtherRoom see ? You only know a part of the people there [ as you said .. my friends are musicians / actors / models etc etc ]. They have to promote somewhat of a sex life or else people will start thinking they are gay or maybe they have health / mental issues. Take time to go out and meat different people and you’ll start to see that others are still virgins [ and I do not talk about religious people ]
@Hibernate, well said. :)
Sometimes I feel alienated by my belief… I was just speaking to a friend, and she would alienate me, by putting me in the minority and making me sound weird for it because of the people she knows…
One… She has good reasons & strong morals.
I don’t know any adult virgins to the best of my knowledge, but I don’t have many friends under the age of 21, nor do I make a point to find out the status of those I meet. Virginity is only a big deal until it’s gone.
Me. 17 at the moment but I am thinking of waiting til I am over 18.
I am virgin because I have never been in a relationship, and also I don’t want to rush things. I know the consequences of having sex and I am not a stupid teenager.
For others older than me I have no idea.
I was a virgin until I was 28. My virginity was completely by choice, and had nothing to do with religion. I was the last of anyone I knew to keep their virginity though.
My reasons were varied and kind of weird, I guess. One was how I am extremely picky and won’t settle for second best in my eyes. If I was interested in a specific girl, I wouldn’t put any effort into or accept any advances by any other girls. For a while I got into the habit of only crushing on girls who already were in stable relationships, so I was esentially shooting myself in the foot. Another reason is I made my whole virginity into a kind of personal social test. I would tell people I was a virgin and see what their reaction to it was. It was kind of amusing how I would be treated differently once they found out I was a virgin (I’ve even had a few women try to sleep with me just because they found this out, which I obviously turned down).The last reason (and this is probably the weird one) is that I found it funny how uncomfortable it made my friends when it was pointed out that I was a virgin. Even though none of them are religious, you could always see them get a little uncomfortable, and I can only guess the reason is the still prevalent Puritan ideology in American society (as much as many Americans complain it isn’t there, I assure you it is, just buried under other things).
About 2 or 3.
One’s just a really fat guy and he’s completely vulgar and rude. That’s why he isn’t getting any ass.
As for the others, I don’t know!
I don’t know how many over 18’s I know that are still virgins. If anyone is, they haven’t mentioned it (and, why should they?). There are a couple of people that I wouldn’t be surprised to find out were virgins but that’s their business.
@curiouscat I was 19 when I lost my virginity (very nearly 20), through choice. I waited until I was in love which was one of the few good decisiona I have ever made!
…well… Ahh once I got to ‘know’ them… well you know?!
Zero. Although my daughter who is 23 kept hers intact until she was 20.
Beat her mama by 5 years, I was pleased. lol
I have absolutely no idea and I would never be so rude as to ask or expect them to tell me.
I’m 26. I’ve never really gone around posing the question to my friends and acquaintances (all in the same age range). Off hand I know one who is (or was last time I talked about it with her), and another that my g/f tells me is. My x g/f’s room mate was a virgin and was pretty adamant about it, but I hear things may have changed on that front.
I’m a virgin. My two children truly are blessings!! :P
I know several virgins who are in their late 20’s/early 30’s. Some are in this situation because they are religious, but others have other reasons and circumstances.
@amujinx, The social personality test part makes sense, sometimes I feel I am testing people as well, for their reactions and how they will treat me, except I don’t really tell people that I am a virgin, it seems some people think of me as a “innocent good girl” ...
@nailpolishfanatic, I know how you feel. I’m also in no rush.
@Leanne1986, oh! Sometimes I mix myself up with my point of views, but I think I am also just waiting to lose it to someone I love as well. :)
There are far more clues as to who has had sex (like children or direct knowledge of the act of sex) than there are of lack of having had sex. In short, I have no idea. I suspect a couple people at most.
Yes, I do. Let’s just say she’s a level headed, 18 year old quack who’s waiting for the right guy. ;)
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