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Your_Majesty's avatar

Can a gross scene from TV actually take away your appetite?

Asked by Your_Majesty (8238points) May 27th, 2011

Most people who are eating and see something they consider as disgusting from TV (trash,feces,worms,stray rats,porn etc) claim that it costs their appetite. I’m not sure if this is merely a popular culture. There were times when I were eating with my sister while we suddenly watch a scene of rat colony with dirty and disgusting surroundings. She said that she has lost her appetite for that but she ate her food a few moment after that anyway. It has no effect on me whatsoever,unless it’s really in front of me. I don’t correlate my food with my surroundings.

So how about you? Got any experience?

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22 Answers

WestRiverrat's avatar

No, I never eat with the TV on.

YARNLADY's avatar

It doesn’t bother me one bit.

HungryGuy's avatar

Nope! I was snacking on cheesy poofs while watching The Human Centipede :-p

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Never from the TV, no. However, eating while sitting at the table with my two grown friends that had chicken pox caused me to lose my appetite. I literally gagged and had to leave. It was so mean, and not at all like me, but I had no control.
The one wasn’t so bad, however, the other had what I can only imagine to be one of the worst case scenarios when it comes to chicken pox. She developed a fever which caused her to sweat profusely.. and the blisters were everywhere. It was horrible, and I felt bad that she was suffering.. but it was pretty awful to look at while trying to eat. I can’t lie.

ETA: It must be really bad that I can’t even find a picture on the internet that looks as bad as hers was. Usually the worst photos are the first ones to come up in searches, but none of these even come close.

mooks6780's avatar

yea. too bad it doesnt happen often enough to lose weight…

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Yes. Anything to show animals or humans giving birth, blech.

knitfroggy's avatar

Years ago, when I was probably about 12 there was a show on called The Surgery. It was before Discovery Health and all the medical reality type shows we have now. We watched them do a hip replacement once and when they stuck a long tool in the leg bone to ream out the marrow, I about lost it. We had just eaten supper and I almost threw up. I think if we’d watched it during supper, I wouldn’t have been able to finish. My sister really did throw up when we were watching The Frugal Gourmet once and he showed a boiled sheep’s head.

ragingloli's avatar

It never did.

keobooks's avatar

I think it depends on the person. Some folk have a weak stomach and/or an active imagination.I knew some girl in college who would start retching if someone made a sound like passing gas while she ate. Even if it was obviously fake, she’d lose her appetite because for whatever reason flatulence completely disgusted her.

I think the only thing that really gets me is the sound of someone puking. It doesn’t matter if it’s on television or live but I will lose it if I hear that sound.

cockswain's avatar

A few times. Salo, Senseless, some scenes during the Saw movies, and most recently Jackass 3. Particularly the Preston Lacey sweatsuit.

I was unable to even drink beer during the Human Centipede. God that was foul.

Kayak8's avatar

I have a nurse stomach—I can watch just about anything whilst eating without impact.

cockswain's avatar

Nurse stomach is probably the toughest stomach in the world. I was a volunteer EMT/Firefighter for a few years and didn’t see squat compared to what nurses see.

Kayak8's avatar

@cockswain I developed my nurse stomach from searching for human remains with my dog. There isn’t too much that grosses me out . . . I agree that there were very few things I saw as an EMT that could compare with what my dog and I find . . .

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WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Yes, I watched this while I was eating an italian Subway sandwich….. I had to quit eating.

markylit's avatar

Yeah it happens with me. So I have stopped watching TV while eating.

Hibernate's avatar


And for those with hepatitis they can even vomit instant.

downtide's avatar

I can watch almost anything on TV without losing my appetite – except for someone puking.

rock4ever's avatar

I never lose my appetite (:

YARNLADY's avatar

@downtide Are you ever around small children? I had one let loose on my lap while I was eating last week and it didn’t faze me a bit.

downtide's avatar

@YARNLADY not since my daughter was little – she’s now 22.

Berserker's avatar

I’m with you. I might loose my appetite if I see it for real, but I’ve got a stomach of iron. Nothing much phases me, TV or real life. Unless it’s live worms, I can’t stand that. Otherwise I’m good. Gore, poop, rot, whatever. Smells and sounds affect me a lot more than sight when it comes to some of that stuff.

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