I saw the same thing Judi did but I guess I just interpreted it differently.
Rachel’s reference to Dan Savage’s campaign was a bit oblique but definitely intentional since it results in yet another round of Google searches for those who were unfamiliar with what she was referencing.
Basically Santorum told a little anecdote about a sweet little old lady’s dog peeing on his lap while he was going door to door campaigning. He used that to bring home the point that in spite of his wet crotch, he was just going to “soldier on”.
Rachel’s interpretation was that he told it purposely to deflect from the previous negative publicity associated with “Spreading Santorum”.
However, she opined, that it was an unfortunate choice of story to tell since it again involved a dog which just brought back memories of his infamous quote about gay marriage paving the way for acceptance of all other types of perversions (including “man- on-dog” sex).
Not such a smart move after all since that was the phrase which raised the ire of Dan and the rest of the gay community for equating being gay with bestiality.
She stopped short of going into the full details of it all but the irony of the unfortunate choice of a “dog story” was definitely not lost on anyone familiar with the previous “dog” quote.
When I said she was riding on the humor coattails of Dan’s previous campaign, I certainly did not mean it in a disparaging way at all but rather as a “tip of the hat” to her cleverness and prompt action in registering the domain. She is one quick smart lady.
And she and Dan Savage are certainly not exactly strangers to each other since he has appeared on her shows several times and they are both out and proud gay professionals.
And I couldn’t help but think that should Dan ever in the future find a clever way to use “even dog pee can’t stop Santorum” I doubt she would be adverse to loaning him the domain name :)
Plus, this serves to keep it out of the hands of the less worthy (such as members of Santorum’s campaign staff).
I’m assuming that she was the originator of the phrase since it made it’s first appearance on her show?
I can’t do links from iPhone so hopefully someone can link to the clip which is on the web where she quotes his little story verbatim and her interpretation of it’s significance.
For lovers of irony, here’s another cute little tidbit:
Evidently he’s going to stick with the new catchphrase for his campain since it’s still plastered across his homepage.
Fighting To Make America America Again.
Interestingly, this is a direct quote from a poem by Langston Hughes, a black author widely presumed to be gay (even tho he never explicitly said so). But there weren’t even any white folks coming out of the closet during that time period (and presumably he wished to live a long happy life without fear of being killed) so that’s certainly understandable.
But you would think that whoever was the “genius” on his staff who decided this would make a good catchphrase, might have run it through a Google search to see if it was already in existence?
Or maybe Santorum and all of his staff still have an extreme case of Google-Phobia :)
And the hits just keep coming for Santorum. You couldnt make this stuff up if you tried. Sometimes truth really is stranger than fiction.