General Question

poisonedantidote's avatar

What materials can and should be used for holding your plant in a hydroponic system?

Asked by poisonedantidote (21685points) May 27th, 2011

I have seen lots of videos of hydroponic planting systems, there seem to be many ways, but one thing they all seem to share is that the plants are held in something.

Some times it looks like cotton (but is not), other times it looks like clay balls, other times shingles. What are they using?

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3 Answers

YoBob's avatar

Bottom line is that even if you don’t use dirt most plants like to have some sort of medium for their roots to spread out in. There are loads of soil-less mixes out there. The ones I have read about usually use things like vermiculite, sphagnum peat, and clay pellets.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Cotton material is probably perlite. Small gravel works also.

KateLandscaping's avatar

There are lots of growing mediums for hydroponics. There’s clay pellets and pea stones, coconut coir, perlite and a host of others. Important to remember: does not add to / change chemical makeup of the nutrient solution, porous, light, and coarse, allows oxygen and nutrients to easily reach plants roots.

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