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XOIIO's avatar

Minecraft circuit that once activated stays active until reset?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) May 27th, 2011

I am making a subway system for my minecraft place, and I want to have it set up like this. Just ahead of each stop/detour there is a button that you press, that changes an intersection for you to take. On the other side of the intersection is a pressure plate track to reset it, so basically, you press the button, the track changes and doesnt go back to normal until you cross the pressure plate. How can I set this up?

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1 Answer

gasman's avatar

@XOIIO I didn’t see this question until just now. I’m not familiar with Minecraft & I’m not entirely sure what it is, even after reading the Wikipedia article on it! For a minute I thought you were building something like a model railroad or some other real thing. So I was thinking actual hardware. A flip-flop that you set with the button and reset by the pressure plate would work nicely here.

The pushbutton is normally “debounced” either in hardware (e.g., one-shot monostable timer) or in software (e.g., time delay subroutine) before feeding its output to the flip-flop or other single-bit memory device. Instead of a pressure plate I’d have suggested a light beam detector. You could make the circuit with either D or J-K type flip-flops, but inverters (i.e., NOT-gates) may be needed, too, serving as logical “glue” that holds the circuit together. The only design spec is expected transit time from pushbutton to exit detector.

Then I see it’s a video game, so forget everything I said and never mind. But then I discovered that there’s a whole Minecraft world of simulated electronics, described at this Wiki-Minecraft site, which shows some of the Redstone circuits (?) I guess it depends more on your familiarity with Minecraft resources (zero, in my case) than knowledge of electronics.

Here’s an excerpt from the Minecraft wiki that sounds kind of sketchy, vis-a-vis reality:
“Redstone wire will carry a charge 15 blocks…the darkness of the wire will change the longer it is. To make Redstone Wire, with Redstone Dust in your hand, right click on the block you want it on…”

Whatever floats your boat ~

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