Wow Mzgator.
If you can not love and support the US, leave!?!!!?!
How patriotic is that??
I think you left out one key item to being patriotic. I think an UNDERSTANDING for the principles your country was founded on, is a key characteristic to being patriotic.
I know it might not always seem like it, but I love our country. I love that it was based on a philosophy that ALL men are created free and equal. I love that it was based on a rule of law created by the people and for the people. I love that WE are the government.
As a 25 year old American, with no kids and a very good job, with lots of time on my hands, I have come to the realization that I should not love my country just because I was taught that it is a great country in history class. I want to love my country, knowing that I am going to have a bright and free future.
I have been seriously struggling to love my country the past 2 years. I still love the founding principles, how could you not, but we have strayed soooooo far from those principles. We have given authority to the President to go to war, we torture, we abolished Habeus Corpus, we work with dictatorships, we are destroying our planet, Social Security, medicare and medicaid, are going to total $52 trillion when the boomers retire. I can go on forever.
America is no longer the land of the free, ruled by the people. It is ruled by a few, but more importantly, greed and “money.” I say “money”, because the “federal” reserve, can single handidly determine what our money is worth.
You are free to feel and think what you want, mzgator. For now. Please dont think everything is peachy keen in the US. It is far from it. Too many people are ignorant to what freedom really is, Its not to be more free than other countries, it is to be absolutely free. To be able to do anything you want, as long as you are not violating someone else’s property or rights.