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mazingerz88's avatar

What is that "one thing" that you will remember most about a loved one?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) May 28th, 2011

This person could be your wife, husband, child, friend or parent. More often than not, this person did something that made its mark in your memory and one you will never forget. Whether it’s good or bad, this memorable thing has defined the person and the role he or she has in your life. Thanks!

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21 Answers

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marinelife's avatar

I have great memories of my Grandfather. He had a beautfiul singing voice. He used a lot of colorful sayings like “We got back the same day we left.”

He used to take me fishing with bamboo poles in little ponds out in the country. One time my sister and I were playing with a fish that he (or one of us) had caught which he had put on the string, and the fish flipped off. My grandfather lunged for the fish and caught it in both hands, but sat down in the sand at the edge of the pond, which made him mad, but made the two of us laugh like crazy.

He always had a roll of butter rum lifesavers in his pocket, which he gave out freely. Tasting that flavor always makes me think of him.

He would get up very early in the morning, and I would get up too. He would reheat biscuits from dinner the night before, and we would eat them with butter and cane syrup. So good! It was a private time for just the two of us.

hermit's avatar

My dad died almost twenty years ago. I miss him a lot. As I get older I realize I become like him; a hermit. I remember we used to work in the garden for hours without exchange a single word. I miss that silent, happy moment together. I’m still looking for the same type of man in my life; someone you can spend time doing nothing, yet feel so peaceful and loved.

Cruiser's avatar

Her hair and perfume! ;)

Neizvestnaya's avatar

My grandfather- his compassion.

john65pennington's avatar

My mother and her fried prune pies.

I remeber distinctly as to how I had to run to the bathroom, after eating just one.

janbb's avatar

My brother’s gentle caretaking of me: I still look for it from someone.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@john65pennington: Prune pies are the BEST! My grandmother used to make them, thin pies but with both crusts, dusted with crumbled sugar and sooooooooooo delicious.

mazingerz88's avatar

Dad – cried after seeing me so thin while suffering from a terrible heartache in my early 20s.

Mom – sent me 5 separate small amount checks earned by cleaning houses to help me out. Instead of cashing the checks I framed them to remind me how much my Mom loves me.

Sunny2's avatar

My grandmother whom I visited when my parents needed me to, like when other sibs were being born. She knew I liked marshmallows, and would have some on hand. Once, she apologized because they were a bit stale. Being a polite kid, I said, “Oh that’s all right. I like stale marshmallows.” Thereafter, she saved marshmallows and gave them to me even when they were rock hard. Rock hard marshmallows and home made grape juice. What a treat.

Hibernate's avatar

I’ll remember random facts about them [ with no meaning ].

AshLeigh's avatar

The way his eyes lie…

YARNLADY's avatar

My parents were very strict, yet very loving. Their example proves that a good parent does not have to be a “hugger”.

pshizzle's avatar

Sense of humor.

ovisaries's avatar

Ex girlfriend- The way her lips felt against mine..

aprilsimnel's avatar

Mommy could be sarcastically deadpan enough that even her best friends or Dad could sometimes miss that she was being sarcastic. She had a really dry sense of humour.

AshLeigh's avatar

The way his bottom lip was WAY too big… Damn he was a good kisser. /:

Cruiser's avatar

Red ribbon and a brass bell! ;)

Berserker's avatar

My dad, for always trying to fix up every one of my fuckups lol.

john65pennington's avatar

2nd Answer:

My brother for trying to teach me to play golf.

He knew I hated golf and I guess he just wanted to see if he could change my mind. Not!

Magdalene's avatar

The way HE cares for me..the way he gets worried about me..the way he smiles wen I talk..the way he hugs me..the way he lifts me up..the way he shows me that I am the first and best for him

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