Social Question

Brian1946's avatar

What are your thoughts or feelings concerning this video about Grand Rapids, MI?

Asked by Brian1946 (32782points) May 27th, 2011

I heard that Grand Rapids was put on a list of dying cities.

The citizens responded by creating this video, done to the tune of Don McLean’s American Pie.

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12 Answers

Mamradpivo's avatar

Good for them, and may the Midwest rise again… Honest, hardworking people will always come out on top, but it may take a while before we all realize that again.

jaytkay's avatar

Holy moly!! That was one continuous shot with a cast of hundreds! Good job!

I grew up there.
Hi Mom!

Mamradpivo's avatar

Okay, I wanted to be the first to answer this question, so I hadn’t watched the whole video. As an American living abroad, this video gave me goosebumps. I’m not entirely sure why, but it was seriously moving. This video honestly challenges my perceptions of Michigan and makes me feel for the folks who’ve spent the last several decades bearing the brunt of short-sighted American corporate and economic policy.

Video-wise, it was amazing and I gave it a thumbs-up and recommend that every other jelly do the same.

Brian1946's avatar


“this video gave me goosebumps. I’m not entirely sure why, but it was seriously moving.”

Same here. I cried when I saw it, and I also gave a thumb up to the Thumb.

Kayak8's avatar

I thought this was a terrific video (but I am partial to the music used). Also gave me goose bumps!

rebbel's avatar

Very well organized, very well shot, thumbs up for that.
Doesn´t give me goose bumps though.

wilma's avatar

I love it!
I cried a little too.

BarnacleBill's avatar

I love the midwest.

augustlan's avatar

Really, really nice. I like how the people pulled together to get this done. I hope it does some good for them.

JLeslie's avatar

My thoughts are of the incredibly wonderful people who live in MI, who tell great stories and are some the most down to earth people I know. For the over 10,000 lakes in the state, and the surrounding Great Lakes that are as blue as the caribbean in some areas.

Really sad how MI has gone through so many years of economic decline.

Gooooo Green!

wilma's avatar

Go White
Thank you for your support @JLeslie .
We have been struggling economically for so many years.
Off topic for a moment. It was during the 2008 Michigan primaries that the ongoing economic problems of Michigan came in focus for the rest of the U.S. and then it seemed like it spread. All of a sudden everyone was having economic problems.

Grand Rapids is a wonderful city, I’m very proud of their community spirit.

JLeslie's avatar

@wilma I have said more than once that the best thing that happened for the big three, and in turn helps MI, is the whole country basically went into an economic crisis. Very few outside of MI would have supported the government helping the auto manufacturers otherwise in my opinion. Even I did not feel sorry for them. I have never bought an American car for myself (I am considering a Ford next though). While married my husband has owned a few (not that I don’t sometimes drive those cars to, but my point is in the past, I, personally, never considered buying an American car). My parents had them while I was growing up, and by the time I was driving they had given up them. They broke down all too often, and the steering sucked among other things. So, right when I was forming my opinions about cars as a new driver, Japanese cars were really getting big market shares, and very common to see on the road where I lived. The Big Three were greedy, complacent, narrow minded, out of touch with the coasts, and cocky; and the union was right there with managament and the owners from what I could tell. Humble Pie.

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