On a scale ranging from 0 to 10 how lazy are you ?
The scale:
0 – no laziness whatsoever
10 – a slacker all day long
Ever felt into indolence ? Why ?
How often does it occur ?
Do you like it or not ?
Discuss and try not to flame each other please.
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29 Answers
I’ll start.
I’m a 7 [ my bad and my shame here ]
I sorta enjoy being lazy.
Wish I could change this somehow.
I guess I would be a 3
I like to use the computer and just relax but i am active a lot.
Probably 4–5. If I didn’t have the necessity to work as much as I do and if I could afford to luxuriate, I’d be about a 7.
A 7 or 8. In other words, I spend hours each day on the computer but I also trim shrubbery and plant flowers and vegetables. I sometimes wash the dogs and dry them and cook dinner but I’m still lazy and so lucky I can get away with it!
It varies, now I’m hovering at 7.5…uhm, now I’m at 6. I hate being lazy but sometimes I’m too lazy to even hate myself for being lazy. It’s an idiotic cycle.
I’m too lazy to even respond to this question… oh, wait.
Let me think about this… I’d say… ehhh, I’ll think about this one later.
I have a habit to delay something (why should I do it today if I can do it tomorrow?). So I’m going to say 7.
If lazy doesn’t just mean sitting on my butt doing nothing, but rather putting off what should be done in favor of things that are more enjoyable…
I’m an 8
‘Bout a 7, i would say. I enjoy it way too much.
If there’s an option that’s higher than 10, I’d take it.
It really depends. When there is something I really need doing I am about a 2 (I prefer to work smarter than harder). However, on those rare weekends when I get to have some “me” time, definitely a 10+
It goes in waves. When I’m really depressed, it is easily a 10. I can sit on my butt all day and just mope, and moping uses up all of my energy.
When I’m not depressed, I’d say it ranges from a 0–5. I have my days, for sure. Overall, I was raised that laziness is one of the worst traits a person can possibly have, so I feel overwhelmed with guilt when I know that I’m being lazy. I definitely have my moments, though.
Depends on the hour of the day. I will go 0–12 all throughout the day!
It’s ever changing.
Some weeks it could be 10+, my rocket is orbiting the earth at warp speed.
Others a -10…total inertia and over-indulgence.
Meh…everything in life is of a cyclic nature, and, there are cycles within cycles, within cycles.
I’m a go with flow type, and, the more you accept and allow for the cycles the quicker they pass.
What we resist, persists. ;-)
I’d say maybe 5–7 depending on what day and time it is. I don’t enjoy it very much.
5. I like to get my slack on, so much so that I’ll go out of my way to do more work ahead of time to reduce work. So I can’t be that much of a slacker.
8. I don’t like doing things. My freetime consists of sleep, music, reading and watching movies. Eating’s in there, but I’m often too lazy to make food, so…
At work, I’d say I’m a 0 Monday thru Thursday. Friday morning, I work my tail off but after lunch, I’ve about had it and do as little as possible. On the weekends, at home, I’d say I’m a 9 or 10. I like to sit around and do whatever the hell I want to do.
At work, about a 1 (I take little breaks between projects to surf the net, but I work ten hour days).
At home, about a 3. I try to do nothing, but I’m always seeing chores that need doing. I have to force myself to have a do nothing day (and that’s only if I’m caught up on chores).
Depends on the situation. When I’m on a job I’m working right out strait all day till I quit for the day. Then there are times when i don’t want to do anything at all even when I could be getting after it, mostly procrastination. So I would have to average it the best way i can and call it a 4 ish
Maybe 6. I can be real lazy at times and active as well. It just depends on the timing, mood, the weather…blame it on nature. :)
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