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Ltryptophan's avatar

How much does your backspace key know?

Asked by Ltryptophan (12091points) May 28th, 2011

If you’ll accept that by pressing backspace, you have unknowingly told your backspace key everything it’s ever deleted, then what state would you be in if it came to life and spilled the beans?

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7 Answers

jaytkay's avatar

edoc terces a htiw detcetorp era yeht tub sgniht fo tol a swonk yek ecapskcab yM

incendiary_dan's avatar

Not much that’s worth knowing. The good stuff, after all, gets saved and published. It’s probably get an impression of me as a much angrier person than I actually am.

thorninmud's avatar

It would know what a lousy speller I am.

YARNLADY's avatar

My backspace knows there is an escape key that will make it all right again.

marinelife's avatar

Mostly, it knows what a bad typist I am.

anartist's avatar

not at all worried—backspacing is for a couple of letters—too much work for anything more.
When do you expect select-and-delete to kiss and tell?

Nullo's avatar

I would look awfully indecisive. I’ll pound out three paragraphs, re-write them for length, change my wording, rearrange lines, and end up with just a couple of sentences that say what I think I mean.
Sometimes I’ll highlight a block of text and proceed to delete it by typing anew.

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