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Jaltcoh's avatar

Why has Paul Lieberstein (Toby) appeared so thin all of a sudden on The Office?

Asked by Jaltcoh (281points) May 27th, 2011

In the just-concluded season of The Office (season 7), Paul Lieberstein, who plays Toby Flenderson, looks much thinner than he did in the past. This seems to be a sudden change. For instance, in the last episode of the previous season (season 6), he looks his usual self. In past seasons he’s had a medium build, not heavy but not especially skinny.

I’ve tried some obvious Google searches [why is toby paul lieberstein skinny, has toby paul lieberstein lost weight], but all I find are other people asking the question with no one answering, or spammy sites.

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8 Answers

incendiary_dan's avatar

Probably some lag between filming. He could have lost weight gradually, but it would have appeared sudden if they filmed a few episodes, then waited a few months, and then shot the rest later.

blueberry_kid's avatar

One Word: Lypo.

deni's avatar

I noticed that too! He was skinnier, if I remember correctly, in the first few seasons….and then he plumped up. And now he’s super thin….dunno. I thought it was bizarre too.

Jaltcoh's avatar

incendiary_dan: Even if a few months went by, it’s still a pretty striking change.

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breedmitch's avatar

I do not know the answer, but I have also wondered.
Two seasons ago he was off the show for a while while in “Costa Rica” and recently he was gone again while Holly came back. I forget the reason the storyline gave…
Seems like some sort of illness, but that is pure speculation.

deni's avatar

@breedmitch jury duty for the Scranton Strangler, duh! :)

breedmitch's avatar

Right, right.

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